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Herve Esterel's page

156 posts. Alias of robin.

This is the first day of automn and all people of sandpoint and around have come to enjoy themselves.
The weather is nice which can only add to the enjoyment .
Several shops have stands in the square before the cathedral to take advantage of the festival. Children are running everywhere and the din of conversation is quite loud

Just before noon , Mayor Deverin ascends a stage in front of the cathedral accompagnied by Sheriff Hemlock , Cyrdak Drokkus and of course Father Zantus.
As the crowd notices her, a hush descends and all eyes turn to the stage. She smiles and begins to speak:

"Welcome! As many of you know, my name is Kendra Deverin and I am proud to serve as mayor of this fine town.
It's wonderful to see so many of you here to join us on this proud day. I'd like to extend my welcome to the many new faces I see in the crowd.
I hope you all are enjoying your stay here in Sandpoint and especially if it is your first visit here I sincerely hope that you're having a wonderful time.
And to all of the old faces I see today, thank you for coming and thank you for everything that each of you has done to keep this town strong in recent years.
I see that even Larz Rovanky has torn himself away from work to join us today! It is truly a miracle from Desna herself!

There is quite a bit of laughter and many eyes are turned to Larz who has a reputation for being a work alcolic. Larz has a sour expression on his face on hearing this .
Kendra waves gaily to him and continues.

Without further ado, let me introduce your Sheriff, Belor Hemlock!"

Belor wearing a worn breastplate and a longsword belted at his waist stands and walks to the center of the stage.
His eyes are constantly moving about the crowd. He shakes the Mayor's hand and begins to speak.

"Thank you Mayor. Even in the heat of celebration, let us not forget the sad events that brought us to this day.
And also let us not forget the souls that were lost five years ago.
I would like you to all join me in a moment of silence to remember the lives that were lost in the fire that claimed our previous chapel on that fateful night.

The Sheriff lowers his head and the crowd joins him, many of them quite awkwardly as the silence persists.
After the moment is over, the Sheriff raises his head and begins to speak again.

In remembering let us also not allow these events to repeat themselves.
I am of the understanding that a bonfire is planned for tonight. I urge you all to observe caution during this event.

He clears his throat and smiles awkwardly
And ummm... Enjoy yourselves. Let me introduce the next speaker; give your attention to Cyrdak Drokkus, proprieter of the local theatre.

He nods to the crowd and walks back to his chair, passing Cyrdakk who is already on his way up to the center-stage.
Cyrdakk is quite a contrast to the Sheriff; he is brightly dressed, sports a well-groomed goatee, and seems to be thoroughly enjoying the day.
As he reaches the center stage he loosens his collar a bit, winks into the crowd and starts to talk:

Well, thank you Sheriff for that uplifting oratory. Now I know this town has been through some hard times, but look at what we've accomplished
He motions towards the church.
And I'm telling you, they spared no expense with this place. Father Zantus' chamber pot? Solid gold.
I kid you not, our generous nobles put a pretty copper into the construction of this joint. I think the Churches even chipped in a silver or two!
I even heard a rumor that all of the Gods got together and scrounged up four gold pieces to help get this thing built!
But don't take it from me, the Padre over here is the one with the direct line, he's the one you want to hear from!
But before I let him get things going I'd like to take this opportunity to extend my personal invitation to each and every one of you to the new production of "The Harpy's Curse" starring the world-famous Magnimarian diva Allishanda as Avisera the harpy queen!
It's all premiering tomorrow evening at the Sandpoint Theatre and it is going to be fab-u-lous!
And now join me in a bit of applause for his holiness himself, Father Zantus!"

The crowd cheers as Cyrdak motions Zantus to the center stage. The young priest looks noticedly abashed at the reception set up for him.
He wears the traditional ceremonial robes of a priest of Desna and a shiny silver holy symbol about his neck.
He smiles and tries to calm the crowd down, eventually speaking when the applause has subsided:

"Ahem, thank you. Thank you Cyrdak. And thank all of you for coming to join us on this most Holy day.
Today is a day of new beginnings so without boring you with long speeches, I declare the Swallowtail Festival officially underway!"

The crowd cheers and resume talking among themselves . The inns and taverns have also put long trestles with their best dishes on them
These dishes are free to all and the crowd certainly take advantage of it especially around the rusty dragon with its curry-spiced salmon and early winterdro mead.
The Hagfish lobster chowder and the White Deer's peppercorn venison have also their adherents but they are also clearly less appreciated on the whole

After the lunch , some enterpraising musicians make the town dance . there are also some games for the children .
A good time is having had by all until the evening when Father Zanthus again takes position to the stand . He uses a thunderstone to attract the attention of everyone
during this time , Danaris and Malcolm have taken place near a cart which contains a cage with captives butterflies they intend to release . the plan is for them to release the butterflies
when Father Zanthus will have finished to relate the parable of Desna and the blind child. The dedication of the church is planned just after this .

This parable tells how Desna once fell wounded to earth nd was nursed back to health by a blind child <ho in reward of his selfless generosity was transformed in an immortal butterfly by Desna

I'll five you some time to comment some more on your actions during the day but DO NOT describe what you do AFTER the thunderstone is heard ...

Sandpoint was funded 42 years by the four families Kaijitsu (glassmakers) , Valdemar (shipbuilders) , Scarnetti (loggers) and Deverins (brewers)
These families saw an opportunity to creat an important waypoint at one of the few natural harbors along the lost coast.
This site was marked by the Old Light an ancient and largely destroyed ruin which most people think was an ancien lighthouse millenia ago
The four family did not initially plan with the presence of a large tribe of Varisians but after some violence initiated by some young hot headed scion of the Scarnetti family and a strategic withdrawal , the four families arrived at an accomodation with the Varisians.
The main artisan of the peace talks Almah Velerin became the first mayor of Sandpoint .

The next 37 years saw the growth of Sandpoint . Farmlands were established . Future looked bright but a series of setback happened five years ago
What Sandpoint call the late unpleasantness began with a series of gruesome murders , bodies were found without their tongues and eyes and with their hands and feet cut off which gained the murderer the name of Chopper.
The bodycount grew until the sherif Casp Avertin becomes the 25th victim . But he succeeded to wound Chopper enough that the rest of the guard could trail Chopper to the abode of Jervis Stoot a recluse wood sculptor whose carving of birds were a joy to contemplate in the town .
Fearing the worst , the guard rushed to the succour of Jervis only to find him dead in front of a altar to an evil birdlike demon having just plucked his own eyes and tongue before killing himself
In the days following , Stoot's house was destroyed and all traces of his carvings were destroyed by outraged citizens
The town was just prepared to put all this behind it when the second tragedy struck
During one windy night , the chapel of sandpoint burnt to the ground taking with it the lives of Ezakien Tobyn the main priest of the town and Nuala his adoptive daughter which celestial blood made varisians in the town think her a blessed of Desna .
The fire did not stop there and consumed the North Coast Stables , the White deer inn and three houses .
In the last five years , the town has rallied . the buildings destroyed were rebuilt and a special fund was created to rebuild the chapel as a cathedral around the seven standing stones which were the site of Desna's worship among the varisians before the setting of Sandpoint

Today is a great day : the cathedral was finally finished some days ago . this is the first day of autumn and the day of the swallowtail festival a sacred day for Desna . This day is also the day for the official reconsecration of the cathedral and all the citizens of Sandpoint are there to finally put the pas to rest and celebrate a new future for Sandpoint
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Of course, YOU are there !
I would like all of you to think of it as a holiday occasion . So please think what you would have taken with you for this day , if you are wearing armor or weapons , what kind of spells you have memorized and so on.

Hello , all !
I'm thinking of starting a Rise Of the Runelords PbM .

Ok technical matters first :
You are all native of sandpoint. As sandpoint is a traditional adventure not given to newfangled notions , traditionals classes will definitevely have an advantage but advanced classes still have a chance if their concept grab me .
25 Pts build since I'm considered a killer DM ! For information , I LOVE Roleplay but I am also a mean tactical DM so if you do not know how a AoO works , you'd better not apply

Also the really bad news I suck at internet and do NOT know how to post a map ... So any help there will be welcome ...
Second bad news , english is my second language ...
Third bad news : people I already gamed with have priority
Fouth bad news : I think this will take at least 3 years real time to finish so please don't apply if you are not sure to stay the course

Depending of your concept , I'll try to give you a mentor in Sandpoint. I do not want to put a time limit on applications . We'll start when we'll have a viable group . I 'm actually thinking of a 5 players group but I could stretch to a 6th so do not worry if your stats/feats/skills are not maximized . As I said Roleplay is important to me so a well played character is important to me . that being said do no charge the balrog with AC 10 and if it makes you pass 5 AoO ...

Hello I 'm looking for two or three players to continue a campaign set in/around Taldor
So far we have a rogue, a cleric and a wizard

Pathfinder rules
20 point build

It has three days since you arrived at the sleepy little town of Mormarch
Mormarch is one old town which is just one half day travel north from Oppara . There are frequent coaches who travel the well used road to and from Oppara and who stop at the Gray Frog the best inn in town
It's quite bucolic even rustic town which main purpose is to provide Oppara with agricultural produces . Several farms abound in the green country around
The only problem would seem to be the flies and mosquitos who lurks about the many ponds in the countryside . This is indeed civilized country but without any pretention to culture .
The local harvest fair has just finished and did provide the only excitment the town have had in the last months

For the Firdraes family, after several days here , you have come to the conclusion that the marriage will only happen if ever after several months. Sir Oribar did try to convince Vivaeris to at least aggree to meet the future groom . One other possible way to delay this until another way of action present itself would be to insist to the patrich that Vivaeris could not possibly be married before Halsanna since this could harm Halsanna chances of a good marriage .
The discussions have begun to be a little repetitive indeed and many of you begin to be a little bored. You don't even notice anymore the church bells ringing the hours in the night!

For Adjunta , the church of Abadar did sent you to act as an arbiter to the dealings of the merchants of the fair. Everything went all right , you even suspect that your presence was not really necessary , All people seemed to know each other fairly well and your roll was more akin to be a witness than an arbiter.

You have just all finished the midday repast at the Gray Frog when you can't help notice a youth wearing merchant apprentice garb coming in the inn rather agitated and asking loudly to the innkeeper where is the town sheriff since he has just been attacked by bandits and the town guard said he could report here
The innkeeper seem surprised but helpful and direct the youth to a nearby table where the sherif , a middle aged man is finishing a pint of beer . ( Feel free to act or ask question if you want. if you want to do a little back action on the family predicament , keep them in the discussion thread )

For Adjunta

The church here is a run down church of Aroden with one old priest of Aroden. There are of course little shrines to other gods in the church itself but the role of the priest is more ceremonial (he is of course without any divine powers)

This is the discussion thread .
Post your characters here so we'll be able to check them
The group is in my mind doable for several adventures

Hello , would anyone be interested by a first level adventure ?
The rules would be 20 points characters and the first adventure would be in either Andoran or Taldor
I 'm thinking 5-6 players for this adenture but if we mesh well , I'll continue with others adventures
3.Pbeta means Paizo beta rules and D&D 3.5 corerule books . You can always propose feats , spells or classes from other sources but they might be not accepted
The first adventure is light hearted so if you can't take your character being a little ridiculous, you'll be bored. Just don't expect to save the world at first level ...

Hello , I've a problem
I know that haunts are supposed to create a fear , mind affecting effect and that paladins ate immune to this but how does it work in play in Foxglove Manor ?
I 've got a player who likes to be active and I dread telling him :
'Once again , you're immune to the effect . Take the experience point for the story I told you and be happy ! '
I would like to know it any master has a paladin in his group how he dealt with this

Reading the Magnimar description , I 'm a bit worried
There are three main churches described and the only head of these churches who is described can't raise the dead

As a Killer DM (according to my players) , I would like to know if there is anyone in Varisia who can cast Raise the Dead .
I can deal with the reasons why he would cast this spell for total strangers ( ik adventurers ) but I'm curious

Since the death of the elder kaijitsu , the kaijitsu manor is empty
Does the AP intend to do something with this or would it be ok if Ameiko give rooms on it to the adventurers ?

I'm a little worried about having a paladin in STAP

At the end of the campaign , if I understand well , the group will have to deal with demons to stop Demogorgon. I don't see a paladin accept this

First adventure ! "so an official says you didn't pay your dues and you don't have any proof , milady ? I'm sorry , I do believe you but I can't allow breaking and entering the ship giving the situation " . Ok , what you could do is having the paladin actually view the exchange of money some days before then he would know soller lies and it would help him take the law in his own hands in this particular case .

This resolves the first module but what about the end of STAP

Current Campaign

The DZA's Greyhawk Adventures!

A return to the classic, with a modern twist.