InfernosReaper's page

159 posts. 3 reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

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Also, no one going to address how making consumables horrifically unreliable is going to affect the game world as a whole? At best, it's a market killer.

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They already cut wand charges down considerably. Seems like enough nerfing to me.

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I'm legitimately pissed off by how out of touch they seem to be on this, even though a lot of people have been pretty clear on why things are an issue. I honestly wasn't expecting to be this mad, but here I am. They get that people are mad about it, but they don't seem to get *why* so many people dislike resonance.

It's a shame it never occurred to them that maybe the problem is that those higher end cure spells aren't very good because of how much they lag behind damage output. It's legitimately the only instance I can think of where the benefits of spell level involve literally improving only 1 aspect of the spell category.
Instead, they're like "welp, gotta restrict people buying cheaper items."

I really shouldn't be surprised, though. The entire design process seems to be "well, Y isn't balanced against Z, because Y isn't as good. Let's make Z worse." If you want something that will compete with Pathfinder 1 or D&D 5th Ed, you're not going to get it by making a game that revolves around that mindset.

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I would've designed the class with at-will shape shifting where you could pick up basic forms that would be somewhat lacking compared to the shapeshifting spells but include some sort of limited use buffs that could be used to boost the character's form & get it on par with normal shapeshifting spells.

I also wouldn't have natural attack option as it is. If the natural attack is going to deal less damaging than the monk's unarmed strike(even with improved natural attack for most characters), the character should at least be able to change the form of the attack. Give the class a few basic attacks(slam, sting & talons), which would be no more outlandish than unarmed strike with style feats that change damage types. From there, one could take talents to get some of the stronger natural attack options like bite, claw, or even some sort of ranged natural option(or at least tentacles with a reach option). Just the 1 type of natural attack is boring and hurts the flavor of the shapeshifting concept.

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Orthos wrote:
InfernosReaper wrote:

On a sidenote, I think I've got a variant for this class that utilizes spirit/pact-binding of the Binder/Occultist variety. Thematically, it runs of the premise of someone who makes deals with extraplanar beings won't limit themselves to just that if they know of other sources of power too. Thus they trade away a bit of their pact's power for the ability to make temporary pacts with other sorts of supernatural entities.

I just need to testplay it to see if it's mechanically solid(& make sure the added class features from the variant aren't too boring).
The Occultist book has several archetypes for nearly every core class that gives them binding ability; you might want to look at those for ideas and starting points.

Oh, I've got the idea & the build. Took certain aspects of a couple of variants/archetypes to it. I need to make sure what I did is actually balanced in play, not just in theory.

Back on the mythic bit. Any sort of unsupported 3rd party mysticism is greatly weakened in a mythic game. This is in addition to build themes that don't really go into the preset paradigms. There are a decent bit of 'universal' abilities but those are more of a "well, I've got nothing else to pick so I'll get these" for such characters which puts them a bit behind the guy who picked up mythic stuff that enhances his type of character.

Such things will be a headache for 3rd party developers.

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Excellent enthusiasm. I'm not trying to dog you. I legitimately would like to see some expanded options for this baby that are decently balanced, so I offered up some observations.

That's part of why I'm working on a idea for combining this with the binder stuffs from Pactmagic Unbound. It's taking longer expect/desired, but ya know, needed. Now I've got the general thematic down, I've gotta hammer out the rough mechanics when I get the time.

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The True Res & incorporeal bits are way too strong on the low end, even if it's a DC 30. I've seen saves get milked pretty bad before & a meta '1 hour of gameplay' rule bit is just weird...

The capstone's just way too much. It's a bit strong with the immunities, but the phylactery bit goes way too far.

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I finally got the review revision up. Took a bit cause stuff kept coming up over here. My apologies.

Both my associate & I also seem to agree that the class as it is now is overall solid. So, thank you for your effort. I respect that.

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Liked the change to the Chain Blast, it's different from what I would done & honestly better. Props there. Adjusting the levels on Chain & Cone work well too(again, probably better than my suggestions).

I'm still confused by the whole "has a listed duration but no effect in the ability applies to it" for Witch Step. That might confuse some people, but the ability's a bit more balanced now at least. Maybe a tad strong for some people's tastes.

Sadly, no adjustment to the hit die cap on Fear Feeder, but I'll try not to worry about it too much, since it is a low end ability.

Like the ability in this update, my statement on the Pact Tongue incantation remains unchanged, but ya know, minor complaint really.

Pumpkins to Carriages got a level boost. Excellent.

I like adjustments on Taint Reality.

Overall, pretty good effort. A lot of critical improvements. For good measure, I'm gonna try to run this by an associate of mine(the one who I usually get to look over the stuff I make) & see what he thinks. Though, I'm going to go ahead & update my review.