Male Void-Born Assassin(Rank 3)
![]() Ahmazzi wrote:
Iacton silently turns to Luceros, his face betraying no emotion. "Where can we meet these preachers? They seem like... kindred spirits." ![]()
Male Void-Born Assassin(Rank 3)
![]() Ahmazzi wrote:
Iacton grimaces, foul memories coming to the surface. "We have found the source of the taint." This was the work of the corrupted guardsmen, he was certain of it. The question is, why? ![]()
Male Void-Born Assassin(Rank 3)
![]() Iacton turns as the shots ring out and his foe falls. The Auldmaw is dead, but so is the den mother. Tonight is a Pyrrhic victory at best. But he still had work to do. He runs past Ariella, if Uriah can't save her then nothing he could do would help. But her killer, the man formerly known as the Eviserator, that problem he could solve. After all, this was not the Eviserator. He has seen pictures of the Eviserator, and this is not him. This is just an old man, ruined by revenge. When his blade slices into his throat, you could almost see a glimmer of pity in Iacton's eyes. ![]()
Male Void-Born Assassin(Rank 3)
![]() Iacton wavers on the edge of the melee, unsure of what to do. He was just one man with a sword, and he must fight this beast? He couldn't hope to win... Then the psychic waves wash over him, and he is reminded of his purpose. He is the Emperor's blade in this world. If he met the Chaos gods themselves, they would be cut down. And this? This is just an overgrown wolf. Move and attack(including the +20 from it's size)(58): 1d100 ⇒ 651d10 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9 ![]()
Male Void-Born Assassin(Rank 3)
![]() Iacton will move back to be in line with the other three people standing there. Fear(30): 1d100 ⇒ 63 Failed by 3 degrees. I'll just roll on the shock table now: 1d100 + 30 ⇒ (76) + 30 = 106 And the Willpower test to see if I'm deaf(40): 1d100 ⇒ 4 At least I'll be able to hear while I'm in my fear-induced daze. ![]()
Male Void-Born Assassin(Rank 3)
![]() Iacton tries to force the beast back, hoping to get enough room to bring his blades to bear. More pressure behind his knife, force it to back off, then send his blade crashing down. Half action, Feint(If I win opposed WS test, target can't dodge/parry my next attack): 1d100 ⇒ 44 Then, my attack(43): 1d100 ⇒ 551d10 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9 ![]()
Male Void-Born Assassin(Rank 3)
![]() Iacton adjusts his stance and swings both his blades upwards into the Auldmaw's flank. Sorry for the wait. Attacking with both weapons(33): Spoiler:
1d100 ⇒ 241d10 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 131d100 ⇒ 691d5 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5 First attack triggers Righteous Fury! 1d100 ⇒ 671d10 ⇒ 1 The Emperor cares not for this battle. ![]()
Male Void-Born Assassin(Rank 3)
![]() It is only a matter of time before the Auldmaw notices him.If he had any hope for this, he had to get the first strike... Iacton leaps forward and attempts to slash at the great beast. I assume it's between 4 and 9 meters away? Charging the Auldmaw(53): 1d100 ⇒ 731d10 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12 Spending a Fate point to reroll that: 1d100 ⇒ 35 and to see if the point is really spent: 1d10 ⇒ 7 ![]()
Male Void-Born Assassin(Rank 3)
![]() As he steps into the pipe, Iacton bows his head. "I shall fear neither blade nor bullet, for I am the Emperor's blade..." He trails off as he enters the pipe, the last sound heard being the soft scraping of blades being unsheathed once more. Just wielding both of my mono-blades and walking in very quietly. Move Silently(36) and Awareness(32): 1d100 ⇒ 651d100 ⇒ 5 ![]()
Male Void-Born Assassin(Rank 3)
![]() Even if Iacton didn't show it, Silus' speed with the blade worried him. If he wished, he could of slashed his throat and not his cheek. He should just be thankful Silus seems to be on his side and be ready for the next time. Ahmazzi wrote: "Bare your fangs that they may be judged worthy to be whetted with the blood of the Auldmaw!" But now Iacton must leave those thoughts behind, for the test was fast approaching. First, he presents Silus with his newest blade, the one with a blade sharpened to a razor's edge. The knives came out next, both the sword's companion and the blade that has been with him for decades, and they too were given for inspection. His navel shotgun came soon after, the light glimmering off the name engraved on it's stock. Almost as an afterthought, Iacton hands over his laspistol. ![]()
Male Void-Born Assassin(Rank 3)
![]() Savalos Thul wrote:
"I do not fear death, in any form. But this is intended to be my execution. I am not skilled enough to deceive my executioner, and I must continue His work. As I said, one of us won't escape this with our lives." ![]()
Male Void-Born Assassin(Rank 3)
![]() Savalos Thul wrote:
"Savalos. You remember what Luceros said. This will be a fight to the death, one way or another." "To win this fight, I must be a duct wolf. But to be a Duct Wolf, I must win this fight." Iacton says quietly, smiling to himself. ![]()
Male Void-Born Assassin(Rank 3)
![]() Ahmazzi wrote: " ...How is it we do not know that this contrived Hunt will not send the few warriors we have left to their deaths?" Iacton steps forward and finally breaks his silence. "The Arbites have turned away from the Emperor's light. It is our holy duty to end their heresy, and it shall take more than a traitor's blade to stop those who do the Emperor's work." He says this with the certainty of the truly faithful, and then silently steps back to his previous position. ![]()
Male Void-Born Assassin(Rank 3)
![]() Ahmazzi wrote:
Iacton returns Tygault's stare. "I serve the Emperor. Is that enough?" Quote: "You will not speak of this place, to anyone, lest they be your last words. I trust I am understood?" "You have my word. I will not betray the Duct Wolves." ![]()
Male Void-Born Assassin(Rank 3)
![]() Uriah Trantor wrote: "I think that keeping the feather with us is important, your master was safekeeping the feather. Until we get with your master, it up to you to continue. You might want to pray to The Emperor for the strength to stand up to its taint." "I already am." Iacton then heads off to pick up the feather. So, have me get the feather back off-screen so we can get to the good stuff? ![]()
Male Void-Born Assassin(Rank 3)
![]() Uriah Trantor wrote: "My only question about going to your family first, is the possibility of our enemy using you to find them. If that is not a problem, then I accept our first task is going to your family." "If they find his family, then they find his family. For now, the benefits outweigh the risks." "Should I take the feather with me, or would you rather it stayed here tonight?" ![]()
Male Void-Born Assassin(Rank 3)
![]() Uriah Trantor wrote: That will be after we talk to him. "So, we will catch him, he will tell us what he knows, then he will die. Justice deferred is still justice." Savalos Thul wrote: "Not griefing on you Iacton. Far from it. Believe me I have confidence in Dunkan, and his abilities. My concern rests with those with split loyalities. What I am suggesting is this Feather would be alot safer on the move than it staying in a stationary place. Its our burden to safeguard it. Not to drop it into the lap of Dunkan and his people to protect it for us. Don't you think enough people have died over this? The Eviserator will find the hideout. It will just take time, and he is loosing patience. It went from killing the lone victim to just wide spread butchery." "Fine. If both of you believe the feather would be safer in my possession, I will take it. I may go mad, but better I sacrifice than anyone else." ![]()
Male Void-Born Assassin(Rank 3)
![]() Savalos Thul wrote:
"No. Danicos knows enough about the feather to fear it, and he is not the type to suffer Chaos lightly. Also, we made a deal. Danicos is many things, but a traitor is not one of them." "Besides, what would you rather we do with it? I have carried it's weight upon my back for long enough, and if I thought I could handle it's heat for a moment longer I wouldn't of entrusted it with Danicos. Do you think you could do any better?" Quote: "So then is our next stop the Withdrawn Veil, or we continue as planned?" "Leprade will pay for his betrayal, and I will find Master Krade. Whichever path the Emperor leads me down to accomplish that, I will take." ![]()
Male Void-Born Assassin(Rank 3)
![]() Savalos Thul wrote: "So Brek, and the others are chasing after him I suppose?" I'm guessing Ishmael isn't getting up from his bed for awhile. "They are dealing with the traitors in the penal colony. I wish I could join them, but my duties here are more important." Quote: "What Feather?" "I thought you knew. We found a daemonic feather hidden in Master Krade's office. I took it, to keep it safe. It is currently in a warded container under Mr Danicos' protection." "I need to tell both of you something. I have spoken with Master Krade tonight. If I said how, you would think me mad. He told me the Eviscerator is a daemon, bound here as surely as any other prisoner in a cell. The feather is the key to free him." "He also said to seek him where the veil is parted, and something about the key, his freedom and the cherubim." Iacton sits and stares at the two of you, waiting for a reaction. ![]()
Male Void-Born Assassin(Rank 3)
![]() Savalos Thul wrote: "Where is Johnnie, and the others anyway?" "Rico went to question some contacts of his own. Here." Iacton hands Savalos a dataslate. Quote: "Also the Daemon is looking for something that belonged to it. Wants it back. It won't stop til it gets it." Iacton takes a seat before speaking again, his voice resolute. "He is looking for the feather." ![]()
Male Void-Born Assassin(Rank 3)
![]() Ahmazzi wrote:
Iacton picks up the dataslate and views the message.