Demon Hunter

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There are some mods that you can install for Kingmaker that make combat turn based, similar to the tabletop experience such as five foot step, double movement, highlighted circles to see how far you can move and others. Nexus Mods website has a few mods for Pathfinder Kingmaker that can allow some tweaking of the game to make it more table top like, along with increase load, sleeping less, and others. I have some of the mods install like the turn based combat and it is a different game then when I purchased. Also kudos to Owlcat games as their updates have really changed the game since its first release until now. Some of the features that have announced for WOTR are one implemented through mods in the first one like a 360 degree camera.

Cannot wait until next year for this game!

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Rob from Lone Wolf has started a QA thread on HLO and HLC. For me it does clear up some of the additional questions about HLO. Since they are supporting HLC for the foreseeable future with new Pathfinder releases I will continue to use it for Pathfinder.

As for Starfinder since our group is not yet ready to play it, since not everyone has gotten the Rule book yet I will be watching what HLO. I do like some of the features for shared content between players and GM's. If in the future I want to try HLO with Pathfinder, when it becomes available, I can still use HLC if I don't like it.

You can view the thread over at the Lone Wolf forums.

Good on PCGen for coming out with a Alpha for Starfinder. I will look at their product with equal measure when they go production on the product. I don't much care for running a ALPHA product.

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This trickle of information is not, in my opinion, the best way to handle the situation. Lone Wolf should put out an official FAQ and then if they are confident in their product answer questions on their forum page. I do not expect them to come here, as they really cannot control the conversation flow as well as they can on their own forums. Lone Wolf needs to get out in front of this now or this is going to start turning off potential customers of their product before they can even get official information out.

As to what is being said, I am disappointed in what they are doing for both HLO and HL. I think if they were smart, the data sources for both HLO and HL would be the same on the back end and the front end would be a different interface. As someone who works in IT, I understand, the need to get adoption of a new offering is to offer something exclusively in the new format. As a customer of their product, I am disappointed that I have to have two different applications to run essentially the same product. Starfinder by Paizo has been billed that you can use Pathfinder things in Starfinder with some conversion. The way Lone Wolf is taking their product, for what little we know as this time, it is becoming more difficult for the customer to mix the two.

As I said in a previous post, I still do not see the “thing” for taking my existing Pathfinder HL and converting it to HLO when that option becomes available. So far, Starfinder is not yet the “thing” to bridge that gap. I will try to view what they offer when it becomes official, but I would have much preferred a side-by-side development model. I know this cost money, but if you are taking your product in a different direction than the current model, that is the risk and expense you have to make. Hero Lab has to make me want to buy their product, as I am a customer. However, they also have the right not to make me a customer by taking their software in a direction I do not like, just as I have the right to take my dollars to a company that will make software I want.

I have bought the Starfinder core rule book, so far what I have read is outstanding, and can use pencil and paper to play the game. I do not need HL to play Starfinder, will HL make it easier to play, yes but that is a convince factor in my opinion.

To end on a more positive note Lone Wolf up to this point, again in my opinion, has been a good steward to the Pathfinder community and their support of the current HL desktop has always been outstanding. I am more than willing to give benefit of the doubt to them on HLO, but they need get the “thing” out front and center.