Jackhalfaprayer's page

6 posts. Alias of Dylan Green.


Stole this ides from here.

Give your characters some questions to answer like those below based on class. You can even give them some additional questions for the campaign you have planned, questions about people, artifacts, lost temples, etc. I suppose good questions could be created about their chosen race as well...

Choose at least one statement and fill in the name of one of your companions.


I have a long-standing bargain with _______________.
I sang stories of _______________ long before I ever met them in person.
_______________ is often the butt of my jokes.
I am writing a ballad on the adventures of _______________.
_______________ trusted me with a secret.
_______________ does not trust me, and for good reason.

_______________ has insulted my deity.
_______________ is a good and faithful person, I trust them implicitly.
I worry about the ability of _______________ to survive in the dungeon.
I am working on converting _______________ to my faith.

_______________ owes me their life.
I have sworn to protect _______________.
I worry about the ability of _______________ to survive in the dungeon.
_______________ is a weakling, but I will make them tough.

How much discussion about Cosmo's organ is really necessary?

If you go back and read my posts I think you'll find there is only one sentence I mention sex in.

Pygmalion does have child with his creation. I'm more interested in using the source material to create an interesting dynamic between characters.I think I'll go with Set's ideas.

To answer the thread author's question of can an E have an identity, I can see no reason why not. It's your story. Tell it as you wish. If the question is "is there material in the mechanics to support such a theory and what are the implications of such an idea" then...

Well I guess that's why we have this thread.

My goal for my character isn't to express some sexual fantasy (I think many are confusing love with sex here) but rather to enjoy playing a character for whom the E is more than a big scary monster.


That and re-tell Pygmalion (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pygmalion_%28mythology%29)

If your going to run two characters (summoner and E) you might as well give them an interesting relationship.


Thats good.

I think I'll do THAT!

I'm going to play my first D&D (or derivative there of) game this sunday (we're playing a post-apocolypic setting). And, because I'm attracted to the more out there possibilites, I'm going to play a summoner. I've got the following possible concepts for Summoner/Eidolon relationships. I thought it was interesting that some of you were having paralell ideas

1.)My character's Eidolon is a spirit of destruction. Like the Hindu Shiva his purpose is to wipe away the old world so as to make a clean slate for the new world yet to come. Shiva is the dancer. He is smiling while caked in the ash of funeral pyres. He sees the cycle of life from birth to death as a cycle, a movement, a dance, and he whorls in that dance destroying what exists and leaving path for the new to follow behind him.

2.)My character's Eidolon is a magical shrine to his dead wife. She is not her ghost. She is a collection of his memories and ideals of her amassed into a semi-sentient mystical automaton. She is a mobile, almost alive, magical, tomb stone. He wrestles with an obsession with this entity. With his wife gone, and this idealized image having taken her place he teeters on madness.

3.)My character's Eidolon is malevolent. He is completely in it's thrall. It uses him as a conduit to experience the material plane while it seeks a more suitable host. He can bring it into this plane, and will do so because he needs it's power to survive, but it hates him and revels only in the destruction is can do once summoned.

4.)My character's Eidolon is somehow tied to the rebirth of this world. A green verdant nature spirit my character has trained long to bring this aspect of his god into this world. They are on a mission to take this seedling god to the navel of this dying world and make it green again.

I think perhaps most interestingly All of these options might be true to different degrees...

I think I may make all four aspects true at the same time. The Eidolon is a shrine to his deseaced wife that is somehow the conduit for a greater entitity. He loves it greatly but it feels little but distain for him (bounced off this idea)

Quote: Unless the summoners true desire was rejection/humiliation at the hands of the unattainable (idealized perfection)of the E.

but the true intentions of this entiy may be more than our hero realizes...