About Iorskan[dice=Bite]1d20+6[/dice]
Race: Taninim and Traits:
Race * 2 Strength, +2 Constitution, -2 Intelligence Brutish: Some taninim are truly specimens of physical perfection, with increased strength and agility compared to their peers but having a more feral, instinct-driven mind. In addition to the altered ability score modifiers, these taninim gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against fear effects. This racial trait changes the racial ability score modifiers and replaces the superior awareness racial trait. * Size: Taninim are Small creatures and gain a +1 size bonus to AC, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, a -1 penalty to their CMB and CMD, and a +4 size bonus on Stealth checks. * Type: Taninim are dragons. They breathe, eat and sleep, plus gain armor and weapon proficiency based on class. Any type-based racial traits they gain are listed below. * Base Speed: Taninim have a base speed of 30 feet. * Languages: Taninim begin play speaking Common and Draconic. * Dexterous Claws: Taninim claws are not quite robust enough to be used as natural weapons, but their front claws are nimble enough to manipulate manufactured tools and hold items without impairing their movement. A taninim can even wield weapons but is restricted to only wielding weapons in one hand at a time, suffers a -2 penalty to all attack rolls with manufactured weapons, and can only move at half speed. * Dragon Immunities: Taninim are immune to magical sleep effects and paralysis effects. * Kinslayer: Violent struggles for territory and prestige are common among taninim. They gain a +1 bonus on attack rolls and a +2 dodge bonus to AC and on saving throws against the extraordinary, supernatural and spell-like abilities of dragons. * Natural Weapon – Bite: Taninim have a bite primary attack that deals 1d4 points of damage and has reach as a creature one size larger. As dragons, taninim add 1 ½ times their Strength bonus on damage rolls with their bite attack. * Scaled Hide: Taninim have a +2 natural armor bonus to AC. * Glide: Taninim have vestigial wings and can make a DC 15 Fly check to fall safely from any height without taking falling damage, as if using feather fall. When falling safely, the taninim may make an additional DC 15 Fly check to glide, moving 5 feet laterally for every 20 feet he falls. * Wyrm Lore: Taninim gain a +2 racial bonus on Knowledge (arcana) checks to identify dragons and can make such checks untrained. * Unfettered Predator: Taninim can only wear armor designed expressly for draconic bodies, and even then chafe at the restrictions armor can cause to their natural movements. Taninim increase the armor check penalty of any worn armor by 2, and suffer a -2 penalty on attack rolls while wearing medium or heavy armor even if they are proficient in it. Taninim also reduce their maneuverability rating by one step when flying while wearing medium or heavy armor. These penalties apply regardless of any armor proficiency the taninim has. * Draconic Physiology: Taninim are quadrupeds, and have a number of rules modifiers based on their body shape. Quadrupeds are limited to using the following item slots: armor, belt (saddle only), chest, eyes, headband, neck, shoulders, and wrist. Armor for quadrupeds has double the cost of armor for a humanoid of the same size. Taninim also have the standard two ring slots due to their dexterous claws. Quadrupeds have a greater carrying capacity than humanoids, multiplying the carrying capacity value for their Strength as follows: Fine x1/4, Diminutive x1/2, Tiny x3/4, Small x1, Medium x1 ½, Large x3, Huge x6, Gargantuan x12, Colossal x24. Quadrupeds also gain a +4 bonus to CMD against overrun and trip combat maneuvers from their extra legs. * Dragon Senses: Taninim have darkvision 60’ and low-light vision. Traits
Skills 4 (class) + 2 (Background Skills)
Automatic Bonus Progression +2
Class: Draconic Exemplar:
Predator’s Claws
Draconic Essence
Draconic Weaponry
Level Plan: Purpose is to cap size as large while still keeping Draconic feel:
Levels Lvl 2: Scaled Fist Monk (Cha to AC, Dragon Style) Lvl 3-9: Draconic Exemplar Lvls 10-20: Dragon Disciple (If natural sorcery allowed to work with it) Feats
Draconic Exemplar