Danse Macabre

Hound of Ulster's page

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I never suggested that Mutagenists are better than the other fields, nor was I making the inference that their self-healing alone is meant to define a build. It's just one of the main things that makes Mutagenists just as good as the other research fields while helping them fill their role as a self-sufficient jack of all trades due to the flexibility that mutagens offer. They don't overshadow the other two research fields, but they fill their own role just as well.

I don't understand why people think this Mutagenist change was mediocre or doesn't put them on par with the other Alchemist subclasses. Specializing in mutagens was already a good thing to begin with at later levels especially due to revivifying mutagen being that good. All they really needed was a level 1 feature that worked, which is what Mutagenic Flashback accomplishes. There are many standard scenarios in your average adventuring day where a free action instant mutagen would be useful, honestly.