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![]() Green-Knight: I'm a huge fan of archetypes that drastically change the normal status quo. Swapping alignment and the target type excites me even if I don't ever want to make one. Scallywag: Squeaking in as my last choice... I'm on a boat! I like the idea of boat-users as a super specialized choice and this one wins because it promotes harpoons(We can go whaling on the moon!). Skinchanger: I really like the Witch and adding in some animal-shape loving is pretty great. Water-Snake: Very good theme tie in, even if I probably wouldn't want to be so specialized. Outsea-Delver: Like water snake a good theme tie-in, specialized and actually useful(some of the specialist archetypes that exist are pretty chock full of useless stuff). Water-Born Votary: Another well themed archetype, but for monk. Red-Adder Magus: One of my favorites; it changes things up drastically like Green-Knight. Arcane Pool for poisons? Awesome! Even if they're a pain in the ass, it's another class other than rogue that can take advantage of some of those feats. River-Wrangler: Tied with Red-Adder for my favorite this round. It makes me think of Arnold trying to choke out the Predator or even in a lighter sense of the Crocodile Hunter being a multi-class ranger/river-wrangler. ![]()
![]() 11 pages already? Well done everyone, guess we aren't getting a subforum, but that's fine. My item: Reel of the River King:
Reel of the River King Aura strong evocation; CL 13th Slot body; Price 40,000 gp; Weight 6 lbs. Description This tooled and oiled leather chest harness has a large reel attached to it by a silver chain. When attached to a bow or crossbow the reel sprouts four spectral clips. When clipped to an arrow and fired it will spool out a gossamer line in its wake. Attaching a clip to an arrow is a swift action, and reduces its normal range increment by half. The line transfers to any target the arrow strikes and is then considered a grappling weapon with the added benefit of allowing a grapple attempt on any successful strike(instead of allowing grappling only with a critical hit). Each line still attached to a target adds a cumulative +1 circumstance bonus to CMB on grapple attempts made by the user against it(maximum of +4 using all four lines). Each line is an incorporeal object with 12 hit points, cannot be burst with a strength check, and is automatically severed if it extends 200 feet from the user. When a line is severed, which the user can do as a free action, a new clip and line appears on the reel ready for use. The silver chain attached to the reel functions as a weapon cord that can be attached or detached as a move action. The arrow and line can also be used as a grappling arrow, using the attached line with no danger of falling, but only by the user.
Self-Review: The winning Quiver of Spiderkind has very similar functionality with a better theme/flavor. I feel like my item is much more fun mechanically, but also more complicated and I also completely forgot an AC for the line. I'm guessing a 'reel' didn't have that spark of awesome like using a spider abdomen as a quiver.
![]() Sean K Reynolds wrote:
I was hoping the ability to set up a flying galleon covered in barnacles would be worth a little physics glossing. Since I didn't want to attempt to cover every one of those possibilities(and was trying to keep it simple) I should have expected this result. Thanks. ![]()
![]() Well, forgot to final my final edit of the item from the submission window but the judges can grab that if necessary. Sky Barnacle
This dome of blackened iron bears flowing prose written in Auran around its outer edge. When placed against a large flat side of an object and given a twist(a move action), the Barnacle attaches itself and emits a golden glow(as a candle). The Barnacle can be attached to any inanimate object with a flat surface at least 10 inches across(the size of the Barnacle). While attached a Sky Barnacle serves to reduce the weight of the object by 2,000 pounds. If an object becomes weightless after attaching a Sky Barnacle it will begin to lift lazily into the air, floating about as if on an invisible sea. In this state, the object can be pushed or pulled into the air or over obstacles. When pushed away it will only travel 5 feet before drifting to a stop. The object will stay in roughly the same orientation it was in when the Barnacle was attached allowing goods to be stored without fear of the object capsizing. For the purpose of pushing or pulling the object, it is considered to weigh only one-tenth normal. For larger objects, the effects of attaching multiple Barnacles combine, decreasing the weight accordingly(by 2,000 pounds per Barnacle). Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, Levitation; Cost 2,500 gp ![]()
![]() Would have been nice to say what happened to the tree after the fruit but I like it nonetheless. As for actually having it in a game, well it's going to need a severe price cut. Unless it was in the area of 3-5k it wouldn't ever be purchased or created by a PC. With its current price at 6th level its more than 60% of effective character wealth, and at 7th level its a bit more than 40%. ![]()
![]() Is it just me, or has this been almost done before? I seem to recall a phase spider web and a line that you could spool out. Which upon being cut teleported you to the snipped location. Might this be a case of dejavu, or is this different enough to be okay? EDIT: The item was Ethereal Tether from 2009, this is a cheaper and single use version with less versatility. I suppose that's different enough. Congrats! ![]()
![]() I agree with Abraham. It's essentially just a telekinetic steal or disarm and the shadow falcon is just an illusion to go along with the effect. If it was a summoned creature then it would have a mention of stats. Since it mentions no stats for the creature anywhere, the simple and elegant way of handling it is to not give it any stats. Perhaps if it lingered or was capable of other actions it would need them, but it doesn't. It's just a single combat maneuver. ![]()
![]() Standback wrote:
Whoops, I was going to touch on that. I had initially thought Appraise as well. Given my unfamiliarity with Pathfinder. As I looked through the skills, Appraise simply covers the assessing of an item's worth. So that would cover bartering or a pawn broker. Linguistics in Pathfinder covers everything that Reading, Forgery, and Decipher Script covered in 3.5; So in this case I figured it was more a matter of examining how well the owner can forge coins on a whim. ![]()
![]() Azmahel wrote:
I was just going to bring up a comparison to American Idol, hehe. This first round is essentially just like the open calls for American Idol. The judges have to sift through hundreds(maybe thousands?) of entries and determine who should get a chance to show more. What does this mean? The first impression and every little detail will count. Song Choice, appearance, type of voice, etc. Some of them get through by just having something special that the judges pick out and move them along. Others get through just by making a good impression, singing competently, looking like they could get cleaned up to star status, etc. This correlates pretty closely to this competition, sure you can get through with a dumb name... but that's because the judges see something great in your item and overlook your choice to sing Baby Got Back while swinging around your bright blue Jerry Curls. That said, do you really want to take that chance? Wouldn't you instead want to dress your best, keep a positive attitude, sing a good song really well and just hope to catch their attention the best you can? ![]()
![]() Scipion del Ferro wrote: ** spoiler omitted ** Why thank you for the input. I had thought of going a few different ways, some of which you suggested. Changing the faces in coin flips I figured it would be simpler to remove any extraneous checks and leave it all down to the linguistics check. As for that, I imagined it as essentially using magic to forge any coin you pleased, whether it have leprechauns and unicorns on its faces or to simply duplicate the appearance of any coinage you might require. In this way you could use it as a signal, dropping it somewhere with a certain symbol on it or perhaps replicate a signet if you wished. I would have expounded on this, but I stopped working on it when I got other ideas. I agree with you on the costing, I'd been toying on what to cut it down to... but it was difficult to spell out how much a 10gp/hour engine(albeit with limits) should cost. Thanks for the feedback, very constructive. Perhaps next year we should be working on setting up some trustworthy discussion groups. It was quite difficult finding individuals among my friends who were intimately familiar with 3.x rules and writing. ![]()
![]() I'll toss one in, simply as I liked the item and still do, but thought it wasn't quite 'awesome' enough to catch the judges attention. Cheater's Change
Cheater's Change will always appear as a coin, which type is, of course, up to its owner. With a touch, the coin's owner can will it to take on the appearance of any coin that the owner is familiar with. The coin may also appear to be in any condition, anything from aged and battered to shiny and new. The owner can, with a readied action, fix a coin flip by swapping the faces as it lands. In addition, Cheater's Change will always return to its owner. Unless a command word is spoken, the coin will be found within one of its owner's pouches or pockets one hour after it is given or taken away. Those wary of Cheater's Change can make a Linguistics check opposed by the coin's owner, with success discovering the magical forgery. If the owner of Cheater's Change speaks the command word and allows the coin to be in someone else's possession for a full week, that person becomes the new owner. Finally, the Cheater's Change does not register a magical aura, as the spell Magic Aura. Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, Instant Summons, Magic Aura, Prestidigitation; Cost 6,385 gp ![]()
![]() Sean K Reynolds wrote: I thought I sent a note about getting that fixed. However, most of us are out of the office because of unseasonal ice on the ground. I'll make sure it's fixed before the competition opens on Dec 3rd. :) Wouldn't this be the perfect season for ice on the ground? Or perhaps you mean the ice isn't yet in season and open for hunting. I surely hope it's not a matter of not having the right seasonings to make the ice taste better. ![]()
![]() Azmahel wrote:
Well, I only wished to do so as I had a pretty nailed down concept for an item but there is a feature that adds a lot to the cost that I could see being the singular 'greater' ability. Most of the greater/lesser pairs have a tightly balanced item and a greater version that adds either an extra ability that still fits the theme, or simply increases a bonus. My item essentially has a single extra effect that increases the cost and expands the usage of it quite a bit. I feel confident of my ability to create a lesser and greater version succinctly and correctly costed, I was really hoping to hear from one of the judges on whether this sort of thing is on their auto-reject list, or if this wouldn't be seen as an exemption and would get you rejected for violating the rules (only 1 item submission, and word limit). See, I know the judges accept the bending of the 'auto-reject' rules in that bending rules can also make things great. But there have also been those in the past disqualified for breaking the word limit. Basically: Would having a lesser/greater pair be considered rule bending, or breaking? ![]()
![]() Greetings all, I'm not sure whether or not this was mentioned anywhere else(I've read all the auto-reject threads and the rules), but I was curious what I should do if I were to think of a Lesser/Greater item combination. Should I detail both the Lesser and Greater item and throw them into the same post(so you aren't left wondering what the missing item does), leave one or the other out entirely, or just not create a lesser/greater set of items and just use the singular. I was thinking of including both as a neat twist, but then I feared it might fall over the 300 word count that way and I might get docked for it. Any thoughts? |