
Irulesmost's page

385 posts (432 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 aliases.

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Incidentally, why does it have to look cool? Far as I'm concerned, it just needs to work.

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Y'all are missing the obvious.

The feat Shield Master makes it so you can apply a shield's defensive enhancement bonus to its attack rolls/damage. Defensive enhancements are cheaper;
(bonus^2)*1000, rather than (bonus^2)*2000.
Shield Master also removes TWF penalties when using a weapon and shield (weapon here being other shield)

One of Shield Master's prereqs is Shield Slam, which allows a free bullrush attempt whenever you hit with a shield bash.

This bullrush attempt is modified by any effects that modify a bullrush, such as Improved and Greater Bullrush. Greater Bullrush allows you and your allies to take AoOs against the enemy when you successfully bullrush him. Add this to the high Dex needed for a TWF build, and the additional AoOs from Combat Reflexes, and suddenly, the build gets mad battlefield control combined with some of the more powerful TWF offense attainable, and well above-average defense to boot.

Not perfect, but what is?

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yellowdingo wrote:
Kelsey Arwen MacAilbert wrote:
yellowdingo wrote:
Very Nice...Did you know that in the 1800-1900s such songs, ballads and even poetry recitals were often sung in public halls in communities and people went there on Saturday nights (because it was the equivalent of Cinema)?
Yup ^_^
Goes to show you the degree of cultural decline.

Oh, don't you start with the whole "culture is in decline" nonsense. People have been naysaying and doomsaying since the dawn of civilization, and they've been proven wrong almost universally.

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Also Paladins of Asmodeus.

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Now...wait a minute.

I'm looking at the Weapons table in the Core Rulebook, and right there at the top, I'm seeing "Unarmed Strike" as a weapon with no cost, weight, or range increment, that deals 1d3 (20/x2) Bludgeoning and has the "nonlethal" special quality. I don't mean to imply that you can *buy* an unarmed strike. But Ultimate Magic brings us the spell "Masterwork Transformation"

And then, later, we have rules on enchanting weapons, some of which are in the feat section, some in the skill section, and some in the Magic Item section...

I'm pretty sure you can give your monk a masterwork unarmed strike, and then enchant it, RAI be damned.

EDIT: Nail in the coffin

PRD wrote:
A monk's unarmed strike is treated as both a manufactured weapon and a natural weapon for the purpose of spells and effects that enhance or improve either manufactured weapons or natural weapons.

I believe that settles it, no? As of Ultimate Magic's Masterwork Transformation, Monks have had an ability to enhance their unarmed strike at comparable cost to other classes. XD

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Golden-Esque wrote:
SunsetPsychosis wrote:

So Titan Mauler gets angry and beats things to death while dual-wielding 2-handed weapons? Hello, WoW fury warrior ;) I love the mental image, personally.

Using a larger weapon than intended could also make a Beaststrike club even more broken. Fun times.

It takes the concept of WoW's Titan Grip and makes it a million times cooler. Not only can the Titan Mauler use Two-Handed weapons in one hand, but as they level up, the penalties for using oversized weapons go down. The feature replaces Trap Sense, so by 18th level you're looking at reduction to the weapon penalties by up to 6 (minimum 0).

This is awesome because, if you didn't know, you take a -2 penalty to attack rolls with an oversized weapon per category larger than you it is. Here is a nice little comparison.

Rog'nark the Barbarian is a Half-Orc. This means he is Medium-sized. Immediately, he takes no penalties for using Medium-sized weapons. He is a Titan Mauler. At 6th level, he takes no penalties for using Large weapons. At 12th level, he takes no penalties for using Huge weapons. At 18th level, he takes no penalties for using Gargantuan weapons. Fun factoid, he'd only take a -2 penalty for using colossal weapons at 18th level. So yes, this archetype can and will get nasty very quickly. The only real question is "how does the effect work with spells that improve your size?" :-P

Large -2
Huge -4
Gargantuan -6
Colossol -8.

If...this works the way you're implying it does, which it might, it would be SO COOL to take this guy through Rise of the Runelords. Fight giants, then use their weapons against them.

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Yes, yes, OR the zombies have a group of survivors cornered and you have to rescue them, OR they, along with some traps, are guarding teh lootz, etc.


Can we stop this threadjack, now? Are there maybe any other neat ideas/rules the devs have? Because I was really enjoying THAT bit.

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DamnIAmPretty wrote:
Sean K Reynolds wrote:
LilithsThrall wrote:
I gotta say, I don't like the step progression. I think gaining levels should be a dramatic point in the overall plot of the campaign, not just something that creeps up on people.
And I think players shouldn't have to wait for 16-20 hours of gameplay to occur in order to see any improvement in their characters. ;)
Heck, that's why I been using it for the last year or two. Otherwise, it feels like players get nothing for alot of work...

And that's why I do really high point-buy with mostly experienced gamers and throw them at really difficult encounters. 3-4 per level is how it usually works out. Like a level 6 party vs. a CR 10 Fire Giant. Still shocked nobody died there, but they *were* specifically hunting Fire Giants...

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As someone who literally JUST got done telling the above two posters to stop whining about the monk being underpowered and build to its strengths, I have to say, this nerf is ridiculous, and did NOT need to happen. It pretty much vindicates the complaints. Monks are still playable and workable, but...not really as "unarmed" combatants after this. And that's one of the biggest draws of the monk, is that it's supposed to make unarmed combat viable.

Edit: I understand that this isn't all chocolate and roses for the devs either, and I get that sometimes things can be out of people's control, etc. HOWEVER! You're the devs, and the outcry has been pretty clearly in the same direction, pretty big, and relatively fast. The people have spoken. If nothing is done, retracted it will be disappointing to, apparently, a good deal of the fanbase, but hey, lots of people protested guns and slingers of them, but they happened anyway. Mmm. Y'all's move, I guess.

Edit again: Still. Makes not a lick of sense that my master martial artist should hit someone really really hard, dealing as much damage as, say, an earth-breaker, with a punch, then put on his brass knuckles (Or rope, spiked gauntlet, etc), adding significant weight, heft, hardness to his punch. Using the same form, style, motion, and momentum to strike his opponent. With this added power, but also more weight, he is able to strike at the same speed as he would without (via flurry) and deal about 90% less damage. If anything, that's EXACTLY backwards.

Doesn't make sense from a flavor standpoint. Doesn't make sense from a balance standpoint. Doesn't make sense from a rules standpoint. Doesn't make sense.

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Gravefiller613 wrote:

347: It is unlawful as a monk to trip, grapple, and pin a wizard then to use Caught off gaurd on the wizards familiar whilest saying "quit hitting yourself"
348: The star knife is not the cross from castlevania.
353: I may not describe in any detail every, a transformation sequence for my synthesyst summoner.

366: It is, as a result, completely kosher for a martial artist to beat a wizard with his own familiar and tell him to "quit hitting himself."

367: A +(1 or better) Mithral Flaming Ghost Touch Undead Bane Spiked chain, however, IS Vampire Killer from Castlevania.
368: Daggers, Axes, and so forth can be used as their Castlevania counterpart
369: However, as your Pathfinder character has no "hearts," they may not be used as such, unless you make a system for hearts and/or petition your GM for its use
370: No making and/or petitioning a GM for a system of "hearts"
371: This includes Zelda hearts.
372: Also Kingdom Hearts.
373: No character may have "Belmont," "Morris," or "Lecarde" as a surname, should they model Castlevania characters.
374: "Berumondo," "Cruz," and "Graves," however, are acceptable, due to a legal loophole.
375: If you have a transformation sequence to describe, you may do so on the condition that the BBEG has been defeated only to reveal that he has a "true," more powerful, usually larger form and/or is not the biggest threat (provided the biggest threat immediately appears.) You must have completed this battle in an un-transformed state, and must have access to appropriate soundbytes from(choose one or more): Saint Seiya, Power Rangers (original series only), Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, Captain Planet, He:Man and the Masters of the Universe, Dragon Ball Z.
376: Other soundbytes (especially from video games) are acceptable based on a GM approval basis.
377: No "teabagging."
378: Furries are acceptable, however, must be chaotic. (This includes Tengus)
379: No referring to a sword/spell user as a "gish" type, as most people these days don't even know what a Githyanki is.
380: If you know what a Githyanki is, you do not know how to pronounce it.
381: Even if you do.
382: Githeresai are not excepted from these rules.
383: If you play a 3.x CoDZilla, Gorum will force you into single combat.
384: Gorum always goes first
385: Gorum will crush you
386: You cannot beat Gorum
387: In the event that you beat Gorum, you become Gorum.
388: This causes you to lose all spells/class features and become an NPC
389: No bragging about apotheosis.
390: Nobody beats the Hammer
391: Unless you have a lot of masterwork furniture
392: Breaking off sharpened chair legs to stake vampires may result in death
393: Charging across a foreign nation's borders in full military gear, complete with indication of your home natio is allowed and encouraged.
394: C'mon, just do it.
395: Look both ways when crossing the street. No exceptions
396: No using magic to solve all real-world problems (world starvation, disease, war, etc.)
397: This includes creating a demiplane without any of those problems and spending the rest of your character's career there.
398: What you do as a character while playing a wizard has sort of a creepy uncanny valley feel, what with the character sitting around for hours at a time flipping through pages of a spellbook, trying to decide what to memorize or what to learn in a given day or for a given level and said character's player...sitting around for hours at a time flipping through pages of a spellbook, trying to decide what to memorize or what to learn in a given day or for a given level...It's creepy. Stop it.
399: No offering or giving sexual favors with the purpose (explicit, implicit, ulterior, or unintended) of changing the game-state. It makes couples and females overpowered in most metagames, and nerfs homosexuals and single males.
400: The first one to turn it into a donkey show is banned.

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seekerofshadowlight wrote:
magnuskn wrote:

Here, here. The Ninja is fantastic. The Rogue got a huge buff by being able to take Ninja tricks.

Ah yes, the Asian Rogue talents that are better because they are Asian. What you mean is the ninja took all the good rogue talents as if they are so good they must be Asian.

So THAT'S what this is about? Not game balance, or mechanical implications, but ethnocentrism? Grow up.

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Ultimate combat: Guns, Rocket launchers, cannons, and vehicles as the latest addition to your sword and sorcery RPG.


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NO GM would allow? Well. I accept your challenge (from a GM standpoint).

Post away, fellows, and good luck coming up with something too wack for MY tastes!

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Sorcerer bloodlines and rage powers don't grant you natural weapons but for rounds per day. Only way I know of to have a natural weapon all day (using core and APG only) is to be a half-orc and have the toothy racial trait replacing ferocity, or to take the Razortusk feat. You get a 1d4 primary bite attack, which is cool.

Between that and the fact that +Dex +Int -Con doesn't sound like the best start for a bestial barbarian, I'd maybe not do an elf, and maybe do a half-orc.

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Frank Abrams Sherman, Sword/Board Fighter -> Stalwart Defender.

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In combat, I feel Magus is far more versatile at high level than EK. With the right Arcana, you can decide every round whether you want to use that ray as a melee touch attack, a ranged touch attack, apply it to a melee attack, etc. Or if you want to self buff and attack an enemy on round 1, you totally can with spell combat. And you can spend arcane pool to buff your weapon based on the encounter, or to spontaneously prepare a spell (or recall one cast earlier that day), dispel magic, use spell turning (sort of), spontaneously quicken/maximize something as fits the situation, and so on. There are just so many little combat tricks and so much room for thinking and innovating on the fly.

Out of combat, based on what spells the Magus has access to (without spending arcana to gain new ones, at least), the high level EK is almost definitely going to suit more situations. Or it would, if it wasn't filling most of its spell slots with combat buffs and so on, as it more than likely is. Which brings it back to the Magus, who, despite having prepared mostly buffs and touch spells, has the ability to spontaneously prepare spells by spending 2 points. Obviously, for a caster who has no hard limit on spells known, spontaneous preparation, despite its cost, is still a big deal. (Yes, I know wizards can replicate this with spells or spell-completion items, but, on an individual basis those aren't typically as versatile, which is my point.)