So, I'm nearly done mastering Conquest of Bloodsworn Vale (which I really enjoyed), and I would like suggestions on what to play next.
TL;DR: Need a module to play Pathfinder or DnD 3.x, probably a dungeon-crawler for 4 8th lvl characters, in a closed environment like a mountain or caves.
I put a lot of efforts and extra work in this module to make a whole mini-campaign out of this 32 pages module. We're nearly done, only the last BBEG remains. So now I need some ideas for a follow-up. I'm moving to another country in 4 months, so not something too long.
Since I'm not familiar with all the stories and modules, and I'm pretty new to PF, I need your help.
I'd like to play:
- Something for characters around lvl 8 (a bit more or a bit less is OK, I could easily adapt, increase or decrease the difficulty)
- Something that isn't too focused on nature and outdoors (since we played outside for a long time already)
- Something that occurs in or near Korvosa, maybe (since the characters will eventually be knighted by the ruler of Korvosa and be given lands in the Bloodsworn Vale, in Varisia, something that happens close to home would be better). Somewhere else in Varisia could be ok, I suppose.
- A module set in the mountains, or in some caves, since there are some near my settings, I could adapt these.
- I personally would like a dungeon-crawl, I still have to ask the players tho.
- A module by Paizo, so I could buy it here, or anything that was made for DD 3.x. I still have some old .pdfs of DnD 3e/3.5e I didn't read, that I could adapt.
I think that's it. If something comes to mind, I'd be glad if you shared your suggestions with me !
GROUP: as of now, my 4 PCs are: 1 Wizard (enchanter, not particularly fit for dungeon-crawls but he's good fun), 1 OP Crane Style UCMonk, his AC is too high, so challenge is fine, 1 UCRogue, and 1 DEX-Based fighter/rogue.
I first thought of adapting the old Forge Of Fury from DnD 3e because I own the book, but some challenges would be a breeze for 8th lvl character, even if I increase the CR and change monsters. Too bad, because it was easy to place this in the location the PC are in. Maybe if you know a module that is similar to Forge Of Fury?
I have tweaked the document a little (not finished yet, I guess).
I have taken in account most of what you guys said, and I still decided to not include some very nice spells that are useful for the party because they grant 2nd effects, but are not optimal HP-wise, or because they are party heals. Some other spells are clearly meant to be cast by a party member, thus don't really count for what I intended to do.
At that point, i'm considering adding some party heals in another section later, perhaps with a basis of a 4 PC party (like in the good old days).
I'm still thinking of how to get some relevant numbers and information for wondrous items, like the ones that provide "infinite" health and such...
I will still add more when things come to my mind, or after some suggestions or yours.
Pummeling style has been updated, I'm digging up because I have the same question.
Pummeling style:
Benefit: Whenever you use a full-attack action or flurry of blows to make multiple attacks against a single opponent with unarmed strikes, total the damage from all hits before applying damage reduction. This ability works only with unarmed strikes, no matter what other abilities you might possess.
Unchained Monk Style Strike: Shattering Punch:
Whenever [the Monk] makes a flurry of blows, he can designate one of his unarmed strikes as a style strike. This attack is resolved as normal, but it has an additional effect depending on the type of strike chosen.
Shattering Punch: The monk delivers a brutal punch that can penetrate defenses. If the attack hits, it bypasses any damage reduction or hardness possessed by the target of that attack.
So I'm confused here. On the one hand we have Shattering Punch that will bypass any DR if the attack hits. And on the other hand we have Pummeling style that will add up all the damage of all the hits before applying any DR.
So will all this count as one big attack hit, and therefore will all the benefits of "special" attacks (like stunning fist or any style strike included in the FoB) count for all the damage?
Because all the damage is grouped up, will shattering punch apply its effect to all the damage, or do I need to count the shattering punch damage separately (which kinda goes against Pummeling style, tbh)?
It's uncleeeeeeaaaaaaar.
Pls halp.
I'm currently trying to build a Hit'n'Run (unchained)RogueX/ShadowDancer1 character.
The concept is rather simple: An Elf (with Darkvision) whose main combat tactics would be Hide >Sneak Attack >Run back >Hide again.
Outside of combat, just a regular scout and skill monkey (no social skill intended).
I want to use the Hit'n'Run tactics in order to take the less risks possible in combat, and thus not investing my ressources on AC and other defenses. The best defense is to actually not being targeted, after all.
It is based off a sample build ("The Unseeable") that you can find in this guide, p143.
So, I had a few questions.
1) Regarding the Wind Stance feat or other feats or means to get some 20% concealment... I guess they do not work if I want to hide using Stealth, am I correct?
I would like to use the powerful Hide In Plain Sight ability of the Shadowdancer to disappear without cover, if I can sneak thanks to concealment.
You create either up to four spheres of darkness that each reduce the illumination level by one step within a 20-foot-radius, or one dimly lit, vaguely humanoid shape. Each sphere must stay within a 10-foot-radius area of one another but can otherwise move as you desire (no concentration required): forward or back, up or down, straight or turning corners, or the like.
The darkness can move up to 100 feet per round. The effect winks out if the distance between you and it exceeds the spell’s range.
Dancing shadows can be made permanent with a permanency spell (for 5000gp, like Dancing Lights).
I would like to know if I can make that spell permanent in order to have a "vaguely humanoid shape that produces dim light" to follow me around like Peter Pan's shadow, in order to always provide me with a dim light area in which I can hide, that would fuel my sneak attack method. It would also be super cool for a shadowdancer to ACTUALLY HAVE a shadow following me!
3) If I get unlimited uses of Acid Splash (thanks to the Minor Magic unchained rogue talent), can I go around and spam one ranged touch AC sneak attack every round, and go back hiding behind my cover/concealement? or does it get more complicated than that?
4) As of now, my main method of getting sneak attacks is to hit and run using an Elven Branched Spear to get Reach, hide and spring out of my cover to deliver a sneak attack, then run back to safety. I can get that done thanks to Stealth at lower levels, the the Scout Archetype (charge at 4th lvl, and movement at 8th), and Hide in Plain Sight for improved sneaking.
Do you guys have any other good suggestions to make for such a hit'n'run oriented character? or other means to get my tactics running?
There is a rogue talent that actually grants you weapon focus. That is all i am aware of. I hope that helps.
Except from that or abilities that grant you access to a feat for X minutes (check thé brawler), idk any way to overcome weapon focus/dazzling display d'or shatter défenses. Or maybe check some style feats, one géants you free intimidante check when you attack
I updated the document and added several sheets.
I added things like some items, traits, feats, and other spells.
Furthermore, I added a few clarifications and remarks, as well as a few links to some sources.
I also decided to narrow some things down, and I will purposely not include some spells, either because they're not relevant enough (or too expensive anyway), or because they target several creatures, and I decided to keep things simple and focus on one creature methods, for now.
You could argue that some spells are very powerful and should be present. If they are really convenient, I will add them.
Keep suggesting some spells and items please (I didn't update the spells list completely yet).
Thank you again for contributing and making me discover some new things !
I will post a new message every time I add more content.
So it's my first topic and first message on this forum.
I am, I would say, quite inexperienced. I played PRPG a few times in the past, I bought the three main books back in the days (2010?) but I didn't play much. I did a bit of GM-ing and playing, but I'm not as strong as you guys.
Even though I'm inexperienced, I read quite a lot lately, thanks to the rules and resources that are accessible online. Cheers.
PS: Oh, and I'm French, so if I make any mistake or if I get confused with French PRPG terms, point it out to me please.
Storytime about how I came up with this:
I was building a Sap Master character, basically an Unchained Rogue + Unchained Monk bounty hunter that swore to never willingly kill a humanoïd, he's fighting with his bare hands to knock out his opponents, a bit like Kenshirô from Hokuto No Ken (Fist of the North Star), minus the heads and body parts imploding.
I checked the new Unchained Rogue and her Rogue Edge special ability that I wasn't used to. So I tried to see what skills would be good to use with the Skill Unlock, and I thought that with all the skill points and the WIS bonus I have (second ability, remember, it's a Monk), I could use the Heal skill to treat wounds after each fights, and thus save a lot of money on Cure Light Wounds wands. Because let's face it, I need the money to buy an invisibility ring, and other cool toys, y'know what I'm sayin'.
Also I was thinking that because I'm trying to build a character out of context, since I don't have anyone to play PRPG with, and I don't know if I'll have a dedicated healer (Channel Energy Cleric?) or not.
So here we are, for personal use, and because I'm a greedy bastard, and I know healing is expensive, I tried to compare some methods of healing (that actually cost money) to see which method gives the most bang for my buck.
I thought I'd share it with you guys for two reasons:
1) Because it might be useful for someone else
2) So you can correct me if I did anything wrong (calculations, logic mistakes, rules misinterpretations...).
To be honest, my results are promising, on the paper at least.