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nevermind. The answer is Gripli

I'm playing a lion shaman, druid archetype, so I was hoping for a wisdom bonus from my race. But I was also hoping to play a small creature so I can ride said lion from level 1. Does anyone know of a race that is in the small size category, but has a wisdom bonus. Thanks in advance.

Thanks for the help. I'm trying to come up with a reasonable solution, since my character literally gets ki grin drinking. I'll talk to my dm about it.

Trish Megistos wrote:

I encourage to read this

and this

I had already twas both of those and they weren't much help. Thanks anyway.

The title should read drink not dubai. Stupid auto correct.

So I have a drunken master archetype monk with a +1 to con who likes booze and tobacco. I've been all over the addiction page and all it says is that if you abuse alcohol too often you might get addicted, but it doesn't say how often is too often. Also I couldn't find any rules on tobacco. Any help is appreciated

I did not mean to post that, my phone is freaking out a little bit.
That aside, the unseen servant could hold the crossbows for you while you reload, and you can make reloading a free action with the right feats, I do believe.

I noticed. I'm new to this side of the site as doing it on my phone.

Alright, figured that's what I was gonna do, just wanted a second opinion. Thanks guys.

I am looking into creating a barbarian who can only rage while wearing or using a special item. This will likely boil down to me just not raging when I'm not using said item, but any advice on how to play this, either mechanically or roleplay, would be appreciated