Jacob Rennels's page

2 posts. Organized Play character for Freedom Snake.


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Also, another fun vehicle option is motospheres. 1 pack will provide transport for 8 people (4 drivers with a passenger). When those are expended, put them away and pull out the second pack. I've never encountered a situation where a third one is possible.

On the topic of vehicles, Thursty, can we get the trains from AP6 added to the AR as legal purchases? I really want to build a character who lives in and operates a train parked on Absalom Station. I understand I'll never have a way to get it off the station, and I'm ok with that, but given the lack of player housing options, having my own train would be really cool!

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Another consideration is that vehicles have dimensions, not just the size. For example, an Armored Transport with a passenger bay (which I own on one character) is 2 adjacent large bases, but its overall size is huge (which normally means 3x3 instead of 2x4. Can you ship two adjacent large bases in a cargo hold? If so, couldn't that fit in a drake or a pegasus?

My GM for 2-00 allowed me to bring it down to the surface for the tier 9-10 final encounter. Our envoy was able to hang out inside the truck (full cover) and use its planetary comm unit to use abilities over the radio to us. It was assumed that the means to see while driving would be an acceptable means to see in combat. Plus the auto-pilot allowed them to stay within 30 feet as needed.

It was actually a lot of fun piling out of the swat van, kicking on the autopilot and having the envoy direct us from within the vehicle like a tactical command station.