Hulk'Thar's page

Organized Play Member. 25 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 11 Organized Play characters.


The Exchange

If a creature has a natural attack with a reach other than its "natural reach" does that attack's reach get modified by the Giant Template and if so, how?

For example, an Otyugh has a "natural reach" of 10 feet which it uses for its bite while its tentacles have a 15 foot reach. If we make it a Giant Otyugh it gains a "natural reach" of 15 feet which it uses for its bite but what is the new reach for its tentacles?

I think they would bump up to 20 feet, following the same progression as "natural reach" does for a Large (tall) base creature (5->10->15->20->30) but I wanted to make certain that was the case since I have seen such attacks advanced in other ways.

The Exchange 2/5

4 people marked this as a favorite.

I have put together some content for Vinst, although some of it is player specific here is what I have that is not.

[description for initial appearance]
Before you now is a man with the furry legs of a goat and a set of curling ram horns extending from his temples. He also has a second set of much smaller horns protruding from his forehead, fiery red eyes and some of his hair has twisted into quills. [Show picture of Vinst]

Who are you?
Ah you jest? For I'm Vinst of the Briar'!
The exuberant one of desire.
'tis the reason you spy,
the seduction awry,
with the color of glimmering fire.

Random Lore Limmerick:
O' the Razor of Tree is abhorred,
by the Fungus and Parasite Lord.
Tho' the rumor persists,
as to why he exists.
Was he spawned as a demonized ward?

Both are in anapestic provided you use open vowel pronunciations when appropriate. The first limerick is his "explanation" of why his eyes are red and the second is a reference to Treerazer's familial connections and banishment.

The Exchange 2/5

In the first encounter, does a colossal creature with a climb speed suffer difficult terrain movement penalties or not?

The Exchange

Universal Monster Rules wrote:
Trample (Ex) As a full-round action, a creature with the trample ability can attempt to overrun any creature that is at least one size category smaller than itself. This works just like the overrun combat maneuver, but the trampling creature does not need to make a check, it merely has to move over opponents in its path. Targets of a trample take an amount of damage equal to the trampling creature's slam damage + 1-1/2 times its Str modifier. Targets of a trample can make an attack of opportunity, but at a –4 penalty. If targets forgo an attack of opportunity, they can attempt to avoid the trampling creature and receive a Reflex save to take half damage. The save DC against a creature's trample attack is 10 + 1/2 creature's HD + creature's Str modifier (the exact DC is given in the creature's descriptive text). A trampling creature can only deal trampling damage to each target once per round, no matter how many times its movement takes it over a target creature.

If target of the trample is flat footed without Combat Reflexes are they denied a saving throw? I haven't seen this adjudicated before and I anticipate it may come up in a future session so I was hoping to get feedback on how others in the community interpret this situation.

I imagine it is intended that a creature who could take an AoO but doesn't threaten for whatever reason would still be allowed make a save (at least that is how I intended to rule it).

The Exchange

I have been searching the forums for an answer to this but to no avail.

After reading the trample description I was left unsure as to how it plays out in game. Since the text doesn't say movement doesn't provoke AoO's such as whirlwind I assume that moving out of a threatened square provokes and the description of trample indicates the act of trampling also provokes, so if both actions provoke then can the tramplee take the AoO against the movement without the penalty? If the tramplee has combat reflexes he/she could then take or forgo the trample AoO as he/she saw fit. In that situation if the tramplee doesn't have combat reflexes he /she would not have an AoO to forgo and would have no choice but to eat the full damage?.

This ability would play out much better if only movement or the act of trampling provoked and not both and if it really does work the way I think it does then the whole -4 penalty would only ever be taken if someone takes two AoO's via combat reflexes.

How is this mechanic supposed to work? How have you implemented it or seen it implemented?

The Exchange

I found an official post regarding tremorsense, but it doesn't really provide any clarification for this question:

Ross Byers wrote:

Scent, Tremorsense, and Blindsense only say what square the creature is in. Mirror image does not make anyone appear to be in more than their normal space.

Blindsight works, because it isn't fooled by visual illusions.
True Sight works because it pierces illusions.
That's about it.

The Exchange

Without an official blog/faq/forum post I don't think my DM will see it that way and I can't seem to find any such clarification. I guess I will just have to eat the nerf when I sit at his table.

The Exchange

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

In a recent game a DM ruled that tremorsense can only detect creatures or objects that are moving, thus creating a tremor. However, reading the rule that doesn't appear to be the intent. Does tremorsense really require movement to detect?


Tremorsense (Ex) A creature with tremorsense is sensitive to vibrations in the ground and can automatically pinpoint the location of anything that is in contact with the ground. Aquatic creatures with tremorsense can also sense the location of creatures moving through water. The ability's range is specified in the creature's descriptive text.

Basically "sense vibrations" vs "anything in contact with the ground"

If it is only movement then how the heck does an earth elemental move in its own plane without running into things?

The Exchange

When using the kusarigama with both hands (not using it as a double weapon) are we attacking with the ball for bludgeoning damage and does that end grapple on crits? Can we also use it in this manner (with both hands and not as a double weapon) for trips? I ask because the item description appears to be fluff since it mentions blocking (which isn't a property of this weapon) and doesn't explicitly redefine the range when used as a double weapon such as the double-chained kama. From the real life uses of this weapon I could see how the ball end could be used for both grappling (wrapping the chain around the head or arms) or tripping (wrapping the chain around the legs and pulling). Using the sickle for reach attacks doesn't seem to make sense, but not all mechanics are supposed to translate to real life I guess. Anyway, can you explain what you think or know the intention of this weapon to be?

The Exchange

Do you honestly find yourself needing to take 150' shot often enough that as a melee class you would invest into a fairly expensive weapon? I honestly can only remember a single time when a shot like that was even possible and useful. The gold required to invest in a weapon to do what you are suggesting would be better spent on something else. If a Pistolero wants to waste resources for such a rare contingency then by all means.

The Exchange

Hehe, that is why my AP group has a musket master...

The Exchange

As a melee pistolero after level 3, or 4 depending on if you take toughness at level 1, you have no AoO for shooting in melee (Deft Shootist Dead) and there is not -4 to hit when shooting "in melee" only when shooting "into a melee". Also, a ranged shot with a -4 against touch is probably better than a melee attack against AC when bosses are concerned. For example, Skeletal Champion (CR-2) has a 21 AC and a 12 touch which makes a -4 look pretty good.

The Exchange

along with the ability to use up close and deadly, twin shot knockdown and reduced misfire chance (0 misfire after 13th level). A pistolero would never use a 2H firearm.

The Exchange

But your abilities only work with one handers. If you are a pistolero and did what you suggest you would be mis-firing more often and losing Up Close and Deadly damage and the ability to use Twin Shot Knockdown. Doing as you suggest is a terribly weak idea.

Edit: and dexterity bonus to damage...

The Exchange

I was referring to the previous poster Ssalarn stating gun training was worthless. If you follow the thread my comment makes sense, if you quote me out of context or rush to comment it doesn't.

The Exchange

You said "Pistolero is considered one of the most powerful Archetypes there is. Mainly because most campaigns tend to be in tight spaces making the Shorter Range less of a hindrance."

Implying that I said Pistolero was worthless. I said that having gun training as a Pistolero is not necessarily worthless because it would allow you to pick up another archetype.

The Exchange

You misread my comment, that is not what I said.

The Exchange

The most relevant source I found is another thread that is current which means continuing to discuss this in this thread is silly Mysterious Stranger / Pistolero legality

The Exchange

I have searched and can't find these Dev comments. Now google just keeps sending me to this page >.>

The Exchange

Just because someone thinks an interpretation is fairly obvious doesn't mean it is right. I hate to be nit picky but I want to rely on facts and RAW not interpretations that might be right or should be right. They are worthless if the only archetype you play is a Pistolero, however, the modification of that ability affects what archetypes you can legally use with Pistolero, so it actually has "value" by being there.

The Exchange

That wasn't the loop hole (it has to do with bonus damage). Also, this clarification you speak of is nowhere to be found.

At this point it is:

Rules As Written, Pistolero does not replace Gun Training
Rules As Ssalarn Wants them to be, Pistolero does replace Gun Training

The Exchange

I have been digging, the funny this is Pistolero and Mysterious Stranger was hot stuff a while back and Mysterious Stranger replaces Gun Training.

The Exchange

Where does it say Pistol Training Replaces that? The other three deeds that are added explicitly state what it is they are altering. Pistol Training makes not such statement.

The Exchange

I didn't know about the altered part, good to know. Where does it say that Pistolero replaces Gun Training? Both Hero Lab and d20pfsrd d20pfsrd indicate that Gun Training is not replaced.


I checked into the altered clause you mentioned:

A character can take more than one archetype and garner additional alternate class features, but none of the alternate class features can replace or alter the same class feature from the base class as another alternate class feature. For example, a fighter could not be both an armor master and a brawler, since both archetypes replace the weapon training 1 class feature with something different.

Pistolero doesn't alter it as another class feature, it is the same class feature at a different level, but I guess that is just wishful reading.

The Exchange

I picked up the Class Acts pdf for Gunslingers and I really like the Grim Outlaw archetype, however, I want to be certain it can be combined with the Pistolero archetype. I see two possible conflicts: 1)Pistolero changes the level you get Deadeye and Grim Outlaw replaces it (I don't think this would create a problem, but I wasn't sure) 2) Grim Outlaw replaces Gun Training 1-4 (As far as I know Pistolero doesn't remove those abilities, however, I have seen discussions regarding the redundancy and didn't know if an errata had been put out that changed the Pistolero archetype to now replace them).

Is anyone aware if this combo is legal or has anyone played this combo in Society play?