J fry's page

Organized Play Member. 2 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.


Dark Archive

That is how I was interpreting it but I was confused because some archetypes give up vigilante talents at certain levels. So it I thought it might be interpreted as 4 levels vigilante 2 aspis agent nets you at 6th level and if you gave up 6th level talent you might not get it.

Dark Archive

So ordered the adventurers guide a while ago and started deep diving. I came across the aspis agent and the agency secret called vigilante agent and the wording is just confusing to me. I was hoping somebody might be able to help me understand it a bit better.

Vigilante Agent (Ex): The Aspis agent with vigilante class levels can select one social talent for which she qualifies. If she can gain vigilante talents from her vigilante class levels, she can instead select one vigilante talent for which she qualifies. Her Aspis agent levels stack with her vigilante class levels for any such talents she has with level-dependent effects, whether they were gained with this prestige class or another class. An Aspis agent with at least 1 vigilante level can select this agency secret twice