Default Preparations (□□) @ Sun-Marssyl etched Tetsubo
Runic Repertoire (□□□□□) @ Impact (Marssyl), Coward's Bane (Oljinex), Thunder (Ranshu), Preservation (Sun-), Homecoming (Zohk)
Trace Rune (◆ or ◆◆)
Requirements: You have a hand free or are holding an artisan’s toolkit.
Your fingers dance, glowing light leaving behind the image of a rune. You apply one rune to an adjacent target matching the rune’s Usage description. The rune remains until the end of your next turn. If you spend 2 actions to Trace a Rune, you draw the rune in the air and it appears on a target within 30 feet. You can have any number of runes applied in this way.
Invoke Rune (◆)
You utter the name of one or more of your runes within 30 feet. The rune blazes with power, applying the effect in its Invocation entry. The rune then fades away, its task completed. You can invoke any number of runes with a single Invoke Rune action, but creatures that would be affected by multiple copies of the same specific rune are affected only once, as normal for duplicate effects.
Engraving Strike (◆)
Frequency: once per round
Requirements: You are wielding a melee weapon.
You draw a rune onto the surface of your weapon in reverse, the mark branding or bruising itself into your target in the moment of impact. Make a melee strike with the weapon. On a success, you Trace a Rune onto the target of the Strike.
Fortifying Knock (◆)
Frequency: once per round
Requirements: You are wielding a shield.
Your shield is a natural canvas for your art. In one motion, you Raise a Shield and Trace a Rune on your shield.
You practice the lost art of using music to guide the act of carving your runes, singing them into existence as much as crafting them. You can use Performance instead of Crafting when attempting Crafting checks related to runes. Once per minute, you can Trace a Rune with song alone, removing the need to have a free hand, removing the manipulate trait from Trace Rune, and allowing you to use the 2-action version of Trace Rune as a single action. You don’t need to be able to move your hands when Tracing a Rune using song, but you do need to be able to sing in a clear voice.
Marssyl, Rune of Impact
Usage: drawn on a bludgeoning weapon or unarmed Strike
This rune magnifies force many times over as it passes through the rune’s concentric rings. The weapon deals 1 bludgeoning splash damage per weapon damage die. If the weapon is a melee weapon, the rune-bearer is immune to this splash damage.
Invocation: The weapon vibrates as power concentrates within it. The next successful Strike made with the weapon before the end of its wielder’s next turn deals an additional die of damage and the target must succeed at a Fortitude save against your class DC or be pushed 10 feet in a straight line backwards, or 20 feet on a critical failure.
Oljinex, Rune of Cowards’ Bane
Usage: drawn on a shield
This rune resembles a broken arrow. While the shield is raised, it also grants the bearer a +1 status bonus to AC against physical ranged attacks.
Invocation (illusion, mental, visual): The rune creates an illusion in the minds of all creatures adjacent to the rune-bearer that lasts for 1 round. The illusion is of a large impassable wall blocking all paths away from the rune-bearer. Creatures affected by this invocation can’t willing move further away from the rune bearer for 1 round or until they disbelieve the illusion, usually by using a Seek
action against your class DC.
Ranshu, Rune of Thunder
Usage: drawn on a creature or object
This vertical rune is often carved on tall towers to draw lightning and shield the buildings below it. If the bearer does not take a move action at least once on its turn, lightning finds it at the end of its turn, dealing 1d4 electricity damage.
Invocation: The preliminary streaks of lightning braid together into a powerful bolt. The rune-bearer takes 2d6 electricity damage, with a basic Fortitude save.
Level (+2): The damage increases by 1, and the damage of the invocation increases by 2d6
Sun-, Diacritic Rune of Preservation
Usage: drawn on a rune
This spiraling diacritic channels the magic of a rune outwards, then back to the same location, allowing a rune to reconstitute itself. After the base rune is invoked, the rune automatically Traces itself back upon the same target.
Special: You can have only one copy of sun-, diacritic rune of preservation applied at a given time, and once you invoke it, you cannot Etch or Trace it again for 10 minutes.
Zohk, Rune of Homecoming
Usage: drawn on a creature
This circular mark is meant to allow travelers to always find their way home. The target gains a +15-foot status bonus to their Speeds, but only when their movement would end closer to you than they started their turn.
Invocation (teleportation): You call the rune-bearer to your side. You teleport the target to any unoccupied square adjacent to you. If the bearer is unwilling, they can attempt a Will save to negate the effect.
Engraving Strike
Frequency: once per round
Requirements: You are wielding a melee weapon.
You draw a rune onto the surface of your weapon in reverse, the mark branding or bruising itself into your target in the moment of impact. Make a melee strike with the weapon. On a success, you Trace a Rune onto the target of the Strike.
You practice the lost art of using music to guide the act of carving your runes, singing them into existence as much as crafting them. You can use Performance instead of Crafting when attempting Crafting checks related to runes. Once per minute, you can Trace a Rune with song alone, removing the need to have a free hand, removing the manipulate trait from Trace Rune, and allowing you to use the 2-action version of Trace Rune as a single action. You don’t need to be able to move your hands when Tracing a Rune using song, but you do need to be able to sing in a clear voice.