A huge thanks to everyone who spent time organizing, mustering and running the event. I had a lot of fun, and this was easily, all things considered, my favourite Gen Con yet. Negative Feedback We had issues - but they were primarily with individual GMs. Our GM for the Thursday night special greeted us at the table by asking us to "choose the form of the destructor" and pick his dice, then responded with "Oh, those haven't tasted blood yet." No one laughed. Moments later, he flashed his GM stars - all four of them. It was a strange and pointedly hostile start, but we rolled with it. He had an overall solid knowledge of rules, which was good. About two hours into the slot he said aloud, to the entire table, "I just want this to be over." He said he was tired and had started hallucinating. Things basically got worse from there. We all wanted to play the slot, but playing the slot was also a lot more painful than it should have been. We powered through and left politely at the end of the session, but it was a real grind that could have been entirely mitigated by the GM adopting a more positive attitude. If you can't even bring yourself to pretend to want to be there, then you probably shouldn't be there. And this was on Thursday: the first day of the con. If this had been a new player's introduction to PFS, they would never have come back. For the Saturday evening special: I just felt that, given when the GMs got the scenarios, it would have been difficult to prep the middle section of the module with the amount of time it really needed. That section dragged heavily and made it so that the GM had to rush through the end of the scenario (the actual interesting part) with little to no description. I have no doubt that this scenario would be gold with the right amount of prep time, but given that the GMs received the scenarios the Friday prior (from what I heard), I'm not certain this one really got the love it deserved. I'm wondering if four specials is almost too many. I loved all of them, but the late-night slots are pretty rough for those of us who love PFS and are unwilling to skip them ;) Positive Feedback The GMs for the other two specials were great. A huge shoutout to Keith from Minnesota who was our GM for Friday evening - he did a great job of challenging our party and providing interesting encounters for our party composition. He was everything you'd expect from an excellent GM: great roleplay, rules knowledge and pacing. Our Sunday GM was also good, and the scenario itself was a ton of fun. The setup for Phantom Phenomena was great. Please, please, for the future of this game, do this every year. The first year we discovered PFS, it was because we managed to get into a We Be Goblins! game with generics. This year's setup lets new players get a taste for the game without too much commitment. I managed to make time for four of the six quests, playing the new Occult pregens, and it was a ton of fun. The overall quality of the scenarios was high. I'm hoping to see more stuff like Serpent's Rise in the future.
Avatar-1 wrote:
I agree with your reasoning and I appreciate you bringing it to my attention. The duration is good enough that you could just cast it before the social function (or whatever) begins. Cheers, and thanks for the feedback.
Robert Burnell 821 wrote:
I think I was really letting the spell list hold Heavens spirit back. But I agree, it's pretty great.
Hey all, I've been working for some time on a Shaman guide. I love the class, I love its two "parent classes," and I currently play a Life Shaman in my weekly Pathfinder game. I was surprised to see that there was no Shaman guide already, given the class's extreme versatility. I was also saddened to see that the iconic shaman is not likely to win many hearts and/or minds in PFS play, so I felt obligated to show some of the class's potential. I've decided to make the current state of my guide available so that I can begin to collect feedback on the sections I've already completed as I move forward and hit the other sections. The tone is conversational and the opinions are my own. The formatting is rough and by no means final. This guide is currently a work-in-progress. I value your feedback - I honestly do. These forums have been kind to me and have taught me a lot about the game. It's a heck of a community. If you want to argue that something should be rated differently, or I've made an error, I want to hear it. I simply ask that you keep all criticism constructive! Click here to view Spiritual Attunement: A Pathfinder Shaman Guide To-do list: