
IKilledTheDevil's page

14 posts. No reviews. 2 lists. 1 wishlist.

Wishlists and Lists

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For more details about wishlists and lists, see this thread.

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My List

(9 items)

Lands of Mystery
Thread (186 posts),

Traveller T20 to Pathfinder Conversion (Phantasia/Prometheus)
Thread (17 posts),

3.  Lopo
Help me improve "Pool" mechanics for steam powered items!
Thread (4 posts),

4.  Panther
Ultimate Campaign: Kingdoms, building costs, magic item slots
Thread (4 posts),

5.  Tourist
List of Artificer Classes
Thread (103 posts),

6.  Filge
Beast of Burden map question
Thread (8 posts),

7.  Camper
Campaign Loosely Based on Assassin's Creed - Need Advice
Thread (5 posts),

8.  Elemental Proofing Paste
Gathering, harvesting and extracting raw materials for crafting skills
Thread (8 posts),

9.  Tyrannosaurus
Alternate Firearm Rules
Thread (3 posts),