Iadel's page

85 posts (1,774 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 12 aliases.


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Diego Valdez wrote:

Hello Iadel,

I heard back and they tell me they are able to get it and are expecting it to arrive this week.

That's good news - thanks again for following this up!

Hi Diego,

Thanks for the update! I’ll wait until you have some more information (but if the book does turn out to be unavailable, I’d like to cancel the order).

Thanks again!


I was wondering if you have any information about the likely availability of the book in Order 7632520. It’s still listed as “Available” here: Ghostwalk, but in my order history, the Transit Estimate is now described as “Waiting for backordered product(s)”. Thanks!

Thanks very much!


If possible, would you please cancel order 4494436? Thanks!

Hello Diego,

Thanks for looking into this! Please leave this order unchanged (so that all three books ship together).

Thanks again!


One of the items in this order is now listed as a backorder. If this is correct, would it be possible for you to move this item to a new order and send me the other two books (if they're available)? Let me know if you need any more information.


Hi again,

Thanks for your assistance with this order!

I’d just like to mention one more detail: the email I received when the order shipped looked correct, but in my account the subtotal and shipping & handling costs listed in the order still don’t add up to the total cost. (I’m not worried about this, but I wanted to let you know in case this could affect your accounting.)

Hi again,

Thanks for making these changes! I’d just like to check a couple of details with this order.

On my account, this order now has a note saying “This order requires a valid payment method”. Is there anything that still needs to be done to arrange payment? (I originally paid using store credit.)

Also, I was expecting the cost to be the same as before, but the total is now slightly lower (I think because of the shipping & handling discount). Is this what you would expect?

Hello Diego,

Thanks for looking into this! Would you be able to cancel the Arctic Camouflage dice set from the order and replace it with the set of 10 Stealth dice, please?

Thanks again!


One of the items in order number 4255223 is now listed as “Unavailable”. Do you know whether this set is likely to be available again soon?

(If it can be arranged conveniently, I’d be happy to replace the unavailable set with either one of these: Stealth or Golden Cobalt.)

Let me know if you need any more information - thanks!



This order now has a note in my account saying “Product(s) not in stock”. Would it be possible for you to move any of the books that aren’t currently in stock to a separate order?


Hi Katina!

Everything looks correct to me now. Thanks very much for your assistance!


For this order, I tried to pay using my store credit, but I don’t know whether this has worked properly. In the email I received after submitting the order, everything looks OK: the “Store Credit to Apply” covers the “Order Total”. However, in the order on “My Account”, there’s a message saying “This order requires a valid payment method”, the store credit is only covering part of the cost, and my store credit wasn’t reduced as much as I expected.

(There are possible clues in the arithmetic: my remaining store credit according to “My Account” equalled the cost of the order, and the partial store credit being applied to the order looks like the difference between my store credit before I submitted the order and the cost of the order. So perhaps the system has tried to do something like calculate my remaining store credit twice. Let me know if you need any more information.)

Would you be able to check this order and let me know if there’s anything more I need to do?

I’d also like to check whether the rain17 discount has been applied to this order in the way that you’d expect.

Thanks very much!

Hi Katina!

Thanks for the extra information. At this stage, I’m happy to leave this order unchanged.

Thanks again!


One of the sets of dice (the Blue/Gold) in order 4055892 is described as a “backorder” (it appeared to be available when I placed the order).

Would it be possible for you to cancel the Blue/Gold set from this order? Let me know if you need any more information.


Hi Diego,


1 person marked this as a favorite.


Would it be possible to cancel order 3886812 completely? This is a backorder, and I have the impression from the publisher’s forums that this product is unlikely to become available again, at least not in this exact form. (And I have plenty of other resources for the game.)

Also, I’d just like to take this opportunity to say that I’ve greatly appreciated your assistance with my various orders over the past months. Many thanks to your customer service and warehouse teams!

Hi Katina!

The changes all look correct - thanks again!

Hi once more!

Thanks for making these changes. At this stage, I'd like to make one more change: would it be possible for you to move all the Fate: Accelerated books from order 3976601 into a new order of their own?

I hope this is OK - thanks again!

Hi Sharaya!

Many thanks!

Hi again!

When I submitted this order on your website, the final screen took a long time to close and seemed to time out. I didn’t receive a confirmation email for the order. The order appears on my account and looks normal, but I just wanted to check that it’s been submitted correctly and is being processed as usual by your systems. Thanks!


The status of this order has recently changed to "Product(s) not in stock". Would it be possible for you to make the following changes to this order?

  • If the dice are not in stock, please cancel them from the order.
  • If any of the books are not in stock, please move those books into a new order.

(This is assuming that some of the items in this order are in stock.)

Let me know if you need any more information. Thanks!

Hi Katina,

The changes look correct. Thanks very much!


Since I placed this order, the "Product Availability" for one of the items has changed to "backorder". Would it be possible for you to move this item to a separate order? Let me know if you need any more information.


Thanks for your assistance!


These orders each have a note saying "Product(s) not in stock". Would it be possible for you to make the following changes?

  • If any of the dice are not in stock, please cancel those particular dice from their order.
  • If any of the books are not in stock, please move those books into a new order.

Hopefully there will be some items left in those orders that are in stock... :)

Let me know if you need any more information from me. Thanks!

Hi Katina,

Thanks for checking!

(I'm happy for my orders to remain unchanged for now.)


While placing my latest order, I had to re-enter my payment method and then re-apply it to several earlier pending orders. Everything seems to have worked, as far as I can tell, but I thought I'd let you know just in case. Let me know if this change has caused any problems - thanks!

Thanks very much!


I've noticed that order 3944500 on my account now has a note saying "Product(s) not in stock”. Have I been ordering difficult dice again? :)

Would it be possible for you to cancel any items from order 3944500 that are currently not in stock and ship the remainder to me?


Thanks again!

Thanks! I'd just like to check: are all the other items in this order available and ready to be shipped?

Hi again,

I've noticed that the Lustrous Slate/White dice in this order are now listed as "Unavailable", so I assume you haven't been able to source them.

Would it be possible for you to cancel the Lustrous Slate/White dice from this order so that the other items can be shipped?


Thanks very much!


I was wondering: would it be possible to divide order 3859687 into two separate orders (one for each book)?



Hi Sharaya,

Thanks for this information. At this stage, I'd prefer order 3917862 to stay unchanged - I'm happy to wait while you find out whether you can source the Lustrous Slate/White dice.

Would it be possible to cancel the order for the set of dice now in 3886812 (so that order 3886812 will only contain the back-ordered boxed set)?

Thanks again!


I've noticed that order 3917862 on my account now has a note saying "Product(s) not in stock". Would it be possible for you to let me know which of the items aren't currently available?

Also, I was wondering if the set of dice that was moved to order 3886812 is available yet. If so, would it be possible to move those dice from order 3886812 to order 3917862?


Thanks for checking!

Hi Sharaya,

This change is fine with me - thanks!

(While I'm posting... do you happen to have any information from the publisher about when the two pre-ordered books are likely to be available?)

Thanks again!

Hi Sharaya,

Thanks for your advice!

At this stage, I'd like to leave the order as it is. (I'm not in a particular hurry - I just wanted to make sure that the order wouldn't be delayed indefinitely by one unavailable item.)

(I've recently placed several orders for books, dice and cards, and I'm happy for these to be packaged up differently for shipping, if that helps at all.)

Thanks again!

Hi again,

I've rechecked this order, and the unavailable item has become available again. So please ignore my request above - thanks!


I've noticed that the shipping date for the second package in Order 3859679 has changed to "expected to ship in an unknown time frame" because one of the sets of dice became unavailable after I placed the order.

I was wondering if it would be possible to remove the unavailable Dark Blue/Green set of dice from my order and replace it with the Green/Silver version of the same product (Block of 12 16mm d6 Dice: Lustrous) so that the rest of the order won't be delayed. (I believe the price should be the same.)

Let me know if a different approach would be better.


Yes, Diego has added my address information and I've been able to place an order.



I've been having difficulty adding shipping and billing addresses to my account. I think the problem may be the same as the one mentioned here:

Katina's advice

I sent a couple of emails with my address details to customer.service@paizo.com yesterday, but I haven't received any response - did these emails reach you?


Fishguts found the following note on top of the sledgehammer Iadel purchased a while back:

Iadel's letter to Valanthe:

My apologies for not speaking to you in person – I did not wish to risk delaying our departure while we are still in danger from the Consortium.

It has become impossible for me to continue serving on board The Pointy End. So, with some regret, I must resign from your crew. Please pass on my farewells to the others - don’t forget Slink!

I wish you the best of luck in your future travels. If you do find yourselves in protracted conflict with slave-traders (as enemies rather than as rivals) and you wish for my aid, then send me a message and I may be able to rejoin you.


PS - feel free to keep the sledgehammer. It seemed rather too unwieldy to take with me into hiding in Bloodcove.

However, when The Pointy End left Bloodcove, I was not on board.

Some of the officers of The Pointy End discussed our plans and confirmed that we would send Sandara and a small prize crew to anchor our captured ship in a sheltered cove and watch over it. Meanwhile, Tektek and I cleaned up the space where we were keeping our prisoners. I made sure that the prisoners were supplied with food, drink and playing cards. As we journeyed towards Bloodcove, I spent much of the time with the prisoners, playing card-games with them and trying to learn more about them.

We spent two nights and one full day docked at Bloodcove, a small city built on platforms among the mangroves. Dharak urged caution during our visit: “Yes, we’re pirates. What I’d like to be one day is an older pirate.” He went into the city to sell some of our loot and perform at taverns in an attempt to boost our reputation. He also purchased a hat of disguise so that he could take on the role of ‘Derek the human’ when necessary.

Valanthe negotiated the sale of our plunder and hired some new crew.

Jonas went into the city to purchase more livestock, including a goat, pigs and chickens. “Can we get more rats?” Tektek asked. “We’re about to run out.”

Tektek then recruited some new tengu crew by offering a free rat to anyone who passed a test involving simple shipboard tasks.

Valanthe asked Bismatarinia and me to find a broker who could manage the ransom for our prisoners. We knew that some brokers would sell hostages as slaves if a ransom could not be arranged, so we visited the broker who had the best reputation. He seemed polite and professional (although occasionally confused by Bismatarinia’s questions), and he claimed that he tried to resort to selling prisoners to slave-traders as rarely as possible.

At that point, I went outside, leaving Bismatarinia to continue the negotiations. I needed time to reflect on our situation.

It took me approximately four seconds of reflection to conclude that I could not allow our prisoners to be sold to a part-time slave-trader, even if it seemed likely that the Aspis Consortium would pay for the return of its employees.

The broker offered a reduced price to Bismatarinia because of the delicate approach he would need to take, given the Consortium’s strong presence in Bloodcove.

When Bismatarinia and I returned to The Pointy End, Valanthe was ordering our prisoners to unload the plunder from our ship, despite their grumbling protests (the harbour-master’s quote for unloading fees had been exorbitant). I volunteered to help, and various other crew members joined me in the task.

Valanthe and the rest of the crew were ready to accept the offer that Bismatarinia relayed from the broker. So I made a counteroffer: I would recompense the crew with payment matching a standard going rate for each of the prisoners (at a total of one thousand two hundred gold), on condition that they would be freed rather than delivered to a broker. The crew accepted my offer.

The prisoners could not be released until we were about to leave, because the Consortium would probably try to take action against us as soon as they learned of the capture of their ship. So I spent another evening in the prisoners’ company, playing cards and drinking rum.

We knew that the Aspis Consortium sometimes dealt in slaves. The fact that I had paid a significant amount of money to liberate slave-traders seemed easier to cope with while I was drinking rum.

I had a headache the next morning when it was time to release the prisoners. They seemed surprised and somewhat (but not very) grateful to be set free rather than being delivered to a broker. It was now time for The Pointy End to make a quick departure from Bloodcove.

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