Ishpumalibu's page

775 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist.

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As a dm I personally love them, I give them to players over time if they use tactics as a group. I just award appropriate ones for the tactics they've been employing.

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Thanks, that's a lot of options and input in general, it really helps :)

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Captain K. wrote:
Sorcerer is a good choice, not least because a new player should really steer clear of Summoner (paperwork) and Witch (2 separate 'casting' mechanisms).

Good point, and you only initially have to choose a bloodline.

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ParagonDireRaccoon wrote:
If you look through the "Guide to the Class Guides" thread there are great guides for playing sorcerers. There are also guides for playing GOD (battlefield control/buffing/debuffing) wizards and blaster/blockbuster wizards that might be useful.

Yeah, I've read those, just mainly didn't know that's what the warlock was about.

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Mark Hoover wrote:

Mechanics aside, if you get drunk and don't remember how you passed some tests, you're a god. Not a demigod, quasi-deity or a level 20/10 MT hero, but a true god.

So that's all you have to do, at least in Golarion:

1. Go to Absalom
2. Get hammered
3. Take the tests
4. Black out

If you survive; god. If you don't, roll up a new character and go again.

This. The door has already been opened. Let your cm figure out what being a god means, or where to go from there.

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Thanks guys tonight went amazingly with your help and they really only just touched upon the actual dungeon portion, believing the creepy signs to be a call for help from their brethren, they just entered a tesseract I'd made. Not only are they constantly trying to survive, and find their way, the barbarian fighter is roleplaying a fine line of obsession for revenge and building insanity from general confusion. It's been amazing and we've only just begun.

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I don't know if it's been mentioned but cooperative crafting would halve your crafting time.

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Although, couldn't you use that blood money spell with it?

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7heprofessor wrote:
Ishpumalibu wrote:
I don't think it's core but it seems masterwork transformation spell could generate cash.

It requires material components equal to the cost of creating a masterwork item. All it saves is time.

Thanks for the suggestion though.

@tacticslion: I'll respond when I'm done with class tonight.

Oops, that was dumb of me. Sorry.

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I don't think it's core but it seems masterwork transformation spell could generate cash.

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A few years back on the wizards forums we had a community built campaign setting built from scratch. It started by the op posting general topography and having a small new settlement. From there we individually added new npcs, and started hooks from there, etc. It was really fun, and gave everyone a unique world to use.

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Materials can make a difference too if only one is metal then druids can use the other that isn't.

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I think it's fun to picture pfs games in world. With a giant wall around it and a long list of no ”x” allowed... A bunch of ”overpowered” characters around the list waiting to see if they can get in.

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I hear what you're saying, but firefighters don't get paid in treasure. unless maybe they're looting the house.

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A bow wielding inquisitor?

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There's also the human variant azlanti pureblood who gets +2 to all stats...

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We've all heard of fallen angels, but are there any risen devils/demons? Most likely demons I guess because they're chaotic and more likely to change?

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The maze or labyrinth is actually a powerful glyph design used as a component for a powerful spell...

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I imagine sorcerer is a good choice due to the charisma based casting. Is there any way to get past the hd limit? Prcs and whatnot?

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Tooth fairies from hellboy 2?

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I was looking at the new cover from advanced race, with all the Kobolds on it and thought of the many dms who have made intricate interesting encounters with Kobolds, for me they're just undersized lizard people, but I'd like to see what you think, and why they should or shouldn't be in the spotlight so much.

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I have my players roll 2d4+10 I like them having High stats, they are the main characters of my story afterall.

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Would I get full dex to my off hand assuming I'm not in an anti magic field or whatnot?

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His quick disappearance, and the death of his last charge seemed suspicious, someone took advantage of that and framed him with the murder of said charge. The authorities and many bounty hunters are seeking him.