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Awful, Awful Scenario


Just played this game tonight at the higher tier. This ranks as my most miserable experience with role playing. The only reason I gave it one star is because I could not give it zero stars.

I am a fairly new to Pathfinder, although I have been involved in roleplaying since D&D came out in three brown boxes. (About 40 years.) I am seriously reconsidering whether I want to participate in further Pathfinder Society adventures and whether I even want to play Pathfinder again. This scenario is really that bad.

For me, roleplaying is about storytelling. This adventure, on the other hand is about whether a GM can wipe out an entire party. As a player, I found that my character really could not take any effective action against any of the NPC's or deal with any of the traps. Her sole role in the adventure was to stand around, taking ineffective actions, while the GM proceeded to slaughter the party.

From a player's standpoint, this was no fun at all.