
Jack the Tracker's page

34 posts. Alias of MundinIronHand.


Male Human Inquisitor 2

no more internet at work. will be withdrawing form my pbp's. thanks for the fun folks.

Male Human Inquisitor 2

initiative 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23

[ooc] crossbow attack 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20 damage 1d10 ⇒ 3

When he reahes zero jack flings open the door "Now!"

Male Human Inquisitor 2

In response to Demonoa's message he says. "Evil must be banished, count to 30 then strike"

to the other with him "be ready, calatin open the door on my mark" and begins his 30 count. He trains his crossbow on the door, motioning for Rufus to follow suit.

idea is all at once we open the door and Aassualt them with crossbows before ruhsing in. Btw feel free to yella t me if I ever assume too muich or overstep my bounds.

Male Human Inquisitor 2

"See if they will take the food and leave us alone, we'll ready our crossbows in case they refuse your bribe."

to the disembodied whisper. "Calatin feeding them, if fails, we attack"

jack then aims his crossbow at the nearest one, ready to shoot should things turn south.

Male Human Inquisitor 2

Making room for Rufus, Jack watches as he works on the lock. "I'm not even going to ask where you learned that"

Male Human Inquisitor 2

"Anyone good with animals? Let me see if the door is locked."

jack will try the door to see if it's locked but not open it yet.

Male Human Inquisitor 2

"Your right, she could be scared out of her mind." Jack moves infront of the window and calls out. "By the authority of the city watch, open up in there."

Male Human Inquisitor 2

probably forgot to change it over, i originally had heavy x-bow then saw that repeating was somehting he was proficient with. thanks for the reminder

keeping his eyes on the door jack says quietly "If i had to guess, whatever broke out that window, had wings and was carrying our corpse. So who blocked the window?"

Male Human Inquisitor 2

"excellent idea Calatin. But if something goes wrong, make sure to get back, so I cna have a clear shot."

Jack will move right up against the side of the house near the corner.

Male Human Inquisitor 2

"Demona, can you and foggy circle round back and see if there's a back door?"

Turning his attention on the window above, jack mutters a prayer to Iomedae for insight inot what happened up above.

cast o level spell sift. ranger perceptionn check with -5 penalty added in. 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 1 = 17

Male Human Inquisitor 2

perception check 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23

Jack's gaze slowly passes by each alley and window, checking for unwanted eyes. As he does so, he unhooks his crossbow, making sure it's loaded and ready should this trip have any surprises.

Male Human Inquisitor 2

"Every hour, the killer slips further form our grasp, let's get down there and see what we can find. Unless there is anything else to learn here, I suggest we go. Extra set of ears and eyes always help, and If someones there I want all the exits covered. " As he grabs his weapons and heads for the door he says "No one escapes justice, or me."

Male Human Inquisitor 2

"Well it appears he had magical protection, but they have since failed him. These spores carry the taint of evil, he has been dealing with demonkind."

Male Human Inquisitor 2

Male Human Inquisitor 2

"Spores you say, underground would be a decent place to find a demon or his worshippers. Have you checked the body for any lingering magical affects or for poison? if not we can do that know, and you can show me your setup."

if it hasn't been done , jack will cast Detect magic on the body and then detect poison.

Male Human Inquisitor 2

"other than the birthmark, what other leads do we have?" Jack paces back and forth. "i suppose we could try and get the stiff's description out to any mages guilds or academies in hopes that it's recognized"

Male Human Inquisitor 2

listening to Calatin's report, Jack frowns. They had a rough idea of how the body got where it was, and why it might be in that location, but it still doesn't answer who the stiff is, why and how he was killed, and who killed him. Too many questions, not enough answers.

Seems we've put a few pieces of the puzzle together, only to find we're missing the rest. Show me this mark, perhaps it will lead us to identifying this man.

What does the symbol look like?

Male Human Inquisitor 2

"It's worth a shot, though not everyone is comfortable with a uniform around. I'll take the feather back to the others and see if they have any answers yet." Jack wishes them luck and then heads back to the suite. When he gets there, he hands the feather over, relating it's location, the merchants description of how it arrived, and the lack of a large amount of blood at the scene. "Found anything new while we were gone?"

Male Human Inquisitor 2

"I suppose we have enough information to head back to our suite and see if the lab monkeys found out anything new." Before they leave jack will cast Detect Magic on the area where the body was found.

Male Human Inquisitor 2

Jack turns to cover his smile as Demona begins to work on the vendor. They had bigger fish to fry and they all knew it. "Perhaps we should check around the area and see if anyone else saw or ehard anything but hasn't come forward yet."

silly me, forgot it was THAT cathedral.

Male Human Inquisitor 2

Half listening to the man's answer about the time he found the body, Jack studies the Cathedral, looking to see which windows would have offered the best view of the scene.

Do we know what order or orders are in the cathedral?

Male Human Inquisitor 2

"Foggy can you gently gather that feather, we'll want to examine it more back at the suite." Listening to foggy and demona jacks nodds. "Your right, if they had dumped the body over the edge, we probably never would have found the body. So it was either intentional or accidental. Not a lot of blood here, weren't his robes covered in blood? Seems like this might be just a dump spot."

Stepping away from where the body was found jack approaches the chestnut vendor. "Greetings, I'm Sergeant Jack, investigating the body found here. I understand you were the one who found it and I have a few questions for you."

Diplomacy check on the vendor 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17
Jacks questions:
When did you find the body?
Were you with anyone or did you see anyone else around?
How was the body positioned?
Did you search or remove anything from the body?

Male Human Inquisitor 2

Jack thanks the guardsman for his help, then squats at the edge of the scene scanning for anyhting unusual. In almost a whisper he says,"Iomedae let us see what others have failed to notice, that we might bring justice upon those who would sacrifice honor and righteousness for greed."

[occ] perception check 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16 [/ooc]

Male Human Inquisitor 2

"excellent idea Foggy, I doubt the merchants will be kept at bay forever. If demona can continue that illusion magic, we might just find soemone who knew him. ANyhting in particular you two want us to check for? he yesll over to rufus and calatin.

Male Human Inquisitor 2

yes, thats us. Calatin the body is here, is that ice room ready? " jack then turns to the guard and asks "Were you the one that found the body?

I will be gone for the next 24 hours, feel fre eto start work without me , should be back late tomorrow.

Male Human Inquisitor 2

Jack stalks over to the interogation room, gives it a quick survey and nods. Moving abck to the common room he says " Adding some cots here would not be a bad idea. I have a feeling sooner or later we might find ourselves working late into the night."

Male Human Inquisitor 2

regarding Demona coolly, jack says "It's sergeant, not captain. And those who seek justice earn their respect. And while the Captain seems willing to trust all of you, I'll reserve my judgment for now." he pauses then lets out a long sigh "I've been trained at the temple of Iomedae, worked as guide/tracker/guard for merchants, and bounty hunter for a number of organizations. My entire life I've sought justice, in one form or another."

Male Human Inquisitor 2

"Motivated by coin, No, but as you said, for field expenses and the more coin, the better equiped we can be, and I like nowing our limits." On news of the first case and Calatin's remarks about doing thins right next time, Jack grins, perhaps this team thing might wokr after all. "Nothing we can do about it now, the body is on it's way. Might as well get set up, get settled into out new rooms, then all meet in the lab so we cans see what we have available for supplies and talent wise." Nodding to the captain, Jack heads for their suite.

Male Human Inquisitor 2

Should we assume we know each other or have we all been brought in separately except for anyone with a tied together background?

Male Human Inquisitor 2

Jack's expression remains grim, his eyes fixed on the captain. When the speach is finished, Jack says "Politics often hinder those who seek justice, you made a wise move bringing us in. I intend to stay as clear of nobles and guilds as possible." pausing for a moment, he continues "You mentioned a stipend, what amount are we talking about and is it on a case by case basis?"

Male Human Inquisitor 2

Checking in. I'll look over the profile and see if there is anything i missed.

waynemarkstubbs wrote:

A little disappointed that no-one has gone for the "hot science nerd girl" archetype :-)

Where's our Abby???? (NCIS is my favorite, and if no abbby I'll take a Ziva, not that picky lol)

Motivation and background on the way. Mainly haven't typed them out yet, they are just floating in my head and forgot to put them into the profile. Usually it's one of the 1st things I do, silly me.

edit: posted a short background and a long one. Forgive my diarrhea of the keyboard.

I'd like to submit a human inquisitor. He always gets his man, woman, or Monster. With his excellent skill set, magical knack, and the ability to defend himself, he should be sought after by many for his services. The only downside is he has been suspected of stepping outside the "law" to achieve his goals, but he is a good man and skilled.

Expert tracker, skilled in the arts of negotiation and apprehension of criminals seeks employment. With the blessing of the gods I hunt and apprehend those whose misdeeds go unpunished. Using stealth, deception, and holy magics I always get my mark, dead or Alive. Skilled with the deadly repeating crossbow.

Detect Chaos/law/Good/Evil at will.

Judgement 1/day