
J. Chris Harris's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 36 posts (654 including aliases). 1 review. 1 list. No wishlists. 6 Organized Play characters. 6 aliases.


Scarab Sages

Well, I'll be damned! John Updike!

Excellent work! Loving this set so far!

Scarab Sages

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Neal Litherland wrote:
Question for those here, since a lot of folks have thoughts and feelings on the subject. Does anyone have any really good stories, or really BAD stories, regarding characters who were part of the gentry, nobility, etc.?

It isn't a story but an observation. I am currently playing a noble fighter in a 5E-beginner-box campaign. I play the character with a serious drive to succeed and to be seen doing so, not for the sake of showing off but to better his reputation as a formidable problem solver and worthy of his station. The flip side of that station is the expectation it creates among the peasantry that you will deal with whatever problem arises. The peasantry do their part producing crops, etc. The noble has an obligation as well, especially in a world with ankhegs ripping up the fields and so on.

Scarab Sages

This seemed on-topic. http://talkingpointsmemo.com/livewire/ferguson-grand-jury-misconduct-invest igaiton

Scarab Sages

I am definitely interested! I'm in the same time zone, and Tuesdays work for me. I've never played with Roll20, but it sounds like fun, and I dig FGG's material!

Scarab Sages

Congrats, Erik! Thanks for kicking ass at customer service!

Scarab Sages

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The Fisher King.

Scarab Sages

I really like the flavor of the daemon-spawn tieflings, obsessed with disasters and misfortune, secretly driven to help them occur, and always looking on the edge of an illness of some kind. You can do a lot with that material to be unsettling.

Scarab Sages

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I've lived in Arizona for 12 years, and worked oilfield for a year in S. Texas. I can assure you that you can pass out or hallucinate working in 100+ temperatures. Hell, the news in S. Texas throughout the summer is mostly old people dying when their window units conk out.

Scarab Sages

My sympathies for the sting of it, to everyone involved. I am looking forward to getting my hands on my copy every bit as much as I was before, however.

Scarab Sages

He'sDeadJim wrote:
J. Chris Harris wrote:
He'sDeadJim wrote:
Jim Groves wrote:

Chris and Mike,

I have actually allowed a neutral aligned gnoll in my Mummy's Mask campaign.

(Personal tragedy caused her to become disillusioned with Lamashtu and convert to Pharasma... and her work with the poor and destitute as a skilled midwife has granted her tolerance and grudging acceptance by civilized locals)
Does this book have stuff for neutral gnolls?

How about good ones?

I am playing a NG gnoll (albino) though the Legacy of Fire as a Desert Druid of Seranrae (he was raised by a human druid). At this point I have taken over the remainder of the Three-Jaws tribe and have been having the time of my life playing a healer/fire themed gnoll druid. I'm 5th level with 2 Mythic levels of Heirophant!

The only down-side was my GM suggested that I marry the strongest female and begin having pups as soon as possible to cement my control over the tribe!

Well, it's good politics, in any case:)

Your campaign sounds really cool, by the way. I'm determined to play in LoF one day.

Absolutely! Especally with Mythic Adventures added in.

My GM's LoF portal-

Wow, I love what your GM is doing with the place! Using the mythic material and the kingdom-building rules with that AP is perfect, from the little bits I know. Enjoy that!

Scarab Sages

Erik Mona wrote:
Does it help to imagine him singing Olivia Newton John's "Xanadu"?

So, so much!:)

Scarab Sages

Okay, I love the stone giant and the hill giant. The fire giant, however, looks like he should be wearing roller skates. I'm sorry.

Scarab Sages

He'sDeadJim wrote:
Jim Groves wrote:

Chris and Mike,

I have actually allowed a neutral aligned gnoll in my Mummy's Mask campaign.

(Personal tragedy caused her to become disillusioned with Lamashtu and convert to Pharasma... and her work with the poor and destitute as a skilled midwife has granted her tolerance and grudging acceptance by civilized locals)
Does this book have stuff for neutral gnolls?

How about good ones?

I am playing a NG gnoll (albino) though the Legacy of Fire as a Desert Druid of Seranrae (he was raised by a human druid). At this point I have taken over the remainder of the Three-Jaws tribe and have been having the time of my life playing a healer/fire themed gnoll druid. I'm 5th level with 2 Mythic levels of Heirophant!

The only down-side was my GM suggested that I marry the strongest female and begin having pups as soon as possible to cement my control over the tribe!

Well, it's good politics, in any case:)

Your campaign sounds really cool, by the way. I'm determined to play in LoF one day.

Scarab Sages

Fantastic work!

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Indeed, it does, and that is whom the bulk of this installment of Advanced Races is for! There are certainly sinister options within, as well, but this is a player-focused piece, and there is plenty within for the neutral or good-aligned gnolls.

(I'm envious of your player, by the way! We'll see if I can get one going as well!)

Scarab Sages

I can't get my hyena cackle down to an acceptable volume for the gaming table no matter how often I practice in the shower, but I'm still going to try and squeeze one of these guys into the Mummy's Mask campaign I'm playing.

The bulk of the body of work herein is Mike's, and he has a real feel for these creatures. I hope the viscera I've added to this little feast makes it even more fun to gnaw on with your companions!

Remember, kids: Nkishi loves you, and promises to let nothing go to waste!

Scarab Sages

Treason is acting to overthrow gov't or kill heads of state and the like. I believe there's sometimes an element involving collusion with another state, as well.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Good to see this thing out in the wild.

Scarab Sages

That might have a lot to do with the the fact that far fewer people you're like!y to ever game with have been exposed to any kind of systematic torture than have been exposed to rape, as a victim or knowing one, etc. Torture is still presented on TV fairly frequently as an almost pornographic tough-guy thing. It isn't real to most viewers in the sense of having an aftermath, etc.

Scarab Sages

So far it just looks like a particularly disgusting funeral home making extra money by not following procedure... or feeling obligated to behave like decent humans. I'm from that area, and believe me, the worst interpretation being true wouldn't shock me, but this is just a mangled pieces of writing.

Scarab Sages

Congratulations! I've certainly made use of your guides, so I'm looking forward to your future work!

Scarab Sages

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I am absolutely loving it as a player. It's meeting or exceeding my expectations, and my expectations were not low. This is possibly my favorite subcategory of the genre, and frankly I would've been really irritated if it had started off with something other than dungeon crawls. I don't need the whole thing to consist of that alone, but I do need a little bit of that here before moving on to other things. If I'm raiding tombs, the Egyptian-themed ones have been my favorites forever. I felt that these were particularly well done, and taking a low-level group through them and surviving felt like an accomplishment. Of course, then we had two deaths, but that was fun, too!

OP - are you just reading them through, or playing/running them? I'd suggest getting involved as a player. Otherwise, it's a bit like judging a meal by the utensils in the kitchen.

Scarab Sages

I've never had a problem with it, either. My point was that it isn't really about who's going through the door.

Scarab Sages

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Kthulhu wrote:

It's the old holding the door problem:

Some women get offended if you hold the door open for them.
Some women get offended if you don't hold the door open for them.

Never open the door for someone because they are a woman. Open the door for someone because you are a gentleman.

Scarab Sages

Freddie Mercury was born in Zanzibar! Whoa...

Scarab Sages

You mentioned the PTSD, so I'm going to address it. I've had it myself for about twenty years, though I dodged getting diagnosed until a few years ago. Anyway, whether or not you keep running games or just playing, don't use the one table and the two guys as your excuse to quit coming around in favor of being a recluse or something. In my experience that's sort of the resting position of PTSD, and it's easy to take a relatively minor thing like this (really) and let it ruin something that's probably good for you.

Secondly, on the same topic: If you're the confrontational type, don't let it simmer in your head too long without saying anything if you know you're bound to say something eventually. I don't know you, but for me the longer I let a conflict with someone ferment in my head the more likely it is that I'm going to look like the bad guy due to how it comes out. Try saying it from a seated position, with mutual friends around. I know that, for me, if I'm not all that conscious of how I'm expressing that something is irritating me, my whole body language can appear really confrontational. I'm not a violent man, but there's always that part of my brain that is ready for some s$%t to kick off, and sometimes that's outwardly visible when I'm totally focused on the other person. The least bad thing that can happen there is that your message will be lost.

Scarab Sages

Get rid of race boons altogether and just open up races that have been previously given out as boons.

Okay, maybe not the goblins.

Scarab Sages

In the Legacy of Fire AP you can pursue a relationship with a harpy.

Scarab Sages

Paralysis, hold, etc., aren't necessarily mental effects at all, though. Agree that it doesn't have to be a physical, tangible impediment.

Scarab Sages

Setting that aside, this is really not a very deep rabbit hole to go down. You're just being intentionally obtuse:) Dog does not hunt. Play the game! Have fun!

Scarab Sages

Why do you think that abjuration spells are all mind-effecting? They aren't.

Scarab Sages

Your players are trying to play you instead of the game:) There are things that effect your mind, and things that effect your mobility directly. FoM works on the latter.

Scarab Sages

Ah, it's an old version and not completely functional. Nevermind.

Scarab Sages

They were in the zip file when I purchased the spell-less ranger pdf. It's been about a year, though.

Scarab Sages

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They can read.

Scarab Sages

If you're looking for an AP where one might fit in, Mummy's Mask appears to work for that. Granted, you'll have a good time with all that sun, but you'd probably blend in fine with the oddball adventuring parties in Wati. People just wouldn't know what you are. With current events being what they are, they're not likely to care, either. You might have trouble running into elves or something, though.