Ilora Nuski

Zathra's page

177 posts. Alias of Brainiac.


Female barbarian 2 | AC 12 | HP 2/26 | Ref +0, Fort +1, Will -1

About Zathra

Zathra of the Hill People
Neutral Barbarian

Birth Augur: The Bull: Melee Attack Rolls +0

Class: Warrior 2

Initiative: d16+1

STR 15 (+1)
AGI 7 (-1)
STA 9 (+0) (7*)
PER 7 (-1)
INT 11 (+0)
LCK 12 (+0) 14**

HP 26
Reflex Save +0
Fort Save +1
Will Save -1

AC 12
(Hide armor: AC +3, Check -3, Fumble d12)

Attacks: Polearm +1+d4, Damage 1d10+1+d4; Crit d14/III