Hurgleman's page

Organized Play Member. 3 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


GM Rednal wrote:

Many things in Pathfinder are ultimately meant to be an abstraction, not really meant to be physics-accurate. For example, why does a fireball have a defined edge of effect instead of spreading? XD

On the other hand, if your whole table enjoys that... it's not a problem to work it in, either. ^^ The rules and ideas are yours to change. If you want something relatively normal, I suggest checking out water pressure, depth, and its potential for harm.

I generally don't need to do any kind of calculations for a campaign (aside from things like making sure ropes are long enough). The biggest one is largely an abstraction for a home game series - how much faith does someone need to become a deity? XD

Oooooh, that's a good one. Water pressure! I'll be doing some research on that one! Currently I'm formulating ideas.

Scythia wrote:

Good luck.

Personally, I avoid physics discussions in D&D like the plague (the effect of magic upon the world invalidates too many things we consider given), but I imagine you'll get some nibbles.

Thank you! I'll be addressing magic, elementals, and the like at some point, but it'll be step at a time. :)

Hello everyone! Long time lurker first time writer. With my group we tend to end up utilizing physics into our campaigns rather frequently. I recently started having fun just answering physics questions and translating them into the world of pathfinder, and wanted to start a series answering physics related questions.

I was curious to see what you guys want answers to as far as incorporating physics into pathfinder. My first entry to the series will be setting up the equivalencies of realworld things. Pressures, weights, measurements we can immediately relate with.

The series of course can answer more than just physics, answering questions like biology, chemistry, etc. I'll be storing up questions and I would be happy to give you guys credit for asking, please just open up with "Cite me"

TLDR; What sort of questions do you have for pathfinder that aren't addressed in the paizo ruleset? (and if answered 3rd party, where?)

PS: I'm not 100% certain if this is the right place to post this.
My question to you guys is, how frequently do you have to do calculations for a campaign because rules don't address something, and what is it that got researched?