
Honest Fineal's page

52 posts. Alias of Davi The Eccentric.


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Or maybe it's me. Or some guy we haven't seen yet. Honestly, who knows how these plot threads are going to intersect?

...Storyteller... wrote:

"Welcome, welcome, welcome." The man? says excitedly as he coasts to a stop, extending a hand in greeting.

"We have all been waiting for you, I hope everything meets your specifications, we are still cleaning up the place." He pauses a second to catch his breath before continuing. "Oh, where are my manners. My name is Frank, pleased to meet you."

"Good to meet you, Frank. Name's Fineal, call me Honest it'll be a nice change of pace." Fineal chuckles at his own joke before continuing. "Oh, this place looks fine. I've lived in worse, at least. Now, I haven't been paying very much attention. Where is here, anyway?"

Protocol(70+10(First Impressions)+10(Striking Looks)=90), to give a good first impression: 1d100 ⇒ 92

...Storyteller... wrote:
"Ready?" she says with a smile.

"Ready as I'm going to be." Fineal smiles back, picks up his case and follows her out. He could ask her where "here" was, but that would just be suspicious.

Fineal, satisfied with the responses, continues on to his destination.(?)

...Storyteller... wrote:
What else does Fineal want to do? The journey will take several days so you have time to interact with the crew or do more research.

Fineal will spend most of the trip chatting with the crew, talking about current events, ask about previous jobs they've had, attempt to subtly wheedle out info on who hired them to bring him here, that sort of thing.

Networking(Autonomists), I presume? (50) 1d100 ⇒ 71

...Storyteller... wrote:
Based on the bids submitted, it appears that this is not just some piece of Fall memorabilia. From the synopsis provided, the current bids range from 10 to 25 million credits and the offers include one of the few surviving Monets, an antimatter fueled spacecraft, and several items you can't even guess at. Each item has been valued by your employer, and it given the variation in bids you can guess that the strategy so far has been to keep the bidders in the dark to drive up the price.

Fineal lets out a low whistle. Alright, it's more than Fall memorabilia. It's valuable Fall memorabilia. (It's more than that, obviously, but sometimes you don't want to think about what you're selling.) It shouldn't be that hard to toss some blood into the water and make the bidders devour each other for the opportunity to pay them an improbably amount of money.

Requests for Employers:
A nanofabricator that can produce Mono No Aware and enough security that someone can't just shoot him and take the prize for himself, although you probably already have the latter.

Interest(Hypercorp Politics)(35), what sort of thing would all those corps be willing to spend that much money on? 1d100 ⇒ 83

...Storyteller... wrote:

Ann, the first woman, shows you about the ship, pointing out the quarters you will use during your voyage as well as the galley and the lavatory. Once she has acquainted you with the ship, she to leaves to attend to the ship. You are now alone in the sterile white cabin you have been assigned and have an opportunity to review the encrypted tablet.

** spoiler omitted **...

"Just some Fall memorabilia then. At least it should be some easy money. Don't like the customers much though. Let's see what they're willing to part with..." Fineal finishes his internal monologue and looks over what the various parties are offering.

Likewise. I just can't think of anything else to do for the next six in-game days that's actually worth posting about.

...Storyteller... wrote:
Is there anything you want to do during the next week?

I'll set my muse to work researching the Maurice Kisomo(Researching 40): 1d100 ⇒ 1

...Storyteller... wrote:
"There is a chartered craft on standby, please contact them once you are ready to leave. The ship's name is the Maurice Kisomo, you will be briefed once you arrive at your destination."

"In that case, I'll be seeing you around." Fineal ends the call.

"Hey, Magellan. Anyone say anything important at the meeting yet?" "No, sir." "Good. Send the boss a message, something just came up and I have to leave for a week or so but I should be able to still get my work in. Oh, and send a message to the Maurice Kisomo, tell them I'll be ready to leave within the week." "Right away, sir."

...Storyteller... wrote:

Honest Fineal - Phobos

Honest Fineal wrote:
"Standard NDA then. I assume you'll pay for transport to this conference and back? Now, what kind of pay range should I expect for this? After all, no point in making the trip if I'm just going to make a few hundred cred/"
"Of course, the contract will pay out a minimum of 5000 cred, no sale required. You will also receive a commission of 1% of all monies beyond the minimum acceptable price."

"Good. It'll be a pleasure working with you, I'm sure. Now, the little matter of transportation..."

...Storyteller... wrote:

Honest Fineal - Phobos

Honest Fineal wrote:
"Well, I'm always up for some freelancing. What do you need sold?"
"Please understand, discretion is required in this matter. The contract is for negotiations with several interested parties at a neutral location. You shall be paid a commission based on the amount you are able to secure."

"Standard NDA then. I assume you'll pay for transport to this conference and back? Now, what kind of pay range should I expect for this? After all, no point in making the trip if I'm just going to make a few hundred cred/"

...Storyteller... wrote:

A computerized voice answers you in a soft, feminine tone.

"I would like to extend an offer of employment, we have a job which suits your unique skills and would be very interested having you join your team."

It sounds like a standard employment pitch, but then the voice adds.

"I assure you it will be more engaging then your present situation."

"Well, I'm always up for some freelancing. What do you need sold?"

...Storyteller... wrote:

Honest Fineal - Phobos

The speaker seems to drone on forever, expounding the recent corporate profitability gains and the importance of leveraging underdeveloped market segments in order to preserve expansion. Fineal wonders why he even bothered to come to this conference. The tingle of the mesh is a welcome reprieve from this boredom.

** spoiler omitted **

Whoever's calling, it's bound to be more important than this meeting. Probably will tell him more information too.

"Alright. What's this deal?"

Well, just posting to say I've finally added a background to my sheet. If you need to ask me any questions about it, just contact me at

djdunklee (at symbol) hotmail(dot)com

EDIT: Looking over the other characters in the recruitment thread, this will be an interesting party. At least two people who hate/are hated by hypercorps, and I help hock their wares.

Lorm Dragonheart wrote:
I thank you, but I created the alias first and forgot to create the avatar first. Is there a way to create the avatar second? I really do not want to have to type all that again.

Go to your account. Click the "Edit" button that should be next to the alias in your account. Click on "Change Avatar". Done.

EDIT: Oh, and putting this here. You can trust him, because he's honest. It's in his name, it has to be true.

"I for one don't want to get beaten by an angry mob. Come on, let's get the others and get out of here." Fineal heads back upstairs and tells the others about the pirate captain that wants revenge on our fair employer and is coming this way with an angry mob of his followers.

"Alright, so you've got some angry competitors. Hurray." Fineal heads down to the lobby and begins asking questions about gnomes and halflings, and if any headed to the upper rooms lately.

I'll just finally use the rolls I posted last page.


Diplomacy, for the gathering of information about halflings/gnomes who's went up to that room lately, and Bluff, to hide why we're asking these questions: 1d20 + 12 &#8658; (10) + 12 = 22

1d20 + 15 &#8658; (9) + 15 = 24

nightflier wrote:
"Sword or scimitar? Dressed in yellow, with a beard?"

"Scimitar, dressed in pinkish yellow, no beard."

He didn't have a beard, right?

"So, no complaints? I'll head down now."

Diplomacy, for the gathering of information about everyone who's went up to that room lately, and Bluff, to hide why we're asking these questions: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (10) + 12 = 221d20 + 15 ⇒ (9) + 15 = 24

"Well, wasn't expecting this. Alright, if anyone down there knows anything about this I should be able to find out. They'll know that we're asking around about anyone who's come up here, but they won't know why we're asking you know what I mean? Course you do."

"Oh, and some idiot with a sword called you a whore and threatened to slit my throat then left. Figured you might want to know."

Fharalkakhad wrote:
I had a question, which building got set on fire, the inn or the stable barn?

If the inn was on fire we could probably, you know, see the fire.

Fineal stares at the man as he walks off, confused at this turn of events, and returns to the top of the stairs. "Alright, he threatened to slit my throat, offered to bribe me, then told me I'd die in my sleep and left. Any of you know what in Khyber's name just happened?"

nightflier wrote:
The man in front of you ignores your companions. "Would you like for me to make more open threats? I can pay you as well. I want that whore and I will pass through you like a knife through the neck if I have to."

"Alright I get your point. Of course, I can't just let you up there and have your way with her, you understand. At least, not for free..." Fineal surreptitiously holds out his hand for the implied money.

Bluff, to make him think I'm going to actually let him up once he pays me: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (1) + 14 = 15 At least he still needs to get a Sense Motive check above 15.

Fineal quickly springs into action and walks up to the man, smiling. "Come on now my good man, no need to be making any vague threats. First of all just let me apologize for how we acted on the way in, our employer's a bit paranoid about getting her proper respects. You know how it is, can't say no to woman like that, especially when she's paying you." Fineal laughs at his own joke. "Anyway, how about we all just sit back down and have a drink before my coworkers get any more annoyed at the vague threats, eh?" Fineal gives his a predatory smile, but somehow it still seems trustworthy.

Diplomacy, hopefully won't be canceled out by the Intimidate check: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (15) + 12 = 27

Fharalkakhad wrote:
Fharalkakhad glances over at Reth and murmers to him, "This does not feel like just a few irate customers, Fineal. I sense someone is pulling the strings of this situation. Be cautious."

"Guess I'm just going to have to pull harder then." Fineal flashes his a smile.

Reth Kaskin wrote:
Reth leans over to Rhiannon, "Do you see that slight shimmering behind these people? I am not quite sure what it is but I cannot believe it is good. Do you wish to proceed forward or should we see how this situation plays itself out?" Reth moves to stand before Rhiannon (but not in front of Bull).

"Saw something like that one the roof outside. Bit late to figure out what it is." Fineal then moves to the top of the stairs, ready to launch into his dance.

"If I couldn't handle a few irate customers I'd be dead by now. Go on, go make your deal."

"Alright everyone, out of the way! Move it! Our employer's got people to see, places to be! ..."

Intimidate and Bluff, whichever is more useful here(Add +4 if it's Bluff): 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (11) + 11 = 22

Fineal shrugs and heads back to the others. "Just another fight. I suggest we place a few bets and ignore it unless one of them's the contact."

Fineal makes his way through the crowd, hopefully reaching the edge of the fight. Along the way, he questions the other members of the crowd to find out who these people are.

Diplomacy, what will these people tell me? 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (2) + 12 = 14

nightflier wrote:
Fineal, Perception check, please.

Perception: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (18) - 1 = 17

Fineal continues to stand there for a moment. "Oh, you meant me? Shouldn't be too much trouble." He then straightens his coat and heads for the inn, trying to see what's going on.

Meanwhile, Fineal makes his way through the crowds with practiced ease.

nightflier wrote:

I am back. Please check Discussion Thread.

Edit: Where in the Nine Hells is Discussion Thread?


Fineal takes one of the buttons and pins it to his coat. "At least we won't going straight into the jungle."

"Well, isn't that nice of you. Just remember, I'm not being paid enough to keep Cannith from tearing this thing apart if they find out your making warforged."

nightflier wrote:
Illmanthonil Moorvare wrote:
Illmanthonil remains quiet, listening intently to the answers provided by the warforged until he mentions warforged production, "The Darkstar Company has the means to create new warforged?"
"Yes, we do. Do any of you have any problem with that?"

"Wait, what? How'd they get their hands on a forge? Wait, don't answer that, I don't want to know. This is still a bit more, how should I put this, illegal than I expected. Doesn't matter if you don't get caught but it's pretty damn hard to hide a dozen shiny new 'forged don't you agree?"

"First off, what's the Vortex of Syberis? We ought to know where we're going, right?"

Fineal frowns. "Well, the pay's certainly a bit sub-par. Still, a tad late to turn back now, right?" Fineal puts on a fake smile as he signs the papers.

"No, we haven't. Now, hand over that contract, will you?" Fineal grabs whatever the gnome offers and begins to read it over for any interesting clauses. "Large print giveth, small print taketh away...

nightflier wrote:
"I didn't. You are funny little man, aren't you?"

"Yes I am. Still, the point remains that our morale would be slightly better if we had something to call you other than Commander, don't you agree?"

Is another Diplomacy check to get her to tell us here name in order? I think it is. 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (10) + 12 = 22

Fineal springs off of the bed and moves to greet the woman. "A pleasure to meet you miss, I'm Honest Fineal but you can call me Fin. It'll be a pleasure working for you, although I for one hope we don't do much dying. Now, what did you say your name was again?"

Diplomacy, to make that seem charming and not annoying: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (8) + 12 = 20

"Good to know." Fineal tosses his pack into his trunk before gingerly setting the suitcase next to it. "Hey, there are eight beds and seven people who actually sleep. Just take a damn bed."

Reth Kaskin wrote:
Reth looks over at Illmanthonil and states, "I am confused, did he mean this is their only airship or their only elemental airship. Is there another kind of airship?"

"Nothing I've ever heard of. Yes, let's get going."

"Ready to go as I'll ever be."

"I'm here for the same reason he is, really. If I'm going to see the world, I might as well get paid while I'm doing it. Besides, it looks like this bunch might need my arcane skills." Fineal punctuates this with a vaguely-mystic wave of his hand.

Bluff, should it be needed: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (2) + 15 = 17

"This is the way to the roof, right?" A man wearing a large green coat and holding what looks to be a small suitcase with a pack slung onto his back comes up the stairs and looks over the assembled group. "I'm guessing you all are here to guard the ship too? A pleasure to meet you all. The name's Ho-" The man moves to shake the woman's hand, only to step back as the dog snarls at him. "Well, as I was saying, I'm Honest Fineal.", he says, flashing a smile.

Fineal finally makes his way over to the entrance, quickly flashing his identification papers at them. "Morning gentlemen, the name's Fineal. Got hired to help guard the ship. It's up these stairs, right? Right." Having finished his introduction, Fineal makes his way up the tower.

Fineal works his way through the crowds on his way to the tower. He's sweating, but not because of the heat. He's lived in this town all his life, he's used to it. He's sweating because somewhere in this city are three men who want him dead, and until he's on that ship waving good-bye to this city, he can't be completely sure someone's not going to put a dagger in his back. That's not particularly new, but people usually stop when he threatens to get the Watch involved. But these three are going to keep following him unless he goes somewhere they can't follow.

It was easy to convince them to hire him on as a guard, really. Just making someone get something they don't really need, and Fineal's been doing that for years. They wanted another arcanist, Fineal showed up and told them he had some skill in the arcane arts, and he got hired. If he get less than they expected, well they signed a contract, and Fineal would at least be far away from his pursuers when they dropped him off.

Rhiannon d'Deneith wrote:
So who's going to be an existing part of the squad when we start? We should know each other pretty well.

Well, I'm pretty sure me, Amahan and Illmanthonil all just joined up with the airship's guards, but the rest probably are.

(Really, just bumping the thread to see how many people are still here, since I don't want another game to slowly fizzle out while waiting for the game thread to start.)

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