
Henrix's page

9 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


James Jacobs wrote:
Remember: When you face the bow, port is to the left, because it has the same number of letters. Which means, since starbord is the one left, it's right to say starbord is right because it's left.

Bah, my viking ancestors cry out to say that starboard is where you have the steering oar (precursor to both the rudder and wheel) and that you steer with your right hand. Much simpler.

You're absolutely right. The dragon age categories are a sort of throwback to the times when monsters were not scaleable.

If you wanted a tougher gnoll you invented a new monster, the flind.
In 3.x that is no longer necessary, monsters can (relatively easily) be scaled, given class levels, etc. (Nowadays, if you want a tougher gnoll you make a fiendish half-troll gnoll ranger/dervish....... uh, I digress.)

We never see, say, 5HD fire giant children as the main monster, so why are immature dragons so common?

- Greyhawk: 61
- Homebrew : 31
- Forgotten Realms : 26
- Eberron : 22
- Planescape : 14
- Dark Sun : 11
- Ravenloft : 11
- Al-Qadim : 9
- Mystara/Hollow World : 7
- Dragonlance : 7
- Ptolus : 6
- Birthright : 6
- Spelljammer : 6
- The Styes : 5
- Wilderlands of High Fantasy/City State of the Invincible Overlord : 5
- Iron Kingdoms : 5
- Kara-Tur : 3
- Freeport : 2
- Council of Wyrms (v.3.5): 2
- Oriental Adventures / settings : 2
- Maztica : 2
- Wheel of Time : 2
- Scarred Lands : 1
- Diablo : 1
- Everquest : 1
- Ghostwalk : 1
- kingdoms of Kalamar :
- Midnight :
- Sundered Reaches :
- Warcraft :

For those of us who live in a faraway land, and like to support our FLGS, will it be available to distributors?

I wonder if the Greyhawk Regional feats'll be in there?

Mosaic wrote:
For anyone whose interested, you can hear the Pogues (an Irish folk/punk band) sing "Worms" on their album 'If I Should Fall From Grace WIth God.'

That song has been going around in my head ever since I started DMing AoW! Really good to start the sessions with!

grodog wrote:
You might also be interested to see a DragonChess board that was recently auctioned on eBay:

Thanks, Grodog!

I just forwarded this link to my group currently playing AoW, and thought I'd put the simpler ebay link here as well (without all the searches ;)

Claw wrote:
Read the Fiend Folio: "The demodands are the self-appointed keepers of the Carcerian population. They are the jailers and the wardens, although they are mostly prisoners of the plane as surely as the petitioners they try to watch."

Yes, the key to this is the self-appointed bit. The demodands are, or at least were in Planescape, as much prisoners as everyone else on Carceri, even though they like to deceive the other prisoners that they are the wardens.

They are a tragic sort of fellas, fallen beyond redemption to almost lord over the plane they are imprisoned on.

Claw wrote:
I also found this to be a little paradoxical and confusing: that the cagewrights are helping the guards of the prison plane (the demodands) open a portal & some of them also want to free one of the prisoners (Adimarchus). I think as someone else pointed out above, isn't it the duty of the demodands not to let their prisoners out?

Who says the deomdandds are guards? They're not, and certainly not appointed by anyone else. They're prisoners themselves, even though they like to lord over the other prisoners!

Whoever imprisoned Adimarchus on Carceri, well, it wasn't the demodands. Nor is it they who decide if he stays or not. If they (or rather their "god" Apomp) think it will serve their cause to try to help Adimarchus out they will.

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The Glass River Rescue Table 2 (inactive)