
JKalts's page

Organized Play Member. 54 posts. No reviews. 2 lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

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For more details about wishlists and lists, see this thread.

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Intro to DMing

(7 items)

1.  Killian Paltreth
Re: Creating a Definitive Dungeon for Training both Players and DM
Post, by Broken Zenith

Jacob's Tower Levels 1-3

Re: Bored with Sorcerous repetition
Post, by CombatOwl

3.  Deep Crow
Tactics 101 (There is no Tank. Embrace Passive Agressiveness)
Thread (78 posts),

4.  Deep Crow
Tactics 101 (Triage)
Thread (51 posts),

5.  Deep Crow
Tactics 101 (Action Advantage)
Thread (83 posts),

6.  Seaweed Leshy
Fungal dungeon ideas
Thread (37 posts),

7.  Greenhorn
Dancing Lights vs. Light
Thread (34 posts),