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Hi there

Im playing a lvl 16 Half ELf Paladin with all related shield feats (Improved Shield Bash, Two weapon Fighting etc.) and I have various questions concerning shield combat

First, a heavy shield is a one handed weapon, so it gets its penalty increased for not being a light weapon in the off hand? From -2 -2 to -4 -4?

Second, the Shield Master feat says that you add your shields shield bonus to attacks and damage as an enhancement bonus, so if I also have the Shield Focus feat that increases the shields value to AC by 1 then I add this bonus too to attack and damage done?

Third, The shield Master feat also says that you no longer suffer any penalty to attacks made with your shield while you have a weapon. So could I hold the shield as the primary weapon and have another weapon in the off hand and still get the feat effect? So to fight with a +0 -2 two-handed.

Fourth, the Shield Slam feat says that you use your shields attack bonus instead your CMB for the free bull rush attempt, If I have Improved Bull Rush and Greater Bull Rush may I add +4 to the attack result while comparing it to the targets CMD?