Killian Paltreth

Iced2k's page

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I'd let it slide.

If the people in your group are cheating on dice rolls in a tabletop roll playing game then life must be pretty desperate for them.

It literally doesn't get more hopeless than that. Well, maybe if they were LARPing...

But seriously, let it slide, I can't imagine how depressed these people must be with their lives, any ray of sunshine and control they can muster should be encouraged.

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I find this myself. And I think that fundamentally it's an issue with the system.

Pathfinder is a very inflexible system when it comes to character development.

Your characters abilities are represented by feats which are gained every two levels. Two levels takes a while to gain, weeks, perhaps a month or two.

A good character builder will set out many of his feats and abilities at character creation.

I'll give you an example, you build a fighter, furious focus, PA and toughness. 18 STR, 12 DEX, 14 CON etc. A good solid build.

You've cleared your first adventure and you want your character to start wearing light armour, dodging attacks and hitting multiple foes with feats like whirlwind attack. This is impossible. Your desire to move your fighter to a more mobile path is not supported by the system.

The character you design at first level is immovable from that.

For people like you and I it's very hard to play for long periods of time with this inflexible characters, there's so many classes, variants, archetypes!

My suggestion would be to convince your GM to use the fast XP track. This way you'll see alot more reward and gain from your character building and it won't feel so static.

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Here's my character for an upcoming campaign. Serpents Skull.

Character Description:

This pot bellied freak of a man was outcast from his village at the age of seven. The elders believed he had brought a curse on them and that he was possessed by an ancient and evil wendu spirit known as 'Tokato' the master of deception and lies.

Branding his body with a horrific scar which he still keeps to this day, a long gouge across the side of his face they left him tied in the jungle of Mwangi to die.

Rambosa survived however, gnawing his way through his bonds and surviving on his own in the harsh wilderness. To cover his horrific face he used a wooden mask which later he would start to adorn with markings.

It was in this time of need that the ancient spirit Tokato made him self known to Rambosa, teaching him in the ways of the dark wendu magics that would allow him to survive.

Led by this super natural force Rambosa is asked to leave his jungle of Mwangi to seek out the source of his magic and abilities.

And here is the character:

Rambosa Level 1 human Scarred Witch Doctor

Patron: Tokato (Deception)

STR: 10
DEX: 14
CON: 20
INT: 10
WIS: 10
CHA: 8

Feats: 1) Racial Heritage Orc. 2) Improved initiative


Traits: Boarded at Mwangi, Reactionary

Now I wonder if I'd be better served by toughness or perhaps Ironhide? These might suit the character a bit better?

The other consideration I had was maybe Spell Focus conjuration and then Augment summoning later on.

I really like the idea of witch spells like 'vomit swarm' and I think they'll add a nice dimension to the character.

Any suggestions for a first level feat? Or am I right going with Improved Initiative.

Sex in advance

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When I first read this I thought that this player was trying to take advantage of you, especially when he went on to say that taking the feat tax 'would ruin his build'.

However, all he's really asking for is a 're-skin' of Half Orc to make him look human, but is really a Half Orc. The more I consider his wish, the less I have a problem with it.

If I were you here's what I'd do.

Allow the re-skin, but there's something not quite right about his character when he inter-acts with people. Nothing obvious, nothing overt, but something strange.

His 'orc blood' may be 'weak' as he states it, but any ranger worth their salt will pick it up in a heartbeat. Other orcs will pick it up too, and perhaps goblins.

Let it pass, continue the game as is and then introduce a plot line into the campaign that brings this to light. Perhaps a dwarvern ranger who is passing by in the town picks it up and starts tracking him, bring in some game conflict later on, perhaps a member of his family comes seeking him for an urgent problem that raises the suspicions of the town.

The choices are endless, use this as an oppurtunity to roleplay the conflict.

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Malifice wrote:

Ive played Paladins (and GM'd them) to high levels in the past in alliterations of the rules for over 25 years using this exact same definition.

And here my friend, in one succinct sentence, you undo your whole reasoning and show the rigidity, closed mindedness and inflexibility of your argument.

You define the Paladin in Paizo's Pathfinder by the definitions you created for Paladins 25 years ago in a different system, with different rules, in a different world in a different game.

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Starting a new campaign this weekend. I've decided to build an Ifrit (ARG) Dawnflower Dervish.

Stats are:

STR: 8
DEX: 18 (+2)
CON: 12
INT: 10
WIS: 10 (-2)
CHA: 16 (+2)

Feats: Weapon Finesse (GM's house rule that Dervish Dance requires Weapon Finesse), Dervish Dance*

Traits: Strength of the Sun (Legacy of Fire), Resilient

I was originally thinking a two level dip into Paladin, but not sure if it's worth it really?

Any suggestions or ideas?

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This has made my day! And inspired me to go kill all my fellow PC's this week!

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Are you using a glaive for starters?

I think it's about beauty and love inspite of sorrow. That the followers of Shelyn never believe all is lost and that they could try to empathise with even the most depraved of beings.

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This is what I like to hear! May the dice rolls be ever with you!

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I grow weary of your failure at the task set before you!

When is this audio recording going to hit my desk?

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Well? We're waiting...

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Wait until he is in combat and initiative has already been rolled.

Wait again until he has been wounded and then flank and finish him.

The rest of the party will be too involved in the combat to react straight away. Then just have a great story prepared on how he was a devil...

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Just role-play it. Why are you being anal about what the dice says?

These are adventurers, armed to the teeth, who've just killed this guys friends in front of him, they then interrogate him 3-1, threaten him, and punch him in the face.

Unless every NPC you are playing is The Punisher or Rambo, tell them the information?

Why are you even rolling? If I grabbed you, punched you in your face, killed your friends and had a sword, you'd f#%$ing tell me what I wanted to know, hands down, the tough guy bs wouldn't even be an option.

One of my pet hates about RPG's is people who have no imagination, and think that the dice rolls are law.

In this situation, they clearly aren't. The D20 system isn't perfect, especially for skill checks. So use your imagination and common sense.

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I would argue it is the partys job to adapt to the challenges you throw at them, not the other way round.

Just in life, if something isn't working then you need to adapt to it. If they aren't willing to adapt, then you have a problem.

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The DM sounds like a tool, and if it doesn't go his way he bends the rules to re-balance the game in his favour.

The personality type you describe is pretty common among the nerd and geek subrace, and when coupled with the modest power gained DMing a game one afternoon a week can, and has in this instance become a pain in the arse.

If you're not enjoying it, change groups.