Worshipper of Torag

Hjalmar Ironside's page

78 posts. Alias of Deliverance.

So, ive decided to do a dungeon centered around a Thassilon lord. The idea is for the dungeon to be an old hub, kind of like a train station of sorts, where delegates from the other runelords kingdoms would come and stay before taking transports to the capitol. I havnt decided yet which rune lords capitol it will belong to, but what I do know is this.

Each of the "wings" of the dungeon will be populated by followers of each of the 7 sins, all working together in a shaky alliance to help the "main" sins followers in their attempt to unearth their rune lord. They will ofcourse all have their own agendas and plots, which the PCs might use against them.

What I hope to get help with is populating the different wings with thematically appropriate monsters.

So, heres hoping the collective can help me speed up the process of selecting thematic monsters. For reference, the 7 sins are:








Have at it, and thank you.

I seem to remember seeing a feat, which allowed you to channel a bloodline power through a spell. All ive found is the Sorcerous Strike feat, which is for unarmed strikes.

Did I just imagine this feat, or can someone point me to it?

Really, why? It seems so randomly arbitrary, and Im not really seeing why its needed from a balance perspective. Heck, the feats description doesnt even mention weapon choice at all?

Help me understand the thought process behind this seemingly completely pointless restriction.

(In case you were wondering, I was fiddling with a Bite attack focused Fighter. Having only one attack per round, it really needs to count, and I was rather surprised to find Furious Focus wasnt an option.)

How does a burst spell work in regards to targeting? Does it target a square, thus making a 10 foot radius spell 25 feet across (The 20 feet of total radius plus the targeted square) or do they target square intersections, thus making a 10 foot burst simply a 10 foot square (more or less)

I seem to remember either bloodline or domain powers having an option to channel them through a spell hit, probably gained through a feat, but I cannot seem to find it again.

Am I just remembering wrong? And if not, what is the name of the ability?


So, Ive decided to make a character using the Humble Beginnings trait, and was looking around for good things to use with it. On several occasions, I saw mention of a trait which gave you +1 to hit with "tools of your trade"

However none of the posts regarding this mystery trait named it as anything but "That one trait" and I havnt been able to find it by browsing.

SO if anyone happens to know the name of this trait, please let me know, thanks.

Bonus question: The Humble Beginnings trait seems to muddy the waters quite a bit in regards to improvised weapons, by stating that they should all deal 1d4 damage. How do you determine whether a rolling pin is a light or onehanded weapon, or whether a spade is a onehanded or twohanded weapon?

So, all my character profiles use the [/list] function for things like spells and equipment, looks nice and neat. However Ive just noticed that even though the function is still written into my profiles, it doesnt list them in the manner it used to.

Has this function been removed? And if so, why?

This feat has me a little confused as to what you can actually do with it.

PHB wrote:
Benefit: You can use the charge rules to make a thrown weapon attack. All the parameters of a charge apply, except that you must only move closer to your opponent, and you must end your movement within 30 feet of that opponent. If you do, you can make a single thrown weapon attack against that opponent, gaining the +2 bonus on the attack roll and taking a –2 penalty to your AC until the start of your next turn.

What has me confused here, is how much of the movement rules are overwritten by this feat?

The Charge rules read:

PHB wrote:

Movement During a Charge:

You must move before your attack, not after. You must move at least 10 feet (2 squares) and may move up to double your speed directly toward the designated opponent. If you move a distance equal to your speed or less, you can also draw a weapon during a charge attack if your base attack bonus is at least +1.

You must have a clear path toward the opponent, and nothing can hinder your movement (such as difficult terrain or obstacles). You must move to the closest space from which you can attack the opponent. If this space is occupied or otherwise blocked, you can't charge. If any line from your starting space to the ending space passes through a square that blocks movement, slows movement, or contains a creature (even an ally), you can't charge. Helpless creatures don't stop a charge.

If you don't have line of sight to the opponent at the start of your turn, you can't charge that opponent.

Now, both of the bolded parts, as far as I can tell, could fall under the rule of "Except that you must only move closer to your opponent"

If that is indeed the case, it would seem like this feat lets you "circle around" your enemy while pelting him with thrown weapons, as long as you end your charge closer than when you started it.

Assuming that is correct, what would happen if you started adjacent to an enemy? Could you run away, then circle back into melee as part of a hurling charge? I guess not, since you arent actually closer.


Anyway, to keep it simple heres the question: What aspects of the charge rules are actually overwritten by the line "Except that you must only move closer to your opponent"?


EDIT: Bonus question, are there any feats or class abilities that allow you to take a 5 foot step and still move?

Have been messing with a mounted build involving the use of Aid Another, and stumbled upon the question of whether you are assumed to "hit" with your attack when you perform the Aid Another action. This specifically relates to the Trip and Grab monster abilities that some Animal Companions get.

So, the madu is an odd item. To a non-proficient wielder, its a spiked light shield, but to a proficient wielder, its a weapon which makes you better at fighting defensively.

For reference, here is a LINK to the madu.

My question then becomes, if I want to be a sword and board character who uses a madu as a shield, but also wants the bonuses it grants with proficiency, can it be done?

You could argue that using it as just a shield prohibits you from getting the bonuses of being proficient (at which point it apparently stops being a spiked shield and become a weapon instead), but it seems to be mostly guesswork really.

What say you the community?

2 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

I remember asking this question before, but when I went to check my previous threads to look up answers, it didn't appear on the list for some reason.

Anyway, the Orc Bloodline adds +1 damage per die of a spell. Unlike something like the Wizard version, this does not specify that it only applies to one bolt or hit of a spell.

The half-orc magus favored class bonus, adds 1/2 damage to fire spells. This also does not mention only working once per spell.

Lets say I used the Elemental Spell feat to make a magic missiles spell deal half fire damage. Would the favored class bonus affect each bolt separately? Or only one of the missiles? If so, why?

Question is in the title really. Im also interested in a page reference for the rules about general multiplier stacking.

As for why, the question came up in relation to a bite attack using Dragon Style. Bite adds 1.5 str, while Dragon Style lets the first unarmed strike (bite in this case through Feral Combat Training Feat) deal 1.5x str.

If x2 + x2 = x3

Is x1.5 + x1.5 = x2?

Toying with a claws based character, and need to know, if I attack with a claw, does it still constitute a "free hand" for feats like Crane Wing and Deflect Arrows?

So heres the deal. Flurry of blows talks about applying "his full strength bonus to his damage rolls for all successful attacks made with flurry of blows, whether the attack was made with an off-hand or a weapon wielded in two hands."

As far as I know, this is basically giving monks Double Slice build into their pseudo Two-Weapon Fighting, while also making a note, that a weapon wielded in two hands, still only applies 1x strength bonus.

The question then becomes, what happens when a character with Feral Combat Training and a bite attack as his sole natural weapon, flurries. The natural weapon, being the only one he has, applies 1.5x strength bonus on damage rolls. It is however not wielded in two hands, but possesses this function innately.

So, in this case, can "his full strength bonus" be assumed to be 1.5x strength? Seems to be the case, since the only exception stated in flurry, refers to weapons in two hands.

Your thoughts gentlemen and ladies, give them to me!

So looking at the Monk Archetype Maneuver Master I see that the Flurry of Maneuvers ability allows a single Combat Maneuver to be performed, even one that normally requires a Standard Action.

Now this got me wondering about the Overrun Maneuver. The maneuver mentions movement, but only requires a Standard Action.

So could a Maneuver Master Monk, Overrun an enemy as part of a full attack, simply moving to the other side of the enemy? If you are wondering about the relevance, im thinking about the Spiked Destroyer Feat, and if Overrun can be used instead of Bull Rush, it opens up some possibilities. (Overrun one guy, getting an armor spike attack, then once on the other side, continue to attack another enemy you couldnt reach before.)

And lastly, if it works, could you take a 5-foot step prior to initiating your full attack and still move through the opponent with your Overrun? This is important in maintaining some flexibility in where you end up after the Overrun.

I googled a bit prior to asking this question and found THIS thread, but only a single person answering the question seemed like a too small thing to base a ruling on...also, the 5-foot step question wasnt in there.

So those are my questions. Have at it men!!!


Just how important are they? My reason for asking is, as a Ranger, you can bypass the requirements for your combat style feats. This means you can grab Precise Shot and Manyshot by level 6, avoiding having to take Point Blank Shot, and by extension Rapid Shot (Since it requires Point Blank).

How big of a deal is Rapid shot? You are already taking a -2 on attacks from Deadly Aim, bumping that to -4 with Rapid Shot also seems kinda iffy.

This is for a Sniper-y archer, so Point Blank will only be relevant if something has gone wrong.

So, how much of a damage difference are these two feats?

Title pretty much says it all....is there?

So apparently the Dungeon Rover Archetype for the Ranger, gets the option of a Giant Slug at level 4.

A quick look in the Beastiary reveals the Giant Slug to be a CR 8 Huge sized monstrosity, sporting such things as 27 Strength, 16 Natural armor and a 10d6 Acid Spit. Just to name a few.

Surely this is some sort of error?

Spells like Frostbite and Chill Touch both have multiple charges. How does this work with iterative attacks? Can I on the round after the spell is cast, chose to full attack with the touches? What about Two Weapon Fighting? Or Rapid Shot using the Reach Spell Feat?

Are there any feats or class abilities that allow you to cast a spell like ability using your spell slots?

So, my question is, can you memorize, lets say, a fire spell as a Rime spell? Im inclined to think its no, but the feat itself is worded in a way where im not entirely sure.

As for why I would want to do it? With a Sorcerer dip for the Elemental Bloodline, allowing me to convert the energy type of a spell as im casting it. I would have more versatility, since I could fx prepare a fireball as a rime spell, converting its type to frost when casting it, but keeping it as fire if fx the enemy is resistant to frost or vulnerable to fire.

For reference

Varisian Pilgrim

Cant the power sharing ability be used on abilities like fx the 8th level power of the Darkness Domain or fx the Death Domain? Neither ability requires any action on the part of the Cleric.

I guess the question boils down to, what is encompassed by the word "used" in the phrase "Can use these abilities on her traveling companions"

My question in regards to these two is the interaction, if any, between the Devout Pilgrim Archetypes ability Caravan Bond and the Curse Subdomains level 1 Granted power "Malign Eye"

Caravan Bond (SU)

At 1st level, by leading a group prayer for 1 minute, a devout pilgrim can select a number of traveling companions equal to her cleric level + her Wisdom bonus. She may use her domain-granted powers on any of these traveling companions as if they were her. She can use these abilities on her traveling companions at a range of up to 30 feet, even if the ability normally requires her touch.

Malign Eye (SU)

As a standard action, you can afflict one target within 30 feet with your malign eye, causing it to take a –2 penalty on all saving throws against your spells. The effect lasts for 1 minute or until the target hits you with an attack. You can use this ability for a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.


Malign Eye refers to "You" in its description several times, but the ability targets an enemy. So, does Caravan Bond allow me to use Malign Eye on an enemy and then transfer the benefit to a bonded ally? Or does Malign Eye simply not have any interaction with Caravan Bond?


EDIT: Additional question. The Devout Pilgrims gains an ability at 8th level that "replaces an 8th-level domain power of the devout pilgrim’s choice."

The thing is, some domains gain their secondary power at levels other than 8th. What would happen if I took Luck as my one domain, which gets its second power at level 6, and then took something like Air as my second domain (also second power at level 6)?

1: Would I suddenly invalidate the Archetype?

2: Would I get the 8th level power for free?

3: Would I swap a 6th level power instead?

if the answer here is 3, what would then happen if I had an actual 8th level power and a 6th level power? Could I swap the 6th level power?

Do these stack? Tattooed Sorcerer replaces the 9th level power, while Empyreal replaces a specific power with another, also at level 9.

Empyreal = This bloodline power replaces wings of heaven.

Tattooed = This ability replaces the 9th-level bloodline power.

Im hoping the Empyreal Sorcerer changes what you WOULD have gotten at level 9, at which point the Tattooed Sorcerer changes it out. I think this is the case because one deals with specifics, while the other simply generalizes.

The real question then becomes, since Wings of Heaven is now my "9th-level bloodline power", do they interfere with eachother?


Does the Bard gain 2 extra rounds of daily use like the normal Bardic Performance ability? Its not spelled out, but the base level 1 amount is the same.

And because my other post failed to get traction, instead of further bumping it, ill sneak in that question here as well for anyone who wants to give it a look.

Other Question:
So, looking at the Fighter archetype Buckler Duelist I saw the ability Strong Swing:

"At 5th level, a buckler duelist gains a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls when wielding a falcata and buckler that applies to attacks made by either hand. These bonuses increase by +1 for every four levels beyond 5th. With a full-attack action, a buckler duelist may alternate between using his falcata or his buckler for each attack. This does not grant additional attacks or incur penalties as two-weapon fighting does."

The ability makes it a point to clarify, that swapping between sheild slams and weapon attacks in a full attack is not Two Weapon Fighting. This got me wondering though, would you be able to use the ability with actual Two Weapon Fighting?

Could an 11th level Buckler Duelist with Improved and Greater Two Weapon Fighting, perform 6 attacks, all with his Falcata? Full attack two weapon fighting, then opt to turn the offhand attacks (normally shield slams) into Falcata attacks using Strong Swings.

And if yes, would you retain your Shield bonus to AC? You arent actually attacking with it, even if it is being used to facilitate more Falcata attacks.

Something tells me the answer will be no, simply because it looks so nice (And Fighters dont get nice things) but lets hear what people think.

So, looking at this archetype I saw the ability Strong Swing:

"At 5th level, a buckler duelist gains a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls when wielding a falcata and buckler that applies to attacks made by either hand. These bonuses increase by +1 for every four levels beyond 5th. With a full-attack action, a buckler duelist may alternate between using his falcata or his buckler for each attack. This does not grant additional attacks or incur penalties as two-weapon fighting does."

The ability makes it a point to clarify, that swapping between sheild slams and weapon attacks in a full attack is not Two Weapon Fighting. This got me wondering though, would you be able to use the ability with actual Two Weapon Fighting?

Could an 11th level Buckler Duelist with Improved and Greater Two Weapon Fighting, perform 6 attacks, all with his Falcata? Full attack two weapon fighting, then opt to turn the offhand attacks (normally shield slams) into Falcata attacks using Strong Swings.

And if yes, would you retain your Shield bonus to AC? You arent actually attacking with it, even if it is being used to facilitate more Falcata attacks.

Something tells me the answer will be no, simply because it looks so nice (And Fighters dont get nice things) but lets hear what people think.

In making an Inquisitor, ive been googling a fair few things to answer questions I came up with during the process. During my searches, I noticed that in a fair few threads, people refered to "selecting your judgement" when they leveled. Those threads usually being fairly old, I didnt wanna thread necro, so came here to ask.

Is this a thing? Reading the Judgement ability, I see no references to selecting only a few Judgements which you can activate, im under the impression that the whole list is available for use from level 1.

Lets say I have a Monk with a Bite attack. This bite is his only Natural Weapon, meaning he gets 1.5 times Str bonus on its damage rolls.

Lets say this Monk then takes the Feats Feral Combat Training and Dragon Style

Dragon Style also lets you strike with 1.5 times Str bonus.

Now, does the bonus of Dragon Style overlap with and add to the existing 1.5 times Str bonus from a solitary Natural Weapon, in the same way that a x2 + x2 = x3?

Would they work together to create a x1.5 + x1.5 = x2?

Thanks for your input.

EDIT: Just thought of something else which I may as well ask here and not make an entire new post.

Lets say the above character takes the Tiger Claws Feat. The Feral Combat Training Feat allows him to use Style Feats with Natural Weapons, so it should work with the Bite attack. The problem comes in with the requirement that you have two hands free. Now RAW the feat doesnt say you actually have to perform the attack with your hands, but still, its kinda implied.

So, does Feral Combat Training allow me to use Tiger Claws with my Bite Attack?

What if the character instead used two Claw attacks in conjunction with the Tiger Claws Feat? Would any Rend Ability he might have, trigger on the single hit from Tiger Claws?

Looking at the Corrupting Touch, the ability reads:

Corrupting Touch (Sp): At 1st level, you can cause a creature to become shaken as a melee touch attack. This effect persists for a number of rounds equal to 1/2 your sorcerer level (minimum 1). Creatures shaken by this ability radiate an aura of evil, as if they were an evil outsider (see detect evil). Multiple touches do not stack, but they do add to the duration. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier.

My question is, can you activate the ability on a full attack? Most similar abilities use words like "As a standard action, you can", but this one simply talks about a touch attack.

Giving up your turn to try to shake someone sounds pretty meh, even at low levels, but being able to give up an attack in a series of attack would be kinda nifty.

So, ive been fiddling with the rules side of an idea for a "Ninja" character who uses a range of gadgets to actually BE a ninja type person. Imagine a fantasy version of a tight fitting body suit with goggles, grapples and all that good stuff. Kinda like Snake Eyes from the G.I Joes movie (visually).

The character is a Ranger (Trapper) / Summoner (Synthesist)

Now, Rangers can take the Natural weapon Combat Style, which allows you to pick the Feat, Rending Claws, which is much like a normal Rend, except it is only 1d6 precision damage (no str bonus), as opposed to regular Rend which is claw damage + 1.5 Str bonus.

A Synthesist can gain the normal Rend ability by spending Evolution points.

So my question is how, if at all, do these two Rend abilities interact?

1: If I hit with two claw attacks, both abilities activate.

2: If I hit with two claw attacks, one ability activates

3: If I hit with 4 claw attacks, both abilities activate.

There may be other options here (more than likely) but these are the three im coming up with.

So, what say you Paizo people? How does it work?

EDIT: Also, how does a Synthesists speed work?

1: Use the Eidolon speed listed for the type?

2: Use Summoners speed?

3: Use Summoners speed and add +10 feet speed pr Legs Evolution?

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