Shoanti Tribeswoman

Jade Tian's page

62 posts. Alias of Kyrademon.

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Dear Diary:

This has been the worst day. A catastrophe. A simple and utter catastrophe. Audrahni must be convinced I am an idiot. This is not surprising, since I am also convinced I am an idiot. Why did I even bring up the flowers? And why did the flowers attack me?

Why is everything on land trying to kill me?

I just wish I knew how to talk to it. Him? Her? I wish I understood how to distinguish land dwellers better. I asked Akkumsah, who said something incomprehensible about chest bouyancy sacs and told me to ask Azriel, who said something even more incomprehensible about bees. Anyway, regarding Audrahni, the others seem to call him her. Her her. So he’s probably female. I’ll try to remember that. I really should have asked during our time together, but now it’s too late and it apparently NEVER HAPPENED ANYWAY.

Also, I was almost eaten by spiders.


Part I – Ordu-Anganhei

THE STEPPES OF HONGAL – Gozran 26 through Gozran 28

WEATHER: Cool, pleasant

Your journey through the Uqtaal Necropolis has taken you some distance to the east of the Path of Aganhei. Ulf advises you to get back on the road as soon as possible; while the few Hon cities and the roads that connect them are kept safe for merchants and the vast wealth they have brought into Hongal in recent decades, the nomadic horse tribes that control the far vaster part of Hongal are still a bit “old fashioned,” as Ulf puts it, and by the Khan’s law any Caravan not on the roads or in a city is considered the property of the first tribe that finds it – the goods and the people both.

Fortunately, you encounter no horsemen during the two days’ travel it takes to get back to the Path only the vast empty grasslands to one side and the towering mountains to the other. You reach the Path, snaking out of the southern end of the Altan Zuud pass, without difficulty, and turn south to travel another day to Ordu-Aganhei.

A hundred years ago, Ordu-Aganhei was a nameless fort constructed on the shore of a sulfur-rimed lake fed by thermal hot springs. It was built by the Khan of that time to keep a permanent eye on the Altan Zuud pass, in case the Osman, Khorki, or Ulaagor Erutaki decided to turn their attention to raids on their southern neighbors across the mountains.

When the Path of Aganhei became a major trading route, the fort became the last stop for the huge, rich Caravans heading north to Avistan and the first stop for those heading south to Tian Xia. With immense wealth flooding it twice a year – and the nomadic tribes of Hongal never a people to turn down a gift horse – it began to grow rapidly, blossoming from a double-digit garrison into the city of some 9,000 souls that it is today. Not the largest city in the world by any stretch of the imagination, but a perfectly respectably sized town.

It is technically the capital of Hongal, but the true rulership of the land rests with the traveling nomadic court of the Khan. Control of the city is traditionally given to a relative of the Khan, and it is currently ruled by Prince Batsaikhar, the Khan’s younger brother, who is said to relish the comforts and benefits of civilization normally looked down on by the Hon nomads. Apparently called the Golden One by his subjects, he has been attempting to turn his city at the edge of the Arctic Circle into an oasis of luxury and hospitality in the icy desert of despair.

As you approach the city’s north gate, you see the town is surrounded by a stout timber wall some 40 feet high, topped with spikes decorated with the severed heads of bandits who preyed upon the Path of Aganhei. Since no Caravans are likely to be heading north for a few months yet, or south for another several months after that, it is the off season for bandits as well, and the heads are somewhat old.

The exception, of course, to the lack of Caravans is your own. And when you approach the gate, this immediately causes suspicion.

The north gate is a decorated tower with a single 30 foot high reinforced iron door and some 30 guards inside, mostly human and a few tengu. A Caravan approaching from the north in the off-season is apparently an unheard of occurrence, and the guards examine the you, your goods, and your wagons with barely hidden suspicion. Their examination is strict and thorough, dust swirling around them as they work.

They do not look like they believe what you are telling them, and it is beginning to look as if they are not going to allow you to enter the city.

You return to Kalsgard as the sun is setting. This is, of course, still quite early in the evening, given where you are and the time of year. You return the horses, and discover that in your absence, the Caravan has been quietly looked after by its Varisian neighbors in the Caravan park, many of whom know Sandru Vhiski and Koya Mvashti well.

Tomorrow, the city will be in an uproar. A respected merchant named Lute Haggersley will make a series of accusations about the Rimerunners Guild and Thorborg Silverskorr, accusations that will include kidnap, torture, consorting with devils, creating a public nuisance, theft without repayment, failure to announce blood feud, failure to pay weregild, and “being a hideous purple ogre”. After a quick initial check into the claims, King Sveinn Blood-Eagle will immediately suspend all of the Rimerunners Guild’s operations and seize all of their assets. As a more thorough investigation proceeds, the king will publicly distance himself from his former cordial relations with the Guild and its members.

But tonight, none of that is yet known. You have returned with your friends, comrades, relations and loved ones safe and now well.

And the night is young.

And so we begin "The Hungry Storm", Part 1 - To The World's End.

So, in The Hungry Storm ...

Spoiled just in case people don't want to know:
... it is likely that the characters will travel through polar regions where a single day or night can last for months.

How will divine casters that refresh based on time of day get their spells back?

Obviously, there are ways to get around it, but I was wondering what other people had in mind ...

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You arrive back at the Caravan and are greeted happily by the companions you left behind, including an awake and hale Ameiko. After introductions are made between them and the four additional people you have brought back with you, you are unsurprised to learn that Sandru is calling a Caravan meeting tonight to discuss the implications of what has happened, and decide what should be done next. It is implied that Ameiko, at least, will have something to say.

However, before that occurs, he has allowed a half hour or so for people to change clothes, clean up, eat some food (or cook it, if they wish), and chat beforehand.

Welcome back.

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It starts in a tavern. But then, it always starts in a tavern, doesn’t it? But this time, there’s actually a reason why. There’s a story behind it, settle in.

The Licktoad goblins of Brinestump Marsh have grown unusually aggressive of late. The reason for their uncharacteristic bravery isn’t a mystery – the goblins have somehow managed to arm themselves with what appears to be a considerable supply of explosives. Well, fireworks. For a goblin, that’s close enough. Their new armament has made them dangerously brave.

Several merchant caravans and travelers have already been attacked. There have been no deaths yet, but with the last few attacks resulting in severe injuries to three unfortunate travelers, the problem has escalated from an annoyance to a threat. But none of the attacks have yet inconvenienced Magnimar – only Sandpointers and other Lost Coasters have been hit so far – so the forces of the big city have been slow to react. Unwilling to idly sit by and wait for the goblin problem to escalate to actual deaths on the Lost Coast Road, Sandpoint’s leaders have put out the call for goblin exterminators.

But it’s been a number of years since Sandpoint had significant monster troubles, and it has since returned to being a relatively sleepy town. The stalwart adventurers who at one time defended the city against giants and dragons (all right, one dragon – but still) have retired, left to pursue greater adventures, or are otherwise preoccupied with their own pursuits. And Sandpoint’s city watch, always running at a lean enrollment, can’t afford to send patrols into the trackless expanse of Brinestump, although they have stepped up their presence along the Lost Coast Road itself.

The task of wading into the notorious local wetland falls instead to adventurers, be they concerned locals honestly eager to aid the town or greedy mercenaries looking to make relatively easy coin. To deal with the goblin threat, Sheriff Belor Hemlock has restored Sandpoint’s old “goblin bounty” after several years of inactivity – it was suspended when a group of eager but too-young adventurers were swept out to sea while in pursuit of goblin ears. The town of Sandpoint will pay 10 gp for every relatively fresh goblin ear delivered to the town hall – with an additional reward of 300 gp for the group who can bring in the head of the Licktoads’ leader, Chief Gutwad.

A few brave souls have already made the attempt, but nothing has been heard of them in the 3 days since they entered Brinestump Marsh, and just last night, another round of colorful explosions burst over the wetlands south of Sandpoint. The goblins are doubtless readying a new attack. So now there’s a plan.

Two groups of volunteers will head to two different sections of the marsh. One will be a small party of seasoned adventurers, sent to what is thought to be the most dangerous part of the marsh – Ameiko Kaijitsu, Koya Mvashti, Sandru Vhiski, and Shalelu Andosana.

The other group will be a larger, less experienced party, sent to mop up what will probably be goblin stragglers in what is surely the safer section. No doubt they will gain some valuable adventuring experience, and the Lost Coast Road will be that much safer for it.

That would be you.

Both groups are assembling at Ameiko Kaijitsu’s tavern, the Rusty Dragon, to chat before heading out. The four from the first group are already there, as is Sherriff Hemlock, patiently awaiting the arrival of everyone else so he can talk with them about the task before them.

Ameiko, a beautiful but somewhat irreverent woman of Tian descent and Sandpoint’s most unlikely noblewoman, is currently tending bar. Always fond of unusual hairstyles, she has bleached two long strips a snowy white. The snake tattoo on her upper arm seems to writhe in the flickering firelight that lights the tavern. It is a cloudy early morning, and the light and warmth of the fire is welcome.

Sandru, a handsome man now only few years from middle age, sits on a barstool and chats with her, with a quick laugh and an easy wit. His caravan is back in town once again, and he naturally agreed to help out his home.

And with the caravan also comes Koya, a woman in remarkably good shape, physically, for someone well over 60 years of age. She sits at a side table, and appears to be cultivating a mysterious air, although admittedly she doesn’t have to work very hard at it. Mystery runs in her family.

Shalelu, sitting across from her, may give her a run for her money in the mystery department, however. The blond-haired elf has always come and gone for reasons of her own, and few know her well enough to ask her why or where she goes.

Sitting alone and surveying the scene from a corner is the balding Sherriff Hemlock, a stern expression on his face as he glances at the door and wonders exactly what sort of unblooded, overconfident volunteers are about to stumble through it.

Come in and say hi.

Hi, all! As those of you in this game arrive, please answer the following questions –

1) What race and character class would you like to play?

(If you have no strong feelings about it yet, please feel free to post a few possible ideas. If you are relatively new to Pathfinder and do not know enough to venture a suggestion, e-mail me with a vague idea of the kind of character you might like to play in a Dungeons and Dragons type setting and I will suggest some possibilities and discuss them with you. Pathfinder is very flexible in terms of potential character builds.)

2) Would you like to play in “We Be Goblins!” before we begin Jade Regent?

(Playing in We Be Goblins is not a requirement for playing in Jade Regent when it starts.)

This is the thread for OOC discussion of the Golarion Free For All PBP game.

PC that Loves Pain has not participated in any online campaigns.