Queen Ileosa Arabasti

Isora of Solaria's page

5 posts (12 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.

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After spending a day trying to figure out why my post seemingly vanished out of thin air, a friend of mine from these boards let me know that I should begin previewing posts before actually submitting them. Apparently, mine just vanished when I posted it. I was going to reply yesterday, but had to attend training for a potential job. Terribly sorry for the wait!

Just giving everyone some advance warning: I will be absent from the boards on the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th of October.

Do let me know if I missed anyone's questions or concerns. I will admit to rushing this reply out due to missing these last three days (the day that I attempted to post and it didn't go through, the day after as I tried to figure out why, and yesterday, when I had job training).

@Those asking about Hero-God descendants: You may write your character as the descendant of a Hero-God if that is the sort of character you plan on building. Very few have first generation children now, Psomeira being the sole exception with one or two children, so you are likely from a long line.

@Those asking for GM experience and credentials:I have ran several campaigns like this. I am the type of GM who runs these types of campaigns almost exclusively to introduce some well-needed variety into the usual Tolkien-esque adventuring that saturates gaming tables these days.

I would offer to share my private campaigns on Discord with you to help assuage your fears about my competency but after a... let's call it a situation, with a former player of mine harassing me on Discord after booting him for misconduct, we both got a ban. I can try getting in touch with some of my other players and see if they can provide a link and permissions. How does that sound? I can't make any guarantees, as I only knew most of them through Discord alone.

@Monkeygod: Descendants of the Hero-Gods can come in pretty much any part-human race. They must be part human, however, as all the Hero-Gods in known history have been human. If you want to make your character part Azlanti, just refluff the baseline Human race.

@Rednal: I will bear all that in mind if you are selected. I am sure I could find something suitably epic to tie in to that lingering plot hook.

@Daedalus: That is an understandable attitude to have, given some of the stories I have heard about PBP other mediums other than Discord, which is where most of my games were located.

Azlanti are more or less extinct on Golarion. The ancient Azlanti are represented in the rules as humans with a +2 to all ability scores. I would argue that you could select the regular Human race and just fluff it as being Azlanti.

I would allow a Cassisian familiar to assume an owl form as opposed to a dove form.

@Ellioti: Variant Multiclass levels in Fighter does not count as having levels in Fighter.

Almost any supplement from the Legendary Classes line is fair game.

@Oyzar: The Prophecy Domain is the one listed on d20pfsrd and created by Kobold Press, yes.

That looks about right for a Memsmerist VMC. I would allow that.

@CampinCarl9127: Any of the options you listed for your dragon's impediment make sense and, honestly, I would be fine with any of them.

You can't swap levels between sides of a gestalt. There are numerous reasons for this, ranging from the relatively benign issue of keeping track of what was taken where, to the more problematic, with ways to game prestige classes like Mystic Theurge even more than is normal for gestalt. I have tried allowing people to swap sides in gestalting and it never quite panned out how they or I hoped it would, which is something considering how many houserules I have experimented with and got right the first or second campaign. Considering how much bookkeeping it takes for a high-level gestalt game anyway, I would like to avoid any unnecessary complications.

@River of Sticks: I plan for the campaign to be an epic for the ages. To that end, I have planned for it to end at level twenty with a full ten mythic ranks. I am aware of how long that will take to finish in play-by-post, to the effect of three or four years if what I know about it is true, but I am in the game for the long haul.

@Ktinos Amyntas: I was expecting something quite interesting based on your earlier description and it certainly seems you are living up to those expectations. Now just to figure out where I would want to take this if you make the cut.

@Gosor Proudhoof: Most minotaurs in Iblydos are evil and reside within the sealed Maze-City of Karnossa, cursed by their more noble brethren to forever wander the maze until they metaphorically escape their wicked ways. Karnossa was once the capital of the minotaur people until that mass-exodus around five hundred years ago when the cult of Baphomet waxed in power and blood began to run in the streets. There are tribes of minotaurs who still cling to the old ways of honor and learning, but they are scattered into small settlements or else integrated with the populace of the City-States.

The Order of the Sea is fine since you wouldn't get Leadership with VMC.

@Menophotine: Some alignment rules for familiars apply. I will relax that stipulation for most of the non-Outsider familiars.

@TurtSnacko: So basically straight-up Gilgamesh from the Akkadian Epic of Gilgamesh?

Simeon@: Liachora was the closest city-state to Aelyosos both geographically and spiritually. The two cities were as much siblings as the Hero-Goddesses who protected them.

The next closest city-state to Aelyosos is Pol-Ptirmeios, a bucolic nation known for the rare metals, unique cuisine, and famous vintages it produces.

The only nation Aelyosos is hostile with is Pol-Sylrica, whose island borders that of Aelyosos and Pol-Ptirmeios. Pol-Sylrica is the Not-Sparta of the region known for their dualistic worship of Asmodeus and Gorum, as well as the brutal efficiency of their society, where the penalty for almost any crime is death and everyone is expected to serve the nation's war efforts in some capacity.

Arixos definitely gives off a Dionysus-Bacchus feel with his general theme. Well, minus the wine-fueled massacres.

@Yas392: The Malefex might be allowed for you to take if we can do something about the nature of the capstone. That is the one big flaw I have seen in all of the normally pristine Dreamscarred Press works. It works good on paper, but in-game it turns enemies ECL+8 and higher into defenseless kittens. Capstones are usually powerful, but they don't have as broad of a usage or else are not permanent. There may be capstones out there that grant Wishes, but even those can be twisted by a clever GM to make them not broken. Instantly negating almost every defense that keeps an enemy from getting nuked and it being permanent is problematic, to say the least.

@TheWaskally: That transparency is much appreciated. It certainly makes my job easier when trying to figure out what came from where.

What passes for Common in Iblydos is known as Iblydan based on what I have read. I would imagine that Iblydos is cultured enough, as an important rest stop in the middle of a treacherous ocean with a major trade line, that Taldan Common is also known by most of the populace.

Good job on capturing the exact feel of Psomemira in Aenias' backstory, by the way. She is described as a proud warrior who doesn't like to stand on ceremony and I feel you captured that quite well.

@Quercus Thousandborn: I am surprised and astounded by how you incorporated Ghoran, of all things, into Iblydos and made it seem so natural. I was thinking your ghoran was just going to be a traveler from Nex or the lands around it, but you proved me pleasantly wrong. Kudos to you for that!

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Today was a bit of a busy day, but I am still here.

@CampinCarl9127:That seems like a fair compromise with the Dragonrider.

@Daedalus: I would say that most feats that support the third-party classes that I said were allowed are also allowed. I will not say all because there are some broken feats in a few publications. Just list which ones are from third-party books that you plan on taking.

Which Legendary Talents are you looking at taking?

@Oyzar: The setting is Golarion, so guns are in the setting, but are very rare and expensive.

Rage Prophet would work with Bloodrager since Rage and Bloodrage are treated as identical effects for many rules interactions.

You may select martial traditions in leiu of martial weapon proficiency as a Spheres character, yes.

Zdokirae died confronting Oumarikos, like most of the other slain Hero-Gods.

@Monkeygod: No skill unlocks.

Fighters get Stamina for free.

You can take unchained classes, because they fall under the "All Paizo" stipulation.

No templates.

@Rednal: Nerita definitely seems interesting. She fits the Grecian story trope of the seeming force of nature bound within a mortal form trope like you see in some myths.

Just curious: do you have an idea on her secret background that you would be willing to share either here or through a private message? Or are you still working on that?

@Swordwhale: Animal Companion rules only apply to animal companions. Familiars are a lesser feature and so do not warrant the consideration. Eidolons are already powerful on their own, especially with support from the Summoner, and therefore do not need any boosts. Only Animal Companions really have an issue scaling in usefulness in high power games.

The general consensus is that 10th-11th level is when perma-flying is acquired, if you look at the overall trend in class features and racial feats. So I would appreciate holding off on that until then. Short term flying isn't as big of an issue.

Putting your own spin on fluff by using leitmotifs is perfectly acceptable.

#Gosor Proudhoof: Rite Publishing's Taurian is what I meant, yes.

Magic Vestment specifically applies to clothing, whereas Air Barrier is an invisible shell of air, so it does not apply. It would apply to a tunic or toga, however.

@Slyness: A hippogriff isn't comparable to a pegasus, but I believe there are ways to get a pegasus mount. Would you like me to try and find a way for you?

@ChrisAsmandi: I am looking for a team of five PCs.

Most third-party Kineticist supplements are fine.

@Zefig: I would prefer for PCs to keep unlimited flight down until 10th level at least. Aerial combat builds can be troublesome until that time.

@Almonihah: I really like the idea behind those spirits. Those are really neat.

@River of Sticks: Animal Companions do not get more feats.

@Grimdog73: Rondelero Swashbuckler is allowed.

@Shady_Motives: You have the right of it on how to reflavor a Jotun as a Cyclops.

The character would be a Cyclops. Jotun do not exist in Golarion and I used the race/class just because it allows people to build something resembling a cyclops in terms of size, power, and mythological accuracy.