Count Haserton Lowis IV

IBWarden's page

2 posts. Alias of increddibelly.


Liberty's Edge

With a mighty strike, Aerent decapitates the wizard. As it tumbles across the library floor, the Warden's face is locked in anguish for all eternity.

...*dingg*! Congratulations everyone on reaching level 2!

Liberty's Edge

Mathias Richter thinks to himself: Hmm, it would seem that the necromancer and the unholy fighter are attempting to pass each other on the stairs. Yeesss, It would be quite prudent to act upon this promising opportunity.

At the exact moment Caladwhen and Aerent are passing eachother on the stairs, you all hear "Globus Ignatus!" from the floor directly above. They quickly turn their faces, just in time to see a great ball of fire roll towards the stairwell at great speed!

I'd like the spell to target the square both Caladwhen and Aerent are in, while Aerent is moving. I don't think this is even remotely appropriate according to the rules, but I think it's more spectacular i.e. fun this way. Hope you don't mind me breaking the rules in my favor, but let me promise you this: if it goes bad because I broke it, I'll fix it.

Aerent, Caladwhen, would you please roll a reflex save vs DC17?