Shoanti Tribeswoman

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In regards to the moving in the middle of the encounter...

"I was moved in the middle of an encounter, and a bunch of things were going to happen after the encounter. Do they happen at my old location, or at my new location?"

"They don't happen at all."

"Resolution: On page 11 of the rulebook, under Resolve the Encounter, add the following sentence: "If you move during an encounter, any effects that would happen after that encounter do not happen.""

Wouldn't "Attempting The Check" happen after the encounter?

If it doesn't count as a thing happening after the encounter, can I ask why?

Thanks again. Sorry, I'm new to this and the rules can be kinda confusing at first.

Alright. I guess that makes sense...

Thanks :)

A little sorry for reviving a dead thread, but I couldn't find anything else about this anywhere else online.


I want to disagree with Vic Wertz.

The rulebook says on page 11 "If you succeed at all the checks required to defeat a bane, banish it; if you don't succeed, it is undefeated - shuffle the card back into its location deck."

"if you don't succeed, it is undefeated". This says very clearly, I think, that "undefeated" is *defined* as having failed at a check to defeat a bane. Being "undefeated" is a part of resolving the encounter, and results in shuffling it back into its location deck.

(I couldn't find any other references in the rule book which might define what it means to be "undefeated")


Blackfire Adept states "If the demon is not defeated, the Blackfire Adept is undefeated." It is undefeated. You have failed the check to defeat it. You immediately resolve the encounter and shuffle it back into its location deck.

I believe that if you still needed to fight the Blackfire Adept after losing to the Demonling, then the Blackfire Adept's power should be re-worded to: "If the demon is not defeated, the Blackfire Adept cannot be defeated." This would mean that, even if you succeed at the combat check, you still fail and the Blackfire Adept is undefeated. The "If undefeated" effect also activates.

(Note that regardless, you can never evade he blackfire adept after failing to defeat the Demonling as "Apply Any Evasion Effects" occurs before "Apply Any Effects That Happen Before You Act")


What this ultimately means, I think, is that players will have to defeat the demon before they can defeat the blackfire adept. Losing to (or evading!) the demon will mean the blackfire adept is undefeated. If you lose to the demon and take damage, you do not fight (and potentially take more damage from) the blackfire adept.

Losing to the Demonling will move you to a random location, which does NOT affect the encounter directly; if the Blackfire Adept didn't have the power, you would still have to fight it after being moved.


The only difference I am pushing for here is that you would have to fight the Blackfire Adept after the Demonling, resulting in the potential for more damage.