
Helen Taylor 558's page

Organized Play Member. 5 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 5 Organized Play characters.


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A Voyager style journey where the party get dropped into unknown reaches of space and have to find their way home while being hounded by the villain of the piece and his forces.

That is really handy. Thank you.

It's not the flicking between tables that bothers me. It's just making sure that I have everything covered.

That's not a bad idea. Thank you.

I'm a fan of rolling random treasure for my adventures. A bit old school like that and the tables in back of Ultimate Equipment have been a blessing. But since picking up the extra books and especially the smaller tactics books with more magic items, I obviously don't have a means to include them in the random treasure generation. Has anyone come up with a means to rectify this and include them? Thanks.

The thing to remember is that Entangle doesn't make plants grow it just makes them entangle anything in the area of effect.