
Iron-Dice's page

210 posts (1,008 including aliases). 5 reviews. 2 lists. 1 wishlist. 9 aliases.


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Please cancel my Pathfinder Pawns and Pathfinder Cards subs.

If possible, remove these items from my next shipment.

1 x Pathfinder Pawns: NPC Codex Box (preorder) @ 33.99 = $33.99
1 x Pathfinder Cards: Animal Allies Face Cards (preorder) @ 8.79 = $8.79
1 x Pathfinder Cards: Iconic Equipment Item Cards (preorder) @ 8.79 = $8.79

I wish to keep the AP and comic subs.

Thank you!

Please remove the following three items from my sidecart.

1x Pathfinder Battles—Rise of the Runelords: Lamia Matriarch, $5.95
1x Pathfinder Battles—Rise of the Runelords: Jakardros Sovark, $4.25
1x Pathfinder Battles—Rise of the Runelords: Khalib, $4.25

I managed to pick them up at my FLCS.


Please cancel the following three subs:

Pathfinder Tales
Pathfinder Campaign Setting
Pathfinder Player Companion

All other subs and misc items are still good to go.


Hey, just a heads up to make sure everyone is wanting to continue.
Looks like Monday is a good day to pick up and carry forth.


Nice sale as always. I'm a few books closer to completing my pathfinder collection. Thanks Paizo.

Alaren wrote:
Waiting .......

I can get going again tonight of tomorrow morning, so check back!

We'll have to see how many have stuck around during the break.

e-terah earthenchild wrote:
Dude,you got attacked by a Cactaur?

Yes eye did. (See what I did there).

I *had* a window cactus that grew to about 14 inches tall. I took it outside to replant it and the thing shot a needle into my eye in self defense. I failed my reflex save rolling a 1.
It was all covered in these little hairs that are hard as steel and end with a surgical point.

One must have bent then snapped back launching like a sling, flew a foot and a half, cartwheeled over my glasses past my lashes into my eye, rotated and pierced my eyelid. It stayed lodged there with the broke end digging into my eye every time my lid or eyeball moved. The ophthalmologist described it as "tattered goblin nails racking a third of my eye in a drunk in fit."* (*Those may not have been his exact words. Translated from doctor speak.)

Anyway, it makes a great tavern story, and it's all better now.

*beware the cacti with the +12 missile defense attack.


"Stop postIng your not posting and post already!"

I know, I know. I could have posted this weekend but knew I would not be able to again until the last half of this week. I had a MAJOR 12 page regional ad assignment come in with no advance notice. Many 14 Hour days starting when I hung up the phone. I heading out to the first of four location shoots today alone as I type this (I'm not driving, hee hee).

I also had a cactus needle embedded in my eye last Thursday. Yep, you read that right. And yep, it felt just like it sounds. It was there over twelve hours before I could have it taken out by a specialist.

Sooooooo. Where's the game? I want to start up when I know I can do a long satisfying run and not start/stop all the time. My current ETA is late this week.

Thanks for holding interest. I miss everyone's game post and the fun of GMing it.
This crazy amount of work is a blessing but it is also wearing me out mentally and physically. I like to post first thing in the morning before I get started in the day as I know it's often hard for me to pull away from work and I'm exhausted at night.

Well, looks like I'm about to arrive. I know they are already looking for me. Faster faster faster for the rest of the day.

See ya!

Aka Calvin

Iron-Dice wrote:
Wow. Time slipped by me. I'll see if I can sneak in a post between jobs today, if not then tomorrow.

Arg. Got slammed with work this weekend, and forgot I have an all day trading in class today.

I really am dedicated to this game. I owe you guys a nice long uninterrupted run of fast posts.

Stick with me. October was the busiest single month of work for me since the recession started in '08. Cough me by surprise.

Wow. Time slipped by me. I'll see if I can sneak in a post between jobs today, if not then tomorrow.

e-terah earthenchild wrote:
Thought he'd say something

He's sizing you up. He knows one wrong word and he's toast. He's playing a mental game of chicken trying to avoid a beat down. Or worse.

e-terah earthenchild wrote:
Hey DM what's my result for intimidate on coachman and diplomacy on sailors?

The coachman is scared of you, so he's acting very cautious

Three of the six sailors left due to your diplomacy. That's what the D6+2 roll was. A minimum of three would leave, with a good chance for more, up to all.

Ha! Sararend's calling Ameiko's father "ma'm".
Pansexual plant creatures.

Just FYI, did you know you can have several books open in goodreader at one time, each with their own tab. It's very handy.

Overtime, you may fine that reading, organizing and general accessibility of the PDF's is better is goodreader than iBooks. Much, much better in face. Especially with loading speed, bookmarking and switching between multiple open books.

If I may be so bold, I would suggest forgetting about iBooks for PDF's in general and especially Paizo books.

Monkeygod wrote:

Hey all, just a heads up:

I live in Ct and thus my loose power due to Hurricane Terrorist Cell Sandy. If I do, I have no idea when I'll be back. I will try to post stuff today just in case.

I wish you the best of luck!

Living in Florida, it's usually us playing duck-n-cover with these storms.
I hope it turns out to be less dramatic that the news makes it out to be.

Stay safe. See you when your real life episode of revolution is over.

Did you try rebooting your iPad? It sometimes gets wonky and that puts things to normal.

I've got good reader on an iPad 1 and 3, just verified a safari download then open in good reader. both work. Each with a differentl IOS.

Good luck. Sounds like xa software issue.

I like to watch movie credits for interesting names. Check it out sometime. I can always find a few, jot them down, then I just log them in a spreadsheet for later use.

Looking at author names in book list always works for me also.

I'm always typing a cool name into my handy phone's notes area whenever I run across one.

My plush goblin arrived today with my monthly Paizo box today.
It's more cool than I thought it would be. Now I just have to keep it away from my dog!

Nice dwarf-speak Saverand.

I'm tempted to put some of your phrases into a spread sheet to track how consistent they are.
Fun stuff.

Congrats on your new chapter in life as a father.

Lookie. The server is back up. Yea.
I tried to make a game post twice today and it was down both times :-(

I truly did, hand on heart, accidentally drop and break my 3gs the day before the 4 went on sale.

I remember it clearly. I was in the Borders Books parking lot after buying some DDM minis when Borders used to email out those 40% off coupons every week.

I deemed it a "Freudian drop".

Oooooh NYCC. (Green with envy)
And you accidentally broke your old phone when the iPhone 5 comes out. Hmmmmm. Convenient. (Or a GalaxyS3 if your a droid fan. Or is that fan-droid.)

I would simply like to chime in and say I support Paizo and Wizkids on the distributin model.

Yes, I have purchased several boosters from RotRL that were identical. I have also had the same experience with the DDM line as well.

To me, the current method is far superior for many reasons, including the overall spread of single use figures vs army builders.

I for one, hope the current version of distribution model continues throughout the life of product line.

I'll chime in with my two coppers.

I find the jewelry and pose to be excellent and exciting.
The ancient dragon has a personality and history. Much more interesting than a figure that looks like it has been standing still its whole life wating to be discovered by a single adventuring party.

Keep up the great work!

I also find that there is often a much longer delay for PC responses when I post from my iPad vs my desktop. It might just be a weird coincidence. I was thinking about that the other day in fact.

I've got the next post planed out in my head, but ran out of time before leaving for a work event. Look for my next post tomorrow. Things are stirred up that are about to come to light. Bwa Haaaaaa Haaaaaaa.

Have fun on your weekend adventures guys. See 'ya on the flip side.
I appreciate the heads up.

From Executive Producer Jerry Bruckheimer.
Next Summers most anticipated movie.

"bray he doesn't find you!"

Jacen, very nicely done. Thank you for sharing.

You guys come up with the best lines. Love it!

Black Powder Chocobo wrote:

Some good alternatives I've seen in commercials/media.

You lintlicker!
You son of a motherless goat.
Fargin' iceholes.
Stinkin' bastages.
Dirty corcksucker.

(Bonus points for knowing the reference for the last three)

Johnny Dangerously!

I remember laughing my arse off when I first saw that film.

"My mother slapped me once. Once."

Where's my TV? I want to watch Bones tonight. Hmmm.
Oh well, I'll just hook up the DVD player to the old TV and watch a movie. Hey, where did did the DVD player go?
Guess I'll just have to make a PbP post instead. C'est la vie.

New post this later this afternoon. Look for it then!

I'm still here! Getting a ton of last minute rush assignments for a medical center I've been photographing. They keep needing additional stuff for marketing materials. Rush rush rush. It's almost over, then back to the game.

Brewing is a hobby. Go dwarfs!

Dwarves have no hobbies,

Than explains sooooooooo much :-)

@Haley. I got bogged down as well. I started reading the players guide, but never made a character. Looks like a lot of good choices in your recruitment thread.
The 60-90 minutes I spend each day on Runelords will keep me busy. :-)

Alaren wrote:
Yeah ! Iron dice lives :)

Yep, I live.

I've been making an effort to at least post a quick note on days I'm unable to make a game post.
Friday was just... weird... I guess. I made an effort to post but kept getting pulled away. Hence, no "non game post" post.

Arknight wrote:
Yea! I know how it goes though..... Common in my case too... Seem to be the only one that can handle the 'OMGINEEDHELPNOW' issues.... LOL

I work for myself ( well, my clients really), so some weeks it feels like 24/7 work. Othertimes the freedom is great. Gotta roll with it!

I would like to offer thanks to the person who created this cool font.

Oh, and if someone could forward me a copy, that would be great as well.

Iron-dice at drunkgoblin dot com


Haley Kindel wrote:

Also..I think Haley's crit broke the GM. =P Busy day Mr. Iron D? *whispers* Borderlands 2? Iron Kingdom RPG? Work? 0_0

Work :-(

I tried to start the post three times today and something urgent came up each time.

Hey group.
I may not be getting in a game post today, FYI.
Was up at 4:30am for a work event. I am NOT a morning person.
Body fried and brain mush already. When I get back it will be nap time, then see if I can get up in time for Doctor Who.

I'll catch everyone up on the goblin smunching tomorrow.

Adam Daigle wrote:
The mighty Mark Moreland just informed me that it is from Classic Monsters Revisited.

Awesome. Thanks you so much. I'm off to check my collection now and see if I already have that book or need to order it.

I ran across this image of a goblin standing over a dead dog. Looks like it's from RotRL burnt offerings, but it does not seem to be in any book I own.

Anyone recognize what source book it's from?
It's the goblin standing with a foot on a dead dog and holding a dogslicer proudly in the air.


Help me Paizo community. Your my only hope. (along with a good therapist :-)

Saturday will be officially one month of game play. Most of us have only missed one or two days posting in that time.

I think we have aced the awkward start-up period and have a strong long term game/group here. Huzzah!

Haley Kindel wrote:

@ Iron D, I know I've said it before and it is a Paizo map, but the photoshop work is really great! I love that you've left smoke, pools, charred marks and the like on the map to chronicle our battle. Its a nice touch and helps translate over the internet well. Kudos!

My sincere thanks. I have a lot of fun with the maps. Knowing how much the extra effort is appreciated adds to the fun greatly.

e-terah earthenchild wrote:
Whhhhyyyy?! My damage rolls are devastating but my attack rolls ain't Jack! It's all the smoke and the fact the gobs won't hold still! !

Those gobs are hard to hit. What sucks from a warrior perspective is that they are not even trying to evade the attacks. There small size and natural dexterity mean there are just bouncing and jittering about randomly, with the side effect of evading attacks.

Trained combatants must find that very frustrating. Dumb luck with an emphasis on dumb.

The PbP group survived, the RL did not. My plush Gob has been in my sidecart as well since I first saw it! Can't wait.