GenCon Pickup include everything in our sidecarts?

Customer Service

Sovereign Court

I'm running a few different PFS/SFS games at GenCon and just want to verify that everything i have in my sidecart currently is viable for pickup at GenCon? If you require more details please let me know and i'll be more than happy to provide them.

Customer Service Representative

Hello Imhrail,

Everything in your sidecart looks good. However, only subscription items will be available for pickup at GenCon. So you will not be able to pick up the items you have in your sidecart that are not part of a subscription. We will have all of the Starfinder items (with the possible exception of the Limited Edition Core Rulebook) available for purchase at GenCon. I don't know which Pathfinder flip-maps we will have for sale there though. Did you want me to move the non subscription items out of your sidecart and get them shipped right away?

Sovereign Court

Yeah that would be for the best and hopefully they will arrive in time

Customer Service Representative

Hello Imhrail,

I have moved the items out of your sidecart and into an order. I am asking the warehouse to get it going right away (but I belive our mail pickups for the day have already occurred so it will likely go out in the morning). It is currently set to ship standard post, which has a 7-11 business day transit time. On the long end that will be putting it arriving around August 11. There are some faster options but they get a lot more expensive.

The Starfinder subscription items you will pick up at the show. But the other 3 items are not released yet and will hold up the other items, so I left them in your sidecart. If you'd like I can cancel those items as you will be able to purchase them at GenCon. Let me know if you would like to me to do that. Otherwise I can either put them in an order to ship out as soon as possible (this may not get to you before you leave to GenCon), or I can leave them in your sidecart in which case they will ship out with your September subscription order.

Sovereign Court

Yeah i suppose cancel the following as long as they are available at GenCon, because i'll pick them up there, before getting in line for my subscription items:

Starfinder Core Rulebook Pawn Collection
Starfinder Player Character Folio
Starfinder Flip-Mat: Basic Terrain
Starfinder Flip-Mat: Basic Starfield

Many Thanks,

Customer Service Representative

Hello Imhrail,

The Pawn Collection, Character Folio, and both maps have been cancelled.

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