
HetBlik's page

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ckdragons wrote:
You could siphon loot from another area to include in the Vault. Or as I played it, the Vault other treasures were looted with Baraket. The gloves were left behind because didn't detect as magic, appearing as normal gauntlets (artifacts can be fickle like that). Allow the players to find a well hidden message in Thassalonian that suggests these gloves are more than they seem. This message was overlooked by the previous looting party. Gave my PCs a nice hook to investigate this interesting item.

I didn't do this as I feel it completely goes against the story as it was set-up. In the end I just put the rod and diamond dust in there too.

Part of the story as set up is that Roderic due to a combination of sheer luck and skill was able to get into the vault, but due to setting off the traps he had to flee and barely made it out with his life. Narrowly avoiding death made Roderic never want to enter the vault again and made it so he only took Baraket. This is also what the Ghost of Roderic told my players, albeit a lot less coherently.

The vault being difficult to open is important to the story, I know my players well enough that they will start asking difficult questions and will start a hunt to this "mysterious 3rd party" that was able to crack this difficult vault and looted it but did not take the artefact.

"ornate set of gauntlets made from noqual covered in hundreds of softly glowing Thassilonian runes.

What genius would be able to crack this vault and loot it yet would leave the set of gauntlet behind? Unless you'd want players to be really paranoid about the gauntlets, which mine would probably be so we'd lose a lot of gametime while they try to figure out what's with the "cursed" gauntlets .

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I find it odd from a loot perspective that in Alaznist’s Vault players can "only" find the Runewarded Gauntlets, no other loot. For the most secure vault in a armoury made to supply the runelords best with suitable resources it seems lacking. Understandable Baraket was once stored here too but from a PC perspective I would find it to be underwhelming & lacking in practical immediately usable loot at the end of a dungeon delve.

My players are on their way towards this dungeon currently and I consider siphoning a part of the loot of area "E4. Barricaded Room" into the vault. For a side storeroom I find it odd how much loot is stacked in that single chest and lacking in the rest of the dungeon, probable most stuff has been taken long since by other travellers finding this location.

I plan to move the Metamagic Rod and the Diamond dust, my players are already prepared with glitterdust for any invisible enemy so I'm certain they'll find the chest. But I'd want to have the vault be more interesting that a minor artifact which will not see really much use except to suppress another artifact later.

I found the PC version and it's a great tool I'm going to use from now on. I have some great fun exploring the app and looking at the possibilities it presents. The way to search all monsters on type and environment is already something I've been missing.

I do notice that some of the last first edition content is missing, stuff like Ultimate Wilderness and Concordance of Rivals isn't in the app.
Is this coming in a future update or is there a way to import the stuff myself in a large quantity?

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While currently reading the whole campaign as preparation to start running it soon, I came over a detail in the Godmind in this book that I hope is not much of a coincidence as it would be a stroke of genius if it was done on purpose.

In the digital divine real of Unity, one of the biggest creatures that stand guard is an ICE Linnorm.

In a lot of cyberpunk science-fiction, starting with the book Burning Chrome and Neuromancer both from William Gibson, the term ICE is used as Acronym for Intrusion Countermeasures Electronics.

So we've got an Intrusion Countermeasure Electronic Linnorm.

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Well best thing I have from experience is what you already found, the Shadowbound corruption.

You didn't see it fitting, but that is the corruption I used for my players when they came into a situation where there was the danger of turning into a Kyton.

There is the Apostle Kyton template from horror adventures too which references that creatures can gain this template by losing to the Shadowbound corruption.

Another option could be re-flavouring the Promethean corruption, as the flesh needing to be replaced and your body falling apart also sounds pretty Kyton like.

ZenithTN wrote:
Gaze Reflection.

The spell Medusa's Bane seems to do that, complete immunity to gaze attacks and you can end the spell earlier to reflect a Gaze.

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As a low level abjuration specialist, I found the schools innate resistance power pretty helpful. With resistance 5 against fire, it's decently harmless to just light yourself on fire to deter attackers and more.

With the fire resistance writing Incendiary Runes upon yourself becomes a good emergency fail-save and a form of fast self combustion. Write the runes on your arm, below your sleeves or so and in case of emergency flash it towards the enemy or a hopefully helpful teammate.

Are you grappled? Flash your Incendiary Runes, fail your own save on purpose and you're now on fire. There aren't much things at low level that would like to keep you grappled while you are on fire.

Annoying swarms to deal with? Have a teammate trigger the Incendiary Runes (from a hopefully save distance for them) or douse yourself in lamp oil and light yourself on fire. The swarm suddenly really won't like to share your square.

Need to intimidate some punks? It should be easy to convince your GM that lighting yourself on fire should carry a bonus to the check. What sane person would light themself on fire and then just stand there without flinching? (Just don't roll a 6 on the D6)

Ah yes, two things with almost exactly the same name but not really related.
I already got my group confused the first time by giving them blessing of Fervor, from all the times I've been using Fervor on myself they were disappointed that there was nothing with swift casting to gain for them from the spell.

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bbangerter wrote:
HetBlik wrote:

Oh, I found a way for warpriests to cast this while paralyzed.

It requires you to have already cast Blessing of Fervor, which is a good spell so not a hard condition to meet.
Choose the bonus "Cast a single spell of 2nd level or lower as if it were an enlarged, extended, silent, or still spell." at the start of your turn for the silent spell.
Then fervor swift-cast Surmount Affliction, this removes the somatic and verbal components leaving the spell component-less, making the cast a valid action you can do while being paralyzed.

Nope. Still doesn't work. Allows you to cast silent OR still, not silent AND still. So you've only eliminated one of the roadblocks.

Nevermind the fact that making it a quickened spell turns it into a 6th level spell for this purpose, so no longer qualifies for blessing of fervor.

The warpriest class ability fervor already removes the somatic components when using it to swift cast, so the spell Blessing of Fervor is only needed to remove the vocal component.

Also I don't see why one would need the quickened metamagic? The whole point of the warpriest fervor ability is that you can swift cast spells on yourself, that is what the class does.

EDIT: To avoid confusion, there is the warpirest class ability called Fervor, allowing the warpriest to swift cast spells when the target is only the warpriest. There is also the spell Blessing of Fervor that is on the warpriest spell list but is in no way related to the Fervor class ability.

Oh, I found a way for warpriests to cast this while paralyzed.

It requires you to have already cast Blessing of Fervor, which is a good spell so not a hard condition to meet.
Choose the bonus "Cast a single spell of 2nd level or lower as if it were an enlarged, extended, silent, or still spell." at the start of your turn for the silent spell.
Then fervor swift-cast Surmount Affliction, this removes the somatic and verbal components leaving the spell component-less, making the cast a valid action you can do while being paralyzed.

There is Combat Advice that might be worth it depending on the rest of your party.

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Would casting Mage Armor on the ghost help?

An invisible but tangible field of force surrounds the subject of a mage armor spell....Since mage armor is made of force, incorporeal creatures can't bypass it the way they do normal armor

Now just bind the forcefield around the ghost with restraints and it can't escape the restraints due to the forcefield.