Hungry, Hungry Bag's page
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Artanthos wrote: Neither the bag of devouring nor animate dead would work. Given that even disintegration and wishes do not stop the Tarrasque from spontaneously reforming, lesser magics are unlikely to succeed. So, how'd you come to the conclusion that a bag of devouring is a lesser magic? If you yank out any of true resurrection, miracle, or wish to try to bring back someone consumed by a bag of devouring, what happens? Oh, yeah, 50% chance of permanent failure. Looks like it's literally evenly matched with those spells to me, and certainly a lot mightier than a mere disintegrate (which would be overcome by any of them).
Artanthos wrote: Feeding the Tarrasque to a bag of devouring would result in spontaneous reformation either next to or inside the bag. (resulting in a destroyed bag) Actually, reformation, if possible, would happen inside the extradimensional creature for which the bag of devouring is a mere "feeding orifice". You're invited to guess at what chance the tarrasque would have there, but, since we don't have any information that's PF canon beyond that a wish only gives a 50% chance of bringing something back, it's hardly certain the tarrasque can manage it.
SPACEBALL12345 wrote: As far as the bag, you are right, that probably won't work. It needs an hour to digest. That's what happens with ordinary matter. With creatures, a bag of devouring pulls them in as a free action, and then the creatures drawn within are consumed in 1 round.
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DM_Blake wrote: I do not know what you are, but your "mouth" seems too small for the task, Yep, it looks small. But there's nothing that says I have any limit on the size of creature I can swallow in one gulp. And you regenerate . . . where? You don't have any body left, not anything, not even the bit of stuff left after after a disintegrate. You're just gone. Even effects that don't need a body only have a 50% chance of allowing recovery from me.
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To get rid of the tarrasque, FEED IT TO ME.
"Creatures drawn within are consumed in 1 round. The bag destroys the victim's body and prevents any form of raising or resurrection that requires part of the corpse. There is a 50% chance that a wish, miracle, or true resurrection spell can restore a devoured victim to life. Check once for each destroyed creature. If the check fails, the creature cannot be brought back to life by mortal magic."
TriOmegaZero wrote: Hungry, Hungry Bag wrote: You know, these claims it could regenerate after I ate it? They're giving me indigestion. Then prove it can't.
I say, I say, it was a joke, son.
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You know, these claims it could regenerate after I ate it? They're giving me indigestion.
If you think the limit of how much I can hold in my mouth is the same thing as the limit of how big a creature I can consume in a round, no, I can only manage to consume Large creatures (humans are about 3 cubic feet, so doubled in all dimensions is about 24 cubic feet; colossal beasts are way too big).
However, I want to be clear that there is, in fact, nothing actually on the paper there that says when I consume a creature, I'm limited by the amount of matter I could hold in my bag-of-holding-like mouth. So I get to eat the tarrasque RAW!
Though, toss in some onions, too. Almost everything I eat is a bit gamey.
(Remember, when I'm feeding, I can't pun. Line up those herd animals . . .)
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Tacticslion wrote: eeding Big T (in bite-sized chunks) to a Bag of Devouring is a surprisingly viable solution, actually, if Big T can be cut into enough pieces rapidly enough Nah, forget pieces. Big T is one creature. When he's helpless, stick his toe in me, and there's a 60% chance I suck him down, consume him in one round, and he's gone. If not, stick a different toe in me next round.
Yeah, it might seem silly that I can consume one creature without any statement about size, when I've got a limited capacity for objects. But, really, I'm that good with living prey. And I like my interpretations like I like my food - RAW!
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Beat on it until it can't move, then feed it to me.
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