
Hevn's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 7 posts (94 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 8 Organized Play characters. 7 aliases.

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following the trope I selected to play out, the hardboiled detective is always portrayed with a narrative in the background or an internal monologue which explains his disposition, so I decided I’ll do a bit of an internal monologue in the PbP to reflect on the events of the past week. An after action report of sorts. This has no influence on any other characters, and only serves to set up Nick’s frame of mind.
Sitting in a dark corner by himself in the Tooth and Nail, nursing a glass of hard liquor, reflecting: Last night I had to kill a man, put him down after watching him butcher one of my new associates. I was too slow, or getting too old, to save him! I made sure the son of a b##$$ could do no more harm. Pitty about Vaelic, dying so soon after his brother, damn shame! Raises his glass in the direction of the door, downs the drink and pours another..
This city has gone to hell, wondering if things will ever return to the good old days, where a case didn’t end at a bloody corpse, or several. At least the new Silver Ravens seem to be good people, quite the collection of different folks all working and dying together trying to save the city. They have the guts to try something, which is better than most, best I stick around and throw in with them for the long haul. Only alternative is at the bottom of a bottle, and why not both, ey? takes another drink...
Tayacet Tiora, there’s a name I’ve not heard in awhile. Having her in town, and on our trail no less, nothing but trouble. At least she did the courtesy of letting us know she’s here. She’s a professional, so doing that means she likely has some kind of end game in mind, guess we’ll have to wait and see what it is. I am not that easy to track, but best to be vigilant. On that note, I swear that girl from next door, Luculla, has been eyeing me. She’s a hard dame to miss, might just be my imagination, keep it together Nick! Downs the rest of the glass and retires for the evening.
Could Luculla possibly be the femme fatale for my noir detective? She’s attractive enough, but is she dangerous enough?