
JBurz's page

Organized Play Member. 68 posts. 1 review. No lists. 1 wishlist. 7 Organized Play characters.

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Hey all,

I've been working for some time on a Shaman guide. I love the class, I love its two "parent classes," and I currently play a Life Shaman in my weekly Pathfinder game. I was surprised to see that there was no Shaman guide already, given the class's extreme versatility.

I was also saddened to see that the iconic shaman is not likely to win many hearts and/or minds in PFS play, so I felt obligated to show some of the class's potential.

I've decided to make the current state of my guide available so that I can begin to collect feedback on the sections I've already completed as I move forward and hit the other sections.

The tone is conversational and the opinions are my own. The formatting is rough and by no means final.

This guide is currently a work-in-progress.

I value your feedback - I honestly do. These forums have been kind to me and have taught me a lot about the game. It's a heck of a community.

If you want to argue that something should be rated differently, or I've made an error, I want to hear it. I simply ask that you keep all criticism constructive!

Click here to view Spiritual Attunement: A Pathfinder Shaman Guide

To-do list:

  • Waves/Wind Spirits
  • Spells
  • Spirit Animal suggestions
  • Feats
  • Magic Items / Equipment
  • Sample Builds
  • Add "Why Play A Shaman" section


  • Shaman Combat Roles
  • Ability Scores
  • Races
  • General Hexes
  • Most Spirits

  • Hey all,

    Looking for opinions on how to fill out this PFS party.

    I mostly GM PFS stuff, but will be playing at Gencon. My character is 5th level (one scenario from 6th) and eligible for a rebuild as he has never been played at second level.

    The PC must be PFS-legal. I'm not averse to buying Additional Resources.

    The party is composed of:

    LN Human Cleric of Asmodeus (Cheliax Faction)

    Primarily a buffer and debuffer. Channels negative due to deity selection. Durable enough to enter melee, but not built to crank out melee damage. Uses Trickery domain's Copycat power often to make himself more durable in brawls.

    CG Elf Bard (Taldor Faction)

    Ranged-focused Bard with stock archetype, built around buffing and some light debuffing. No slouch at ranged damage since she has a decent STR score and utilizes a composite longbow. Used a trait to get Disable Device in-class, but obviously still can't disable magical traps.

    LN Half-Elf Infernal Bloodline Sorcerer (Cheliax Faction)

    Built mostly for blasting. Great initiative and perception scores.

    As you can see, the party is very Charisma-heavy.

    I figure we need a durable frontline/melee character who can crank out the damage and make life difficult for enemies, but I'm open to other suggestions.

    Being able to fit thematically into Cheliax, Taldor, or any of their assorted holdings is a plus. I'm also a big fan of Golarion generally, so anything that has cool setting flavour while remaining effective is a plus.

    There will also likely be at least one other person at the table with us at each of our sessions, but I haven't GM'd enough publicly to really get a feel for what kind of character I am likely to encounter.

    Your time and opinions are appreciated.


    Hey all,

    I wanted to know if applying a chronicle sheet acquired from GM credit counts as "playing" that character.

    I attended a convention, after which I decided to start running PFS in my area. However, I only played three modules at the convention. Since then, I have been applying the majority of my GM credit to that character.

    The character has never been played above level one.

    Since then I've been reconsidering my choice of class, partially because my usual players, who will be attending another con with me where I will be playing at their table, have also changed the party configuration around substantially. We're now light on muscle and heavy on skills. It is also partially because I understand the game a lot better, and my character wasn't well-built.

    Guide to Organized Play wrote:
    At the start of a Pathfinder’s career, you are allowed to adjust your character before settling in for the long haul. Before you level up a character for the first time, you may change any aspect of it except its Pathfinder Society Number. Changes may only be made between adventures and before playing as a character above 1st level. Any exceptions will be noted in the Pathfinder Society FAQ. You are able to keep all treasure, Prestige Points, special boons, and XP that you have earned and apply them to the character once you retrain as long as the character meets the criteria above.

    4 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

    Hey all,

    I'm wondering if a Cartomancer Witch essentially loses a spell that they try to deliver via a card if the attack with the card misses.

    The Harrow Handbook, p.15 wrote:

    Deliver Touch Spells (Su): At 3rd level, when the cartomancer uses the Deadly Dealer feat with a card from her spell deck, the card is not destroyed and gains the returning weapon special ability.

    In addition, the cartomancer can deliver a touch spell with a thrown card. This uses the Deadly Dealer feat (see below), except the attack is resolved as a ranged touch attack and the card deals no damage of its own. This ability can be used with any card (not just one from the cartomancer’s spell deck).

    I assume not, but I'm not sure. I figure you could choose not to discharge the spell, as you normally would when trying to deliver a spell with a melee touch attack, but it doesn't seem clear to me.

    I guess I'm probably seeing too much of Gambit in this, and I'm assuming that the spell is already on the card - whereas mechanically, it seems you choose whether or not to discharge the spell after making the attack.

    Hey all,

    I'm going to be playing through Dragon's Demand later this week (no spoilers, please!) and I'm looking for advice on how to fill out our party. I'm not really looking for opinions on how to be effective in this module specifically, but just how to fill out this party.

    Currently we have:

    Half-Elf Two-Weapon Fighter
    Halfling Ninja
    Half-Orc Flame Oracle

    I'm no stranger to arcane spellcasting, as I play a wizard in my usual group and I normally enjoy it.

    Having said that, I really don't want to play a wizard in this game, too.

    The party is four people, with a 15-point buy. Non-Paizo sources are not allowed. I may be able to coerce the GM into allowing the Advanced Class Guide playtest.

    I had originally considered Witch with the Ancestors domain, so I could focus on buffing and debuffing since our divine caster is really blasty.

    I eventually got the jitters about this idea, since the party is only four people. I feel like a witch abusing Fortune and Cackle would shine in a larger group, but maybe not this one.

    I'd love to hear your opinions - thanks in advance for your time.