Ishi1993's page

Organized Play Member. 3 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

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The All-Seeing Orb wrote:

As has been the case in the past, when books manifest within The Orb's vision earlier than they do for other's, a thread is opened so that the sightless might query the All-Seeing. That is what is happening here! For those poor souls who have yet to see these new tomes (that is, the Core Rulebook and Bestiary), ask your questions below, but heed these rules!

1. There is no guarantee a question will be answered. Do not spam questions, though you might draw attention to it once more if it has gone more than a few days unanswered.

2. Do not expect specific numbers, detailed mechanics, or excerpts from the books. Prophecy is vague by nature, and attempts to wring undeserved information from the beyond leads only to ruin!

3. Waste no words beseeching The Orb! A simple "Thank You" or "Please" suffices if you insist on such courtesy, but The Orb has no patience for groveling. Ask your question and be done with it!

Now, go forth and ask below!

All answers will be hidden in a spoiler tag, so the precognition-averse need not worry themselves.

Also, if any dev feels this previewing goes too far, please let me know. I'll stop at once

Can i use the Trash feat from the barbarian with a poisoned dude to poison another dude? like a Poisoned Dude weapon?

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Dαedαlus wrote:


(seems to be my reaction a lot lately)

So, does this mean that a medusa will only turn you into a statue if you fail the save by more than 10? That seems... incredibly counter-genre.

That said, I can't say I'm opposed to the four degrees of success, just that it could prove problematic in certain situations meant to be highly deadly.

Still, I was kind of hoping we would get something new in this blog, not just the crit system, which we've known about for a while.


lot of non-native language text detected, please bear with me just a little :v

I think just the oposite. Game design wise, it's not fun to have a character Ko'd or killed because he failed a test he would have to do one way or another, sometimes it's a random encounter with a monster that have that kind of skill, but it will always seems unfair. But now, since you can push the insta-kill to the critical sucess of the creature, then you can make the power deadlier! But also leave room for counter play! So yeah, the medusa will totally petrify you if you critical failure the test, but thats a low chance, it'll still 1/3 petrify you if you fail though, removing one of your three actions per turn, and if you fail thre times, you get totally petrified! See? if you asume that you have about 20% of failure on PF1, but have a 40% chance of failure and a 5¨% chance of critical failure in PF2, in the end, the second edidion makes the encounter deadlier while leaving room for counter-play.