Ironicdisaster's page

712 posts. No reviews. 1 list. No wishlists.

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Bill Lumberg wrote:
Recently, a 22 year-old co-worker asked me if I listened to old rap groups like "Run DNA".

"Which one's Pink?" Is no longer an ironic question from a song.

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Foghammer wrote:
jlord wrote:


Sorry, Couldn't help myself...


I demand more races be developed in this fashion.

Damn! FOILed!

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I am fairly certain that bacon was outlawed in Japan in the 4th century bc by the tsar of france. Or maybe it was the president, but either way, the point is moot. Also, the aforementioned cake is a lie.

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Why do you want to make a cameo of a highly recognizable character is beyond me

I once made a superhero game where Deadpool appeared and embarrassed the party. They shit themselves. I suspect making players shit themselves is one motivation.

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This spell would be awesome in real life. Date not going well? Drop her into one! Boss getting to you? Demotion! He'll need a corporate ladder to get out!

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Yeah! Monks can't have nice things! WHY DO YOU HATE MONKS?!!!!1!!!11!!eleven?!!!!

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Norgorber was a liar and a cheat in his old life. Also, he still owes me 10 gp!

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Erastil Write Up wrote:

"He loves old customs that encourage strong family bonds, no matter how quaint they are by modern standards, and enjoys hunting for sustenance but not for sport. Happy weddings and new babies make him smile."

Geeze. What a prick, right? I bet he also likes puppies and tea by the fire. I don't think the problem is that he's old fashioned, I think the problem ia that he's my Grandmother.