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So, the descriptive text for massive weapons says you can use a large weapons 2-handed but the FAQ says that isn't the case.

[u]Massive Weapons (Ex)[/u]
At 3rd level, a titan mauler becomes skilled in the use of massive weapons looted from her titanic foes.

She can use two-handed weapons meant for creatures one size category larger, but the penalty for doing so is increased by 4. However, the attack roll penalty for using weapons too large for her size is reduced by 1, and this reduction increases by 1 for every three levels beyond 3rd (to a minimum of 0).

[u]Can a Medium titan mauler wield a Large two-handed weapon, such as a Large greatsword?[/u]

No. The "Inappropriately Sized Weapons" rule says (in summary) that a creature can't wield an inappropriately-sized weapon if the size difference would increase it one or more "steps" beyond "two-handed." None of the titan mauler's abilities say the character can break the "steps" part of the "Inappropriately Sized Weapons" rule, so the character still has to follow that rule.

So, which is right, the ability or the FAQ?

On Concept & core mechanics: Lower the skill points to 6 + Int Mod & remove the armor proficiency to give it an AC Bonus like Monk, make the ki pool wisdom-based, & give some unarmed strike ability. Given the adjustments, you could probably have the Unarmed Strike scale like start at 1d4 at 1, then go up to 1d6 at 2, a 1d8 at 8, & a 1d10 at 16. Combined, these things should balanced(though proper study is always recommended).

Reason - Many people think it should have an AC Bonus & some unarmed capability & some think it should be better in combat than Rogue, so obviously, out of combat Rogue should have an edge. Having higher skill points should give Rogue that edge. A wisdom-based Ki Pool fits more thematically with the Ninja concept & the other adjustments suggested above should help it balance it out some.

On Talants: Remove the free once a day use of Ki-based Talents for Ninja. Allow Rogue to take Ninja a talent(or talents) that aren't the exact same as one of their Rogue talents. For Ki-based talents, let the Rogue use the talent once or twice a day, since they do not have a Ki Pool.

Reason - Ninja already can select a Rogue talent that isn't like any Ninja talent they can select. Rogue should be able to do the same. The freebie daily uses of the Ki Talents for Ninja is a bit much since they already have a point pool they can spend to use the abilities. Rogue on the other hand, has no Ki Pool, so to let the be able to pick up Ki Abilities & actually use them without giving them a Ki Pool we can instead just let them use a Ki talent once or twice a day(preferably twice if they can only pick up a single Ninja talent).

To get gun statics:
Pull look at D20 modern
Guns should not be better than what's in Modern. Period.
Take a few of those weapon statistics & use them for the basis for your old-time fire arms. Grab 2-3 from each category(pistol/longarm) and use the low end ranges plus average & low damages for the weapons of each category(so you can have multiple types for each category). Then, knock the damage down a category. Give it crossbow reload times, appropriate to the category(pistols equal light crossbow, muskets equal heavy crossbow).

If there are any enchants that are great for guns(I honestly haven't looked in a while), use them, since it's the pretty much the same weapon magic enchant system as Pathfinder. Also, incorporate any firearms feats that look like they'd fit with the type of weaponry. Lastly, look at core weapons/ammo & then come up with a reasonable price based on how your guns stack up.

This assuming you want to put in some effort just use some existing available firearms source that actually has prices you can work with in gold(such as the 3.5 DMG).

For the Gunslinger itself:
Take Fighter, Ranger, & Rogue. Tweak the ranged specialties each a bit to be more gun themed and you've got multiple Gunslinger options to fit different types of gun users.