Godsdog10 wrote:
So let me be sure I have this straight. If you are a 2nd-level Magus, you can make a weapon attack with Spellstrike and discharge a spell while getting full weapon damage, then make ANOTHER weapon attack using Spell Combat? The only penalty being the -2 to hit?
That seems crazy imbalanced to me, a 2nd level fighter is NOWHERE near that capability as far as multiple attacks and damage dealt, and if a DM turned that on the players they'd be screaming FOUL!
I can see where you could use Spell Combat and Spellstrike to make the touch attack through the weapon and cast a spell with the off-hand using the penalties for Spell Combat, but this gives a Magus, a 2ND level Magus, the ability to basically perform 3 standard actions in a round without having to take any feats to do so. Please clarify...
I'll try to go through the order of events, assuming a Magus starts beside his target. We'll use the same stats as in the example above for weapon damage, etc.
1. Declare Spell Combat(Full Round action).
2. Make concentration check to cast Touch range spell defensively(Shocking Grasp, for example).
3a. If the Magus fails the check, the spell fails and the Magus cannot make a either a touch attack or a Spellstrike attack. GoTo 6
3b. If the Magus makes the check, the Magus can then make either a melee touch attack or a Spellstrike attack.
4. Assuming the Magus chooses to Spellstrike, he then makes a melee attack using his weapon at a -2(due to spell combat).
5a. If the Magus hits on his attack, the enemy is dealt both weapon damage(1d8+1) as well as being affected by the spell(damage, effects, etc). Goto 6
5b. If the Magus misses on his attack, the enemy is not affected by the spell and the spell charge is held. Goto 7
6. As part of Spell combat, the Magus is able to make a second attack at a -2 to hit. If he hits, he'll do normal weapon damage(1d8+1). END
7. As part of Spell combat, the Magus is able to make a second attack at a -2 to hit.
8a. If he hits, he'll do both normal weapon damage(1d8+1) as well as expend the charge on his held spell(Damage, effects, etc).
8b. If he misses, he won't do any weapon damage to the enemy but will still have the charge of his spell. END
Boiled down, you could interpret the Magus as getting a full 3 different standard actions in a single turn(Cast Spell, Attack, Attack).