Montlarion Jeggare

Jacob Burgess's page

Contributor. Organized Play Member. 97 posts (98 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

Dark Archive Contributor

In an amazing twist we will be having a monster huge blog up over the weekend about the Swordsman of Mars by our very own Erik Mona.

Now, understand I asked him to write this up almost in passing to see if I could get a blog to go into a certain slot. No big deal. Just a quick one talking about the differences in text (Disclaimer:The topic of this blog was Gary's idea) in Swordsman.

Apparently this was exactly the wrong thing to say and these words and idea of topic went into the mans ear and triggered certain synapses usually reserved for situations we have long since evolved past. A fire lit in his eyes as he began to tear up his own personal library to find said texts. A flurry of activity, a stint of what I can only imagine as fevered sleep, and much much pouring over texts later, he comes to me with a 3,000+ word *essay* about, well, you need to read it. He details many points I shall not go into here, but suffice it to say it is one helluva read.

The catch was, I didn't have anywhere on the blog schedule to put it any more. So I decided to break the norm with our blog schedule and put it up over the weekend.

Now, this is not something we will be doing regularly, but this blog post, nay, this essay, warranted something a bit extra-ordinary.

The man is passionate about what he does.

Dark Archive Contributor

*trundles onto the stage*

*harumps to clear throat*

*unfurls a legthly scroll, watches as pixies flutter from its depths, mutters "... wondered where they went off too...", harumphs, begins to read in a rich baritone voice* wants to buy your collection of D&D miniatures singles. We offer you store credit that you can use on to purchase any of over 20,000 products we carry. It is easy to get started. Submit a list of the miniatures you wish to sell (preferably in Microsoft Excel format), organized by expansion set. Tell us the number of each figure you are selling, whether they are bagged or not, and whether you still have the card that came with the miniature. Once you have submitted your list, we will get back to you with an offer within two to four weeks.

Miniatures from the following sets are most needed, will get you the highest prices and we will take them unbagged if necessary:

Giants of Legend

These sets are now out of print, but we have some stock so they aren’t as badly needed. Bagged miniatures are preferred but aren’t necessary:

War Drums
War of the Dragon Queen

And finally, these sets are still in print, so only miniatures that are bagged with their original cards will be considered:

Blood War
Desert of Desolation
Night Below
Dungeons of Dread

Please email your list of miniatures you are looking to sell to

That is all.

*trundles off stage to go have a bit of a lie down*

...where did those pixies get off too... so hard to find good help these days...


Dark Archive Contributor

Greetings and Jubilations, oh lurkers of the Paizo's digital pathways!

Allow me to introduce myself! I am Jacob Burgess, "The Goblin Lord", "He Who Waits", "The Blog-wrangler".

I am he what writes the Store Blog. He who coordinates the Paizo Blog. The thing which orders stuff.

My other duties, it is my sad obligation to report, are too numerous and nefarious to put forth in such a format, as Naming them would lash them forever more to this digital landscape, turning it into a wasteland of writhing terror and stale muffins. Animals would run frightened in the field. Milk from the cow would emerge curdled. Dreamers would wake, harried by nightmare visions the waking mind would strain and buckle to even contemplate. Babies would wail and children would weep as treats, given to them by caring parents whose only wish is to comfort them, turned to ash in their mouths. The very firmament would crack and hordes of red-eyed and hungry Goblins would usher forth, with my Monocled self at their head, having been finally brought low by the terrible weight of my burden, my mind a shattered remnant of the man I was.


*walks out, very slowly, twitching slightly underneath his left eye*.

It was a lovely tea party. *twitch twitch*