Eldran Tesh

+Il Conte+'s page

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Hello Everybody,

After quite some time of Combat Manager on the PC, I finally decided to move to the iPad Version, but now a question arises:

Is there a way to import in the iPad App a Custom Data .cmx file I generated on the PC?

I Managed to do such a thing with Parties .cmpt files by adding them to the App folder with iTunes, but, although I can transfer the .cmx files in the same way, I can't seem to find any way to make the app read or import those files.
As a result, if try to edit am Imported PC who had Custom Feats, for example, the App crashs immediately.

Sorry if this has already been covered, but I really couldn't come up with any relevant match for "iPad custom import" (or similar) searches on the engine :P

Thanks in advance and keep up the good work!

Shard Obsidia wrote:
Snapshot wrote:
Shard Obsidia wrote:
Crash Bug: Customizing or editing any monster now crashes the program (at least on my system).
I cannot duplicate this can you provide more information?
I installed on a different system, and it all works fine. It must have something to do with my other computer. (It's running XP and had v1.5.5 on it when I installed. I will upgrade to Windows 7 and reinstall the program to see if it works.)

Hi there,

First of all, since it's my first post, please let me add my thanks for creating such a wonderful tool to the many ones you already received.

The last update added some really cool features, but I must confirm Shard Obsidia Crash Bug: on my Windows XP system, trying to enter the Monster Editor feature causes the program to crash as does trying to access the "Settings" and "Hotkeys" menus.

I'm no tech guy: which additional info could I submit to provide further details (My OS config, Window Error report, Windows Error ID, some log: I don't know...)?

I tried a clean install (if uninstalling the program once already updated and reinstalling from scratch qualifies as one) but to no avail.

Thanks again for your hard work and let me know if I can help someway!