Dead bird

Jak-daw Raventhrull's page

Organized Play Member. 12 posts (114 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character. 2 aliases.


Grand Lodge

Alright, I guess mdt's input on the situation is official since nobody has said one way or another

Grand Lodge

Heading to bed in a bit. I will check back tomorrow for replies and hopefully answers.

Grand Lodge

I don't mean to revive a thread that has been dead for a couple years now but. I do need clarification on this. I am playing an Oracle of Metal and I would like to know if the above reply is true or not. I cannot find an official ruling on it anywhere. Personally I would be happy if it was just adding the Str mod to damage but if anyone could help me with this it would be nice to know how it really works! Thanks :)

Grand Lodge

Ok i know its an old post...but i have a character im trying to make and this is the type of weapon i have been envisioning her there an updated version of this base weapon...and is it throwable like a chakram as well?

Grand Lodge

Ty kindly sir! :)

Grand Lodge

Alright after all was said and done I ended up using some third party material. Jak-daw endedup a dex build tengukensei (magus archetype) who uses an aldori dueling sword. My wife/gm also worked with me a lil and allowed me to switch the +2 wis with +2 int so that the stats worked a little better. I ended up with the following...

Jak-daw Draevix Raventhrull
Race: Tengu
Tengukensai (magus)- 1
Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Str 12
Dex 18 (+1 @ 4th, 8th, 16th, and 20th)
Con 12
Int 16
Wis 12
Cha 7 (+1 @ 12th)

HP: 29 (high due to **Heroic Durability**)
Fort +3 Ref +4 Will +3

**Bonus Heroic House Feat: Heroic Durability (+20 hp @ 1st lvl) **
** house rule for heroic campaigns**

Feat: weapon finesse

Weapon: masterwork aldori dueling blade
Armor: studded leather
AC: 16 Touch: 14 Flat-footed: 12
Traits: Sword scion (+1 att/cmb with aldori dueling blade)
Sword lords page (+1 to confirm crits with slashing weapons)
Magical Lineage (shocking grasp)

Grand Lodge

Ok now I really like both of these builds alot. I was just discussing the inquisitor build with my wife but this statting for magus is really good . My wife wants this campaign to provide a challenge moreso than the last few so I have no problems goinq with the stats here. From hearing my up and coming group talk about their characters nobody seems to be going with heavy optimization. We all want a fun challenge here and their will also be a larger focus on roleplay than hack n slash but there will be ample opportunity for the latter as well. Tyvm for your input. I think I we ill really enjoy this character for whom my forum name was coined after. Magus for the win here. I will be sure to post in the future on Jak-daw's progress.

Grand Lodge

Thank everyone for the advice and ill take your suggestions to heart. Im still open to any helpful advice for appropriate stat suggestions with a 20 point buy for magus or inquisitor tengu. I really wanted to use a nodachi if I could pull off a str build.

Grand Lodge

Nimon wrote:

Tengu have a rogue archetype called the Swordmaster in the Advanced Race Guide. It might be a good choice if you were going to take a few levels in rogue. Going dex based and agile enchantment on weapon could be a good choice.

Usually if I go magus and its allowed I go Kensi/BladeBound archetypes.

What exactly does the Agile enchantment do? I cant recall coming across that one. I will check out the swordmaster as well but I was hoping for a pure class unless I went eldritch knight later.

Grand Lodge

I was thinking inquisitor for a bit but I like the idea if casting an attacking in the same turn...the str + katana build might be fun and nobody is really going for complete optimizing in this campaign. Maybe the dex build would be the best path I just wanted something a little more original and unique but still not totally gimped out.

Grand Lodge

blackbloodtroll wrote:

Nobody can do anything about Psychic Warrior, as that is third party, and not appropriate here.

What exactly do you want to do?

Magus may be the best path, but it may not.

What books are allowed? [/QUOTE

Books allowed are ultimate magic, ultimate combat, ultimate equipment, and advanced players guide. I wanted to make a good burst damage character, with agood repetoire of combat spells and buffs that weilds a sawtooth sabre or maybe a bastard sword. Enlarge person was gonna be one of his signature buffs and I was thinking ray of enfeeblemnent and shocking grasp as two of his main low level attack spells. If a decent AC is possible I would like that as well since magus cannot self heal without dipping into 3rd party stuff I dont think. And srry about asking for psychic warrior advice im new to the forums and somewhat new to pathfinder and thought there was published material on psionics in pathfinder for some reason lol. Guess im still somewhat stuck in 3rd and 3.5.

Grand Lodge

I am creating a new character with a 20 point buy for a new campaign my wife is starting. I was thinking about either a tengu magus or a tengu psychic warrior. Can someone give me any suggestions on an appropriate statting or all out build for either? I know it sounds stupid but I was hoping for more of a strength build than dex. Ive never made a tengu and the magus sounds amazingly fun. Any suggestions?