Wen Histani

Izoma's page

5 posts. Alias of Deserach.


I have just gotten into another game and as such will be removing my application to give somebody else a chance. Good luck and have fun.

Interested in Playing in your game. Izoma is a summoner with the synthesist archtype. Interested in the 25 point three dragon ante, thing. (I think, have to go find all my old boxes of dragon/dungeon magazine.)

Was not aware that the summoner was a "power-class". My impression of this build was that it was fairly weak. Please disregard my application.

I would like to submit Izoma for your game her background reflects another game, would be happy to rewrite or adapt to something more suitable for your game.

Izoma human female summoner (synthesist).

Here is Izoma, a Katapesh summoner(synthesist) and fledgling pathfinder. Archtype taken from ultimate magic, feats from ultimate magic, spells (I only have 2) from APG and ultimate magic. I can easily remove the archtype if its not to your liking. Traits taken from the general list and the Legacy of fire player's guide.
