Hycindor Aethul's page

No posts. Organized Play character for eMagdAeH.

Full Name

Hycindor Aethul




Magus (Bladebound, Spell Dancer)








Chaotic Neutral




Common, Celestial, Draconic, Elven, Sylvan



Strength 16
Dexterity 12
Constitution 14
Intelligence 16
Wisdom 9
Charisma 7

About Hycindor Aethul

Hycindor has spent most of his life studying one thing: the undead. In his formative years he began to develop a voice in his head. It was never clear to him where this voice came from. Could it be a figment of his imagination? Could it be a split personality? Could it be another being? He couldn’t be sure for most of his life. Regardless, when the voice manifested Hycindor quickly found that regardless of the source the voice had a distinct personality of its own. This personality planted the seed that the undead absolutely must be destroyed at all costs.

Hycindor was young, and the voice’s influence became quite powerful. The voice quickly realized that Hycindor had a personality that could easily be described a scientist above all else. The voice took this and ran with it. He began to use logic to argue for not only the destruction of the undead, but that it was more important than any other thing in existence. It wasn’t difficult, as the voice was a bit of a scientist itself. The difference was, its science was completely related to the physical destruction of all things undead. Pleading with logic was no challenge for the voice.

Schooling became the first step. Hycindor was thirsty for knowledge of any kind, and he was fascinated with the physiology of living things. However, to understand physiology one must study anatomy as well. The voice took a particular liking to anatomy, because after all, knowing the body would reveal all of the best ways to destroy undead humanoids. This study resulted in Hycindor and the voice having many discussions relating to the study of undead anatomy and physiology, theories on the development of an undead, and the many ways to affect the undead. The voice was the proponent of physically violent methods of dispatching undead, while Hycindor who was ever the academic felt that the study of the magical arts was the best way to dispatch the undead. It was only natural that he took the path of the Magus. Physical prowess combined with powerful spellcasting in one body resulted in the perfect tool for hunting and ending the undead.

Eventually after many years of practice and study as a Magus, Hycindor finally received an answer as to what the voice in his head actually was. When his weapon eventually developed into an intelligent item it became clear once and for all. The voice truly was an individual in its own right. The voice continues to refuse to communicate with anyone but Hycindor, and only telepathically at that, so those around Hycindor often think he is quite unstable as he too converses with the sword but verbally. Those around him only hear one side of the conversation or at the least mumbling. Missing that crucial piece of information that there is in fact another side to the conversation results in any sane person automatically assuming that Hycindor is the opposite of themselves. Hycindor has never bothered to inform anyone, but he is in fact, quite stable and sane. After all, he has more important things to deal with…ending the undead.